#acl ColinKing:read,write All:read == Report from The Faith Development Group. September, 2011. == At our September meeting, which was held in August, we had as our main item of focus the goals and objectives of the group and also the contemplation of a new name.<
> The new name is at the head of this article and reflects the principle aim of the group, that is, to foster and encourage the development of faith at personal and community levels.<
> === Goals and Objectives === We settled on a few main focus points and many possibilities springing from those. The central items were: * Increase focus on faith development. * Explore the range of spiritual practices. * Develop resources. * Highlight the importance of open discussion. * Hold a conference or thematic event each year. Following these principle aims, the following ideas ensued; * It could be beneficial to conduct an audit of the many groups at GWUC, in view of assistance and encouragement. * Hold periodic studies, of about six week duration. * Develop email/discussion board/ blog type group that which people could participate. * Having a book review in New View and a book club discussion facility. * Using the web site to publicize television, DVDs, books, etc that might be of interest. * Put kid friendly material on the web site. * Look at the potential of new Seasons of the Spirit material and have a space for people for quiet reflection during the week. === Worship Review === This process is underway and will be concluded before the end of year. === Advent === Planning for advent happenings is already taking place. Colin King. (Convener). ---- CategoryFaith