ELDERS' COUNCIL - Agenda 08 Jun 2011

Held at 7.45pm, Room 1 at the Church, Wednesday 8 Jun 2011.

  1. Opening Prayer
    • Joys and Concerns
  2. Apologies
  3. Learning segment <update as necessary>

    • MargaretFraser reported on the 29 May 2011 workshop:

    • Sundays on Mondays
    • Strategies on affirming the Monday to Friday activities
    • Look to using the database in more affirming ways
  4. Ministry Team Report/Feedback
    • Rosemary spoke of the ministers' retreat day. Looking at changing the way MT work, so that it is more constructive. Looking for challenges to present to the congregation.
  5. Updates from Missional Groups:
    1. Community of Faith
    2. Outreach Community
      • Flood report from Charlton - 3/4 of town affected, hospital has to be rebuilt. (see OutreachReport201106)

    3. Inclusive Community
      • Craft exposition - please support, and let Faye know of any further inputs
    4. Community Hub.
  6. JanClear - biblical interpretation

    • J. studying BI via correspondence, this evening part of her course. 1 Cor 12. Jan read the passage, then we wrote down striking words or ideas within it. Genres. Gs within the passage. Different Gs have different purposes. Narratives, histories, prophecies, gospel, ... What are the purposes of the different Gs? Epistle bodies are exhortations. Structure of 1 Cor 12. History and chronology of Paul's epistles, particularly Corinthians. Parallels to modern society, notwithstanding GW's idiosyncrasies. Understanding 1 Cor 12 should help us to build an eldership that is supportive to the congregation. Analogy to learning musical instruments, then playing ensemble.

      Spent ten minutes working in small groups looking at the Q "How can elders discharge the exhortation of 1 Cor 12?". G1: need to spend more time getting to know each other before we can seriously engage. Progressive dinners? G2: supporting people, their gifts and their talents. E.g. Prayers of the People? G3: identifying gifts, encourage people to contribute gifts, then using those gifts. Affirming secular skills as well as sacred. Value of prayer chains e.g. Ministry team letters. G4: how elders can support each other ... Looking and encouraging gifts in each other. Buddy system, texting each other. Encourage the use of hidden gifts.

  7. Other business
    • card from Alison Clarkson re Brian
    • elders roster issues (see report)
    • wiki issues
  8. Next meeting - 7.45pm, Wednesday 13 Jul 2011.
  9. Supper volunteers for the next meeting.

Minutes of our April Meeting are on the wiki page EldersMinutes20110413

Minutes Secretary


EldersMinutes20110608 (last edited 2012-01-20 08:24:57 by DavidMorgan)