#acl All:read = Faith Development Missional Group Meeting Notes = 9 October 2013 The aim of Faith Development Missional Group is: * Encouraging and facilitating opportunities for people of all ages to grow and develop their relationship with God and its impact on their life. * Empowering people to share their faith questions and providing safe places for people to wrestle with these questions. * Listening to what people are ‘seeking’ and empowering and resourcing them to search for answers. Important points from the meeting: * Our faith is central to ALL the forms of mission we do, but it is also an integral mission in itself. * Is it up to us to provide materials for faith development or to help people with where to find what they are looking for? * It is important for missional groups to partner together for certain activities. * We are all journeying to the same place (God) but just coming at it by different journeys and from different routes. * We need to look at other ways of developing our faith other than just Bible studies and worship. How can we do this? * What is our role in helping create a spiritually rich Christian community? * Is being ‘church’ about getting people to come to us to learn from us and ‘join’ us or is it about going out and learning from the ‘unchurched’ people and meeting them where they are at through genuine relationships? * Core group of people who are passionate about faith development. * Could we have a ‘Missional Group’ gathering/meeting instead of a ‘service’ on 5th Sundays? * Ministers to help provide spiritual and administrative leadership. * Getting study groups together to share, reflect and question. * Retreat opportunities. Becoming a Community of Love. What does that mean? * 1 Corinthians 13 * building relationships and interconnectedness * reaching out to others * trust, honesty and understanding - affirming