Email agreeing to safety modifications to fence

From: Warren <[email protected]>
Date: 18 August 2011 9:46:10 AEST
To: Heather Stewart <[email protected]>

Cc: James Paterson <[email protected]>, GWUC <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Glen Waverley Uniting Church, corner of Bogong Avenue & Kingsway, Glen Waverley

Hi Heather, to confirm my telephone advice today, GWUC is more than happy to assist MCC to improve the safety of the driveway access from 12 Bogong ave by allowing council to alter our fence line to give drivers a safe view as they leave your property.

To confirm the discussions with James, at Councils expense, you will:
1. Set the fence line back by a diagonal of up to 2 meters at the North/west corner of the GWUC playground.
2. The bush in the corner may go. The large tree in that corner must not be effected by these changes.
3. The fence will be returned to the same height and construction to ensure the playground remains compliant with Council regulations for a children's playground.
4. Council will place some sleeper style and height edges to the corner, creating a low level garden that still clearly defines the property edges. If possible, could council put some mulch or similar into the triangle space. Either council or GWUC will plant some low bushes/shrubs that will not grow to a height that will interfere with vision? Small conifer etc.
5. Council will verify with the Church Office manager on 9560 3580 between 9 and 5 weekdays, as to when work will commence to ensure the playgroups that use the playground are aware of the works and they can either be done outside playgroup times or at a time the playgroup people can accommodate.
6. If there are any questions or concerns Council or it's staff can contact me on my mobile at any time.

I hope that is all you need to proceed. Thank you for talking to us, we are more than happy to work with council whenever we can.

Warren Greenwood
Property Chairman