#acl All:read Meeting of the Church Council Wednesday 17^th^ December 2008 at 7.30 pm '''MINUTES''' Matters of information: 1. Election of Councillors (Graham Lockhart) Elections were due before the end of 2008. Nominations will now close on January 17th, and the election will be held on Sunday February 1st, 2009. Commissioning is planned for February 8th. Four members are retiring; David and Helen Boucher, Kerryn Leister and Yan Emms. The last two have agreed to be nominated for re-election. There are five other vacancies. 1. Election of Elders (Graham Lockhart) The existing elders have an important meeting on February 11th, so elections will be after that. Proposed dates are nominations closing March 15th, election held March 29th, and induction on April 19th. 1. Allocation of additional Fete funds to COP (Graeme Frecker) No decision can be made tonight as the COP committee has not yet brought forward a proposal to council for its approval, as required by the congregation meeting. This is being held up waiting for the final determination of the amount available. 1. Executive approval of baptism of Thomas Manning Council approved this. 1. Leave request for Alison Dingwall, June to September 2009 This was noted and will be incorporated into supply planning as the time approaches. Matters of Decision: 6. Appointment of Church Council representative (Kerryn Leister) to Occasional Child Care Committee Kerryn's offer to take this position was gratefully accepted. 1. Task group(s) for future use of 19 Southdown and Hall Annexe (Graeme Frecker) The meeting accepted a proposal to set up a task group to examine all possibilities and present them to council in the new year. Herb Fleming has agreed to join this, and he and Graeme Frecker will seek other members. Matters coming to the congregational meeting 8. Confirmation of Ineke Gyles in supply for Jan to June 2009 Previous minutes on this were not clear. The original proposal was to invite Ineke subject to finance committee approval. This was subsequently given, but no clear proposal to invite her was recorded. The Council confirmed that this was the intention, and that it was included in the budget to be presented to the congregational meeting. Council agreed to request Presbytery that Ineke's supply appointment be extended to June 30, 2009. 9. Budget report Roger Vass reported that the budget would be similar to values previously shown to Council. He informed the Council that Presbytery had changed the formula for setting targets for contributions to Mission and Service Fund by congregations. A reduced emphasis on membership, and increased weighting on non-contribution income, assets, "profitability" and the mission that the congregation already undertakes, has led to Glen Waverley's calculated target being much less that the k$50 that we had offered. Recorded by David Morgan