#acl All:read '''__''MINUTES OF CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING''__''' Wednesday 17 September 2008 at 7.45 pm ''''' ''''' '''''Present '''''''John Hurst, Rev Ineke Gyles, Alanee Hearnshaw, Graeme Lockhart, Rev Lynette Dungan, Marjorie Bedford, Beverly McGlead, David Jackson, Warren Greenwood, Jan Clear, Amy Whittaker, Max Whittaker, Roger Vass, Yan Emms, Murray Lowe, Rev Greg Fry, Kerryn Leister, Brian Clarkson (interim Chair), David Morgan (Secretary), Wendy Wyatt (Minute Secretary).'' '' '' '''''Apologies '''''''Carolyn Blakemore, Graeme Frecker, Helen Boucher, David Boucher Alison Dingwall, Lynne Boyer, Doug Newberry, Kerryn Leister.'' '' '' '''''Devotions''''''' Yan Emms told a story of two urns who carried water from a stream to their master’s house every day. One urn was whole whilst the other was slightly cracked. The cracked pot felt it was not pulling his weight as it always arrived at the master’s house only half full. It conveyed its concern to the master who assured it that on the contrary, it was serving an extremely useful and beautiful purpose, watering the flowers along the pathway. Yan equated this with people who felt they were flawed, when in fact that ‘flaw’ could prove to be an asset. Followed by prayer.'' '' '' ''Chairman explained use of coloured consensus cards (as outlined in the Uniting Church 'Manual of Meetings') as a trial to facilitate the smooth running of the meeting. Yellow when you wish to speak, orange for warming toward agreement, and blue for feeling cool toward agreement. Advised Agenda items were ‘timed’, and expressed hope that the meeting would finish by 10.00 pm with a Motion for 15 minute extensions if necessary.'' '' '' '''''Confirmation of Minutes of previous meetings (August Church Council and Email Meeting)''''' ''Confirmed August Church Council'' ''Confirmed Email Meeting'' '' '' == Matters arising from Minutes not listed elsewhere == ''(a) Fete Proceeds Recommendations: After discussion and explanation of recipients and amount designated, it was decided that Church Council endorse that Recommendation I and 2 be brought to the Congregation Meeting to be held on 29 September for consideration and decision. Thanks expressed to the 2008 Fete Distribution Committee for their hard work on the Submissions.'' '' '' ''(b) ''''Meeting endorsed 12 October for Commissioning of Church Council members and Elders.'' '' '' == Correspondence == ''(a) ''''Leisure Time Constitution – minor change – accepted by meeting by consensus.'' ''(b) ''''UCA Information – tabled.'' '' '' == Reports == ''(a) ''__''Children & Families''__'' – tabled.'' '' '' ''(b) ''__''Ministry Team''__'' – Camp Jester was great with young and old alike sharing and encouraging one another. ‘Kirking of the Tartan’ also great with over 10 clans bringing their tartans to be blessed. Olivia, daughter of Katie & Glen Hunter was baptised. Funeral of Elsie Lewis on 19 September at 2.30 pm. Flowers and card dropped into Irene Marriott by Ineke on the occasion of her 95^th^ Birthday. Another member has been visited who will be 100 next February. Ministry to Seniors valuable. Magic Parenting Course upcoming. Also Blessing of Pets. Broadcast Ministry still being talked about in a positive way. Ministry Team at Synod in the coming week. Pastoral Care during this time to be followed up by a designated person. Lynette thanked all councillors, past and present, and the Elders, for support during her ministry. She has been energised by growth in faith, hope and love and prayed that GWUC will be attentive to God as it lived out its mission in Christ into the future. She also expressed hope that some will pop in to Warrandyte to say ‘hello’ as the years go by.'' '' '' ''(c) ''__''Caring and Sharing''__'' – members broke into groups to share. Alex Skilton is healing after major surgery. Bruce Clear has moved to Peter James. He has been in hospital now for 6 weeks. Still finding things difficult. Jan struggling. New Manse Committee have worked extremely hard with final settlement for Alanee’s house hopefully on Friday. David Morgan advised Laura is managing very capably in Canada, emerging from a shy girl to a confident young lady, this in part due to the Internship Programme she participated in. Greg Fry told of hearing a radio interview with Warren and Rev Jen Pretty (from Beeac UC) whilst travelling to Hastings. Yan Emms has experienced true neighbourly interaction. Lynette happy with a sense of helping to form potential leaders when Gavin Blakemore visited, with her, Elsie Lewis’ family to arrange details of Elsie’s funeral and to share in their grief.'' '' '' ''Followed by prayer.'' '' '' ''(d) ''''Elders – No report.'' '' '' ''(e) ''''Pastoral Committee – No report.'' '' '' ''(f) ''''Property Committee – Nothing to report.'' '' '' ''(g) ''''Finance Report – Roger Vass'' ''As at 31 August running at an operating loss of $20,000, not on budget side, but on income side. When congregation approved budget it expected estimate for open plate would be at a certain figure, but it is $15,000 below that budget figure. Estimate for fund raising was $10,000, but only a small amount has been raised. Distribution of Fete money should be given consideration for GWUC funds. Need to start thinking about Planned Giving Programme some time next year. Suggested group should be established to commence this programme so that we can be up and ready for next year. In order to sustain our ministry we need to raise $70,000 per year. Critical time for GWUC financially. Interested in getting names to be approached for a Planned Giving Working Group. Talk of re-energising the Continuation Committee and how this might be accomplished. Robert Wood has been convening this group since John Baines vacated this position. Ian McMillan has been approached to chair the Continuation Committee. He has worked with Ministry Team and Pastoral Committee. Decision to be made at Synod on extra increment on Ministers’ Stipends as Victoria is not in line with other States. All expenditure items to be carefully considered. Roger asked Church Council to endorse that a Planned Giving Committee be established. Suggested names: Geoff Harwood and Andrew Wheatland.'' '' '' == Visioning Process == ''Alanee reported to Council:'' '' '' ''Process so far: Appreciative Inquiry, Critique Inquiry, Asset Mapping, Life-giving Themes, