#acl All:read == Annual report for 2013 == Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received. <
>Enquiries to DavidMorgan. [[#Broadcast Ministry | Broadcast Ministry]] <
> [[#Community Hub MG | Community Hub MG]] <
> [[#Cooee | Cooee]] <
> [[#Faith Development MG | Faith Development MG]] <
> [[#Inclusive Community MG | Inclusive Community MG]] <
> [[#Leisure Time | Leisure Time]] <
> [[#Property Committee | Property Committee]] <
> [[#Story Hub | Story Hub]] <
> [[#The Hub | The Hub]] <
> [[#Welfare Committee | Welfare Committee]] <
> ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Broadcast Ministry'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To provide a broadcast of selected worship services to selected locations and record and create DVD for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. To create and support an in home and hospital ministry. || || Current Office Bearers:|| None – Joint leadership || || Membership numbers:|| 6 || || Usual meeting attendance:|| Ad-Hoc as required – usually email, Facetime and skype || || Meeting times and days:|| Ad-Hoc as required – usually email, Facetime and skype || || Locations used by Group:|| Homes and Worship centre Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| • Beeac Broadcasts successfully each month. • Beeac community coming to GWUC for the fete • GWUC Community going to Beeac for one Two way broadcast • The preparation of DVD’s for Beeac, Rokewood and Boort • The continued interest in DVD’s from GWUC services, weddings, funerals and other special events. • Visit to Boort to meet the leadership team. • Expand the service recordings to 11.00am worship. • Upgrade of the GWUC computer facilities, provide Blog options so people can select from a number of recent services instead of just the last. • Expanded the ministry to seniors and home shut ins via the use of 3 iPads. • Training for youth representatives to expand recording to 7.00pm services || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Recognition that in all worship it maybe recorded, broadcast and/or podcast on web. An understanding of what this means to worship preparation. Encouragement Recognition that we have many friends in Beeac, Rokewood and Boort watching our services Expanding the ministry in 2014 to 8.00m service and to develop a streaming facility that will allow more than one congregation or person at home to watch simultaneously. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Community Hub MG'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Aiming through our activities of Cooee, Leisure Time, Playgroup, Story Hub, The Hub and Welfare Committee to open up our Church to the local community as a welcoming, supportive and friendly place of Christian hospitality. || || Current Office Bearers:|| Judith Greenwood - Co-ordinator<
>Geraldine Fleming - Secretary<
>CHMG Team - Judith Greenwood, Geraldine Fleming, Kaye Mackinnon, Laurel Muir, Margaret Fraser, Bev Richardson, Dorothy Lockhart, Belinda Clear. || || Membership numbers:|| 8 on CHMG team<
>Well over 100 volunteers || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 8 for CHMG meeting || || Meeting times and days:|| CHMG meeting - Wednesday afternoon, 4 times a year || || Locations used by Group:|| CHMG meeting - Room 2<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| <
>As per attached - <
>Cooee, Leisure Time, Playgroup, Story Hub, The Hub and Welfare Committee. || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Support, prayer and participation. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Cooee'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Friendship and support || || Current Office Bearers:|| None || || Membership numbers:|| 5 || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 4 || || Meeting times and days:|| Friday 12noon - 3pm || || Locations used by Group:|| Fellowship area<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| Continued support || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| No || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Faith Development MG'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| cil<
>Group Name: Faith Development Mission Group<
>Purpose, Aim or Mission of the<
>To further develop and enhance the faith<
>development opportunities for the<
>congregation and to empower people to<
>follow their passions in the area of faith<
>development || || Current Office Bearers:|| Members take turns to chair meetings || || Membership numbers:|| 12 || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 9 || || Meeting times and days:|| 8 pm, Wednesdays || || Locations used by Group:|| Homes of members<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| Holy Week services and Way of the Cross conducted by Elders<
>Lenten Study based upon “Spiritual Listening” by Alice Fryling when 3 groups met in<
>Children's ministry, KAT format started at 9.15 am service<
>W.O.M.P. (Write On Me Please) board located in the fellowship area for people to write<
>their faith reflections and comments<
>Advent and Christmas services planned<
>26 Nov. Remembrance service at 7.30 pm<
>1 Dec. Family lunch after combined service<
>8 Dec. seniors service<
>15 Dec. Lessons and Carols (11 am)<
>19/20 Dec. Christmas Alight<
>22 Dec. combined service<
>22 Dec. Evening Carols (7.30 pm, outside)<
>24 Dec. Christmas Eve services<
>25 Dec. Christmas services<
>29 Dec. combined service<
>Please keep this report to no more than 2 pages in total || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Inclusive Community MG'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To develop fellowship groups within the congregation, to improve pastoral care and welcoming procedures, to offer hospitality within the congregation, to support Seniors' Ministry, to support those who are performing tasks including Supportive care link and Cradle Roll, to work with Communications Committee to improve communication within GWUC. || || Current Office Bearers:|| Jan Clear -Convenor. || || Membership numbers:|| 6 || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 6 || || Meeting times and days:|| Meetings are held once a month. Times (during the day ) are flexible. || || Locations used by Group:|| Meetings are held in the church building or in homes. <
