This is the Calendar of events for various fund raising purposes.
The Church budget assumes that $10,000 will be raised from events with a figure in the Church column. Other events are either to raise funds for external purposes, or as social events.
Date |
Weekday |
Event |
Organisers |
Contact person |
Funds Raised |
Beneficiary |
Church |
Other |
Feb |
23 |
Sat |
Italian Night (tbc) |
Fund Raising Gr |
Church |
Mar |
2 |
Sat |
Book Fair |
Gold FISH & Book Gr |
Church |
Devonshire Tea |
Uniting Voices |
Eileen Scott |
Church |
23-26 |
Sat-Tue |
Trip to Philip Island |
Getaways |
Faye Wagon |
N/A |
N/A |
Fellowship |
28 |
Thu |
Maundy Thursday Service |
29 |
Fri |
Good Friday Service |
Sunday 31 Easter Service Ministry Team
APRIL School Holiday from 29 March to 14 April Saturday 20 Private Function (tbc) Church Office
N/A N/A External Saturday 27 Asian Dinner (tbc) Fund Raising Gr Vida
Church MAY
Sunday 26 Concert with Monash Chorale (tbc) Uniting Voices Barbara Hurst/ Elwyn Pedersen
Church JUNE Saturday & Sunday 15/16 Craft Exhibition (tbc) Faye Wagon & Margaret Lemke Faye & Margaret
Church Saturday 22 Private Function
Church Office
Sunday 23 Church Anniversary Ministry Team
Sunday 30 5th Sunday
School Holiday from 29 June to 14 July JULY
SEPTEMBER Sunday 1 Concert Free Spirit Deb Leigh
Sunday 29 5th Sunday
School Holiday from 21 September to 6 October OCTOBER
Saturday 19 F E T E FETE Committee
Trip to Daylesford Getaways Faye Wagon N/A N/A Fellowship
Christmas Lunch ? ?
School Holiday from 21 December to 27 January 2014 Tuesday 24 Christmas Eve Service Ministry Team
Wednesday 25 Christmas Service Ministry Team
Sunday 29 5th Sunday
NOTE: If you are planning an event, please ensure that you have applied for Church Council’s permission & notified VidaFoo to ensure Council’s directives are adhered to and your event added to the Events Calendar. Booking is based on a "first come, first served" basis.