Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2022-07-04 11:45:12
Size: 2129
Editor: DavidMorgan
Comment: Remove glass
Revision 12 as of 2022-10-25 00:07:54
Size: 2133
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#acl Known:read All: #acl Known:read All:read

Link to RosterDoor

Tasks for Door Stewards

  • Most days there are 2 stewards rostered for 9.30am and 11.00am services.
  • PLEASE wear your name tag. Steward's badges are on Foyer table.
  • Arrive 20 minutes before start of service.
  • Open windows to suit weather conditions and COVID ventilation requirements. The key is located in the sound room.
  • Switch on air conditioning if needed.
  • Check that lights are on.
  • Check hymn books and Bibles in pews.
  • Check placement of Offering Bowls. Two large offering bowls to be placed at the rear of the church for people to use on their way in. One on the front pew.
  • Distribute church bulletins and any other literature as people arrive and/or leave.
  • Show people to their seats - especially late and newcomers.
  • Count and record attendance numbers within the folder provided on the Stewards Table.
  • At the approriate time in the service, take one of the rear offering bowls forward for dedication. The other remains available for those leaving.
  • After the first service collect any surplus literature from pews and generally tidy up.
  • After the service, collect the offering cash and envelopes, place in provided bags and put in the safe in the vestry.

After 11am

  • If the windows have been opened, close and lock them.
  • Ensure that all lights, air conditioning etc, are turned off, and that all doors and windows are locked.
    • Air conditioning instructions are beside the controller.

In case of emergency collapse

Delegate steward on duty to ring Ambulance (000)
Church address: Glen Waverley Uniting Church
Cr Bogong Avenue and Kingsway
GLEN WAVERELY (Melway 71 C2.5)
Transport person, if possible, by wheelchair to Vestry (Wheelchair available in fire hose cupboard next to the office)
Lay the person down, head on low pillow, and legs raised on pillows
Blanket and pillows in bag at end of bed in Vestry.

Revised DavidMorgan June 2022.

DoorStewardsTasks (last edited 2024-02-21 04:18:23 by DavidMorgan)