Finance Committee Meeting: 7th October 2014, commenced at 7.50pm.

1. Present:

Ashley Irvine, Peter Stewart, Neil Peters, Matt Graham.

2. Apologies:

Warren Greenwood

3. Minutes of meeting of 12 September 2014.

Refer to notes written by Ashley in lieu of September meeting. Accepted without amendments.

4. Prior matters:

4.1. MYOB Software:

Not discussed, will add to November meeting agenda.

4.2. 2012 audit:

Chris from Yates Partners has completed the 2012 audit, given us their audit opinion letter and invoice, which we have paid. Awaiting folder back from them.

4.3. 2013 audit:

Peter has found a few discrepancies for both bank accounts whilst comparing the balance sheets between 2012 and 2013. We believe it to be the interest component in the UCA account. The small difference in the Westpac account will require some analysis for the reason, Ashley to do so in the next two weeks). The P&L report seems accurate and needs no further investigation into any transactions. Ashley to arrange 2013 folder to be delivered to Yates Partners by the end of October for them to commence audit.

5. Agenda:

5.1. 2014 Financial TYD June 2014:

Following from congregational meeting in August 2014, Ashley showed an excel spreadsheet charting the decline in giving income over the past 3 years. Of significant interest was the drop in (guesstimated) open plate funds, the budgeted amount coming from last year’s actuals. No significant unbudgeted expenses. Matt suggested we provide a breakdown of the entries in the differed maintenance provision account, Ashley to do so.

5.2. 2015 Budget:

Ashley showed the provisional budget for 2015. Until the new amounts are known at the end October from the Planned Giving Program, I have budgeted our income based on trends from the past two years. All missional groups have returned their budgets. Comment made on the budget expenditure of broadcast expenditure, which seemed high. The only other unknown variable will if we employ someone in the Children’s and Families ministry, from when and the hours per week. This is yet to be decided by Council.

Warren I have attached a copy for your interest.

6. General:

Correspondence from Port Phillip Presbtery regarding Mission and Service giving amount for 2015. In the letter they have requested $57,000. We propose to continue to pledge $55,000 only for 2015, the same amount we currently do in 2014.

We did not discuss the ongoing issue with the Kombi Van.

Money counters: Matt is continuing to monitor that the counters are splitting monies from each service, and the group discussed the reduced people on the roster, and requirement from Synod that they undergo a police check. This request is likely have an adverse impact against people we have trusted to count money for over 20 years. Matt is looking at re-designing the form.

Meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

Next meeting: scheduled for Tuesday 11th November 2014 at 7.30pm at GWUC.

Minutes complied by: Ashley Irvine,. Sent via email to Helen Stewart & Judy Lowe.