Differences between revisions 1 and 38 (spanning 37 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2012-12-23 02:04:01
Size: 460
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: from John Snare's email
Revision 38 as of 2021-04-19 06:26:38
Size: 1124
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#acl JohnSnare:read,write,admin FreeSpiritGroup:read,write Known:read All: ##DLM Standard group definition page
#format wiki
#language en
#acl DavidMorgan:read,write,admin All:read
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These are the currently recorded members of FreeSpirit. == Free Spirit ==
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This page lists the members of the group.
For further information about the group, please see the group's [[FreeSpirit|wiki page]]
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 * AlanCook  * MatthewBoldiston
 * JonathonChandler
 * JohnColvin
 * MargaretColvin
 * AlisonCook
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 * StephenEmms
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 * EvelynFleming
 * HerbFleming
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 * HeatherHon
 * LoisHosking
 * LiseHales
 * HelenaHannan
 * AlisonHocking
 * HelenJackson
 * MichaelKennedy
 * ColinKing
 * JacquiKing
 * JesseLang
 * MiriniLang
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 * LucyLu
 * FairlieMackinnon
 * LynMaslen
 * IreneMerta
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 * LynnPeters
 * NeilPeters
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 * MarjorieSnare  * SandyTuininga
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~-This page was generated in [[GwucIgor|Igor]] from data extracted from the ChurchDatabase on Mon, 19 Apr 2021
To change this page, please change the database and request an update from DavidMorgan.-~
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CategoryMusic CategoryGroup

FreeSpiritGroup (last edited 2024-01-31 20:24:23 by DavidMorgan)