How To Edit the Elders Roster

and other useful things about the Elders' Roster.

About this Roster

This roster is automatically generated. You can read how this is done in RosterAutomaticAllocation. The EldersRosterPreferences page is available for you to express your preferences as for which services you want to be rostered, and you can ask not to be rostered on a particular day by using the UNAVAILABLE column, as described in the Edit Instructions above.

If you are unavailable for a particular day, please enter your name in the UNAVAILABLE column for that day.

It is assumed that putting your name in only one unavailable time slot for the day (8am is the preferred time) means that you are unavailable for the whole day, and the rostering system will not allocate you for that day. (Note that the new automatic system does not handle partial unavailability for a particular day.) If you need instructions on how to edit this page, scroll to the end of this page.

This roster is built on the principle that allocations can be either fixed or tentative. Fixed allocations cannot be changed automatically, and if you want to change them, it is your responsibility to arrange a swap with someone. It is preferred that you arrange a swap with someone who is already a fixed allocation, as then neither of your allocations will subsequently be changed. Fixed allocations are marked in colour, and are links to the contact details for the person, so that you can quickly contact them.

Tentative allocations can be removed if you are unavailable, and will be automatically reallocated. If you find that you are unavailable, or if you know you are going to be away for any number of Sundays, simple add your (wiki)name in the appropriate unavailable row/column, and you need do nothing more. The roster program will automatically find a replacement. You can only do this if your name appears in black (a tentative allocation) for the particular day.

The length of time for which you are fixed is at your discretion. You can change it in the EldersRosterPreferences. Be aware that the longer you mark yourself as fixed, the less flexibility you have in finding replacements if you need to swap. The shorter your fixed allocation, the more you need to keep track of when your next rostered duty may be.

The roster is automatically updated each Wednesday, at 40 minutes past midnight, Melbourne Time. It will preserve all allocations within the individual's preferred fixed time, and may reallocate any tentative allocations. Whether or not a tentative allocation is moved depends upon whether there have been any changes in the unavailability columns since the last allocation. The more people are able to notify their unavailability in the future, the less changes will happen in the tentative roster.

Enter your dates for unavailability either by editing the RosterEldersCurrent page, or by contacting the ChurchOffice or JohnHurst.

Past sundays are shown at EldersRosterPrevious.

A tally of allocations over both the last 52 weeks and the next 52 weeks can be seen at EldersDutyTally.
