Creating a New Home Page for Yourself

You don't have a home page if YourName appears in gray. When you create a home page, it allows others to contact you readily. You can set these pages so that only Glen Waverley Uniting Church users can see your details. Ask JohnHurst for help.

This will get you started:

  1. Click on your name (the joined-up version) in the visitor list (either the FirstTimeVisitors or PreviousVisitors pages). You should see a page saying 'This page does not exist yet.' If your name isn't in the visitor list, then click the FindPage button above, and type your name (joined-up version) into the "Go To Page" text box, then click the "Go To Page" button next to it.

  2. Click on the link 'HomepageTemplate' from the list, and edit it. Remove the two ` quote marks before the ME to make the heading your name.

  3. Edit the MailTo( fields ) to your email address. Note the fillers SPAMFREE - AT - DOT that stop spammers from harvesting your email address from these pages.

  4. Click 'Save Changes', then the 'GrowingGenerousGivers' tab at the top.

Your name is now in blue, indicating that you have a home page. You can edit your home page at any time.

CreateHomePage (last edited 2011-03-02 23:18:26 by JohnHurst)