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| 1. Munch with a Bunch lunches have been held at the RSL and Mountain View hotel every couple of months. <
>2. Morning teas have been held after 11am services every month. <
>3. We met with Alanee and plan to have a lunch or tea next year for young families, youth and older people. We will arrange a time with Belinda and Alanee. <
>4. We have organised lunches after combined services. <
>5. We support CLUB 2013 and Seniors' functions. <
>6. We organised Sharonne Price's visit in August and have conducted several workshops since then. We will finish the workshops early next year and do some more work on forming clusters. The first clusters will include those who have asked for contact and we have been unable to provide that. || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| 1. To provide volunteers as required. <
>2. To support all programs including the Pastoral Partners' program. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Leisure Time'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Leisure Time is a community outreach program of GWUC. It serves the aged and lonely members of the Glen Waverley community in an inclusive and caring way.<
>Leisure Time aims to:<
>o Enable those in its care to develop positive relationships with each other and their community;<
>o Deliver high quality services which promote human dignity;<
>o Liaise and cooperate with other community service agencies in developing accessible and relevant services || || Current Office Bearers:|| Coordinator & Care Coord: Margaret Fraser<
>Secretary: Pam McDonald<
>Treasurer & Outings Coordinator: Cliff Baker<
>Other committee members:<
>Elwyn Pederson (Roster Sec.), Laurel Muir (Kitchen Coord.), Pat Vevers (Care Sec.& Outings), Jenny Robertson (Asst Treas.), Ross Vevers (Outings), Jeanette Coutts (Outings), Barbara Thompson (Outings), Alison Clarkson & Bev Richardson (Church Council reps.**)<
>Community Hub MG reps: Margaret Fraser, Laurel Muir<
>Non-committee office bearers:<
>Bobbie Rooks (Transport coordinator)<
>Jane Adams (Police Check administrator)<
>**With new Church Council structure, we will review relevant part of our L.T. Constitution in early 2014 || || Membership numbers:|| 30 guests on list during 2013 (several ins and outs), with aim of having 20 in attendance on any given Monday. <
>63 volunteers (mostly on monthly roster) || || Usual meeting attendance:|| Average attendance has been about 15 guests per week over the year.<
>Each Monday*, we use 3-5 drivers, 4 home cooks, 3 kitchen helpers and 3-4 hosts.<
>*Total of 63 volunteers. All helpers are on a roster, and most help once/month. || || Meeting times and days:|| Every Monday, except public hols and Christmas school holidays, 10.30am - 2pm || || Locations used by Group:|| Fellowship area, kitchen and Room 1.<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| o Continuing and growing positive relationships with and between guests. Many say it is the highlight of their week. Volunteers value the fellowship too.<
>o Our guests appreciate the opportunity to meet weekly in such a friendly and hospitable setting, for a nice meal, and a chance to chat and laugh. We quite rightly claim to promote “social inclusion” and “community engagement” when we apply for our Community Grant through Monash City Council each year. <
>o We have organised 5 successful outings this year. Successful application for Monash Community Grant to subsidise outing costs.<
>o Pastoral care of guests and their families and with some volunteers is considered a significant part of our Christian care. For example, we have supported those with deaths in the family, including one guest who suffered the suicide death of her grandson, and those whose medical conditions have deteriorated. We have visited those who have neede to move into residential care. We have also provided support to Maria's family following her death, including attending the funeral.<
>o Promotion of Leisure Time widely in the local community, and with other aged support agencies, including participation in the Monash Interagency Network (local aged care agencies) and Monash Positive Ageing Lifestyles (PALS) program.<
>o Members of the committee who lead with enthusiasm and great commitment.<
>o Participation in the Community Hub Missional Group with a targeted support for the member groups including Leisure Time and their work in the local community.<
>o Celebration of Grandparents' Day as a combined Leisure Time and Playgroup session during Seniors Month (October). || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| o Encourage congregational members to assist as volunteers <
>o Pray for continued wisdom in planning our programs, and for our guests.<
>o Support all our volunteers and the committee in their efforts for this weekly program<
>o In spite of an obvious community need, the age, isolation and medical status of our guests make maintaining optimum numbers on our guest list a constant challenge. We do rely on “word of mouth” and our positive reputation with local agencies to connect with seniors who would benefit from attending Leisure Time. <
>NB. An annual report with more detail is prepared for the AGM in April and will be sent to Church Council following that meeting. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Property Committee'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia. To generate income from the property in a manner that is consistent with the UCA and GWUC philosophies. || || Current Office Bearers:|| Chairperson: Warren Greenwood || || Membership numbers:|| 10 || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 10 || || Meeting times and days:|| 1st Monday of every month – 7.45pm || || Locations used by Group:|| (Wherever allocated) Usually Room 1 Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| • “Spring Cleans” completed. Property & Manses all in good condition. <
>• Installation of new external signage completed. <
>• Careful Kitchen Crew continues to pass all Monash Council Food Safety inspections and being awarded highest level of compliance. <
>• Expenditure In line with Budget. <
>• Indonesia Congregation (UCA) from Mulgrave UCA to rent 19 Southdown for up to 10 years. <
>• 15 Southdown to be vacated by 31 December and new minister to occupy 16th January 2014 <
>• (Negative highlight) Increased Insurance and services charges (10%) || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| • Continued and ongoing support. <
>• More Cleaning Volunteers – we may be forced to paying for cleaning. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Story Hub'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Providing a place for parents to meet other parents and for children to listen to a story and play. || || Current Office Bearers:|| || || Membership numbers:|| || || Usual meeting attendance:|| Average of 3-4 families each week || || Meeting times and days:|| 10am each Friday during school terms || || Locations used by Group:|| Foyer<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| Story Hub has grown from 2 families attending earlier in the year, to now an average of 3-4 families each week. There is a solid group of 2 families who attend every week, but it seems to be a fairly transient group. || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Prayer support || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''The Hub'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To connect with people in the community who come in to the church, and also people in our congregation, by being welcoming and offering hospitality. || || Current Office Bearers:|| Judith Greenwood - Co-ordinator<
>Support Team - Laurel Muir, Lois Hosking || || Membership numbers:|| 50 Volunteers || || Usual meeting attendance:|| The Hub Volunteers' lunch and <
>get togethers - 25<
>Number of visitors to The Hub varies. || || Meeting times and days:|| The Hub volunteers' lunch and get together -<
>twice a year<
>The Hub operates Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 2pm, and Wednesday 10am - 12noon<
>During school term. || || Locations used by Group:|| Church foyer and kitchen. <
>Also fellowship area for special morning teas. <
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| <
>Special Morning Teas at The Hub - Well attended, great atmosphere, increase in number of people from the community.<
>Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea in March - $270 donated to The Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal.<
>Cancer Council Australia's Biggest Morning Tea in May - $600.45 donated to Cancer Council Victoria .<
>Muffin Morning in August - $305.75 donated to Cancer Council Victoria.<
>Seniors' Morning Tea in October - Group of about 20 people from the City of Whitehorse and a few people from Doncaster attended as well as many from our local community. <
> <
>Christmas Morning Tea at The Hub to be held in December.<
>Children's Christmas Photos in Nativity Dress-ups at The Hub in December - a great chance to tell the Christmas story very simply as children dress up.<
>Continued support and participation in some of our special morning teas from The Body Shop staff and Muddings Bakery.<
>Many people continue to come to The Hub to practise speaking English in an informal way. These people also looking for a community to belong to. Many feel at home at The Hub and even make their own cuppa.<
>The Hub events being advertised in the Monash Council PALS booklet bringing in more people from the community.<
>Donation of $50 from PALS Monash Seniors' Festival towards our Seniors' Morning Tea.<
>A few regular visitors to The Hub have returned to their homes overseas, but continue to keep in contact with us by email, always saying thank you for the help we gave them, how much they miss us all at The Hub and that they hope to come back to The Hub one day. || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| <
>Continued support, prayer and participation.<
>Encourage others to help by being volunteers at The Hub.<
>Would church council advise us re setting up an 'emergency assist' list when we have the occasional difficult/problem guest situation. || ||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<>'''Welfare Committee'''+~ || || Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| The purpose of the GWUC Welfare Committee is underpinned by the mission of the GWUC within the Community Hub Mission Group.<
>We provide practical, spiritual and emotional support to those in our Church and in the wider community, who seek our assistance. Some recipients self refer, others are referred by congregation members or local agencies. All referrals are responded to promptly.<
>Primarily our focus is on the day to day living expenses and general independent functioning of individuals and families<
>Those we see are encouraged to access existing community resources including those within our Church. || || Current Office Bearers:|| Co-ordinator: Dorothy Lockhart<
>Sec./treasurer: Faye McDougall || || Membership numbers:|| 3. The current ministry team assists in working with welfare inquiries. || || Usual meeting attendance:|| 3 || || Meeting times and days:|| Quarterly formal and minuted meetings, with ongoing informal liaison amongst members as required || || Locations used by Group:|| GWUC meeting rooms<
>Highlights of the year: || || Highlights:|| In our interactions and the variety of interventions, with or on behalf of those we assist, we pray and endeavour in some way , as representatives of GWUC, that we are able to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.<
>Assistance has included providing a “listening ear”; counselling on a number of levels: sharing a prayer; referring to and liaising with specific community agencies ; accompanying the recipient of our service on community visits to various agencies as appropriate; providing food vouchers, finance and transport vouchers ;Christmas vouchers with toy/food donations from our congregation; and channelling donations to GWUC to specific areas of need amongst our recipients of care.<
> || || Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Our Committee would be grateful if our requests for annual grants, that are submitted, continue to receive consideration.<
>We continue to be very grateful to our Church family in responding to special areas of need that are identified to them ||