#acl All:read == Elders at Glen Waverley 2012 == Elders are people who show leadership in the congregation, particularly in worship, Christian education, hospitality and pastoral care. === Meetings === The Elders meet on the second Wednesday each month for a time or learning, to share joys and concerns, and to be updated on current congregational initiatives and activities. These meetings are informal and we try to keep them to an hour and a half. === “Duties” (Optional) === In our congregation, Elders who so desire, may choose to contribute to public worship in a variety of ways – e.g., welcoming people to worship, assisting at Baptisms and Communion, leading the Prayers for Others, reading the Bible, and assisting with planning. Some Elders serve on Church Council. These “duties” are not now expected or required of all Elders. We leave it to each individual Elder to decide how she or he can contribute. === The Missional Groups === Elders are encouraged to support the Four Missional Groups in any way they can. === Pastoral Care === Elders are encouraged to regard the people in any group they belong to, inside and outside the Congregation, as their pastoral concern. === Worship === Elders are also encouraged to attend worship services other than the one they usually attend, from time to time. === Term of Office === Elders may choose a term from one year to five. === Summary === Elders at Glen Waverley should see themselves as a little bit of yeast which helps the loaf to rise.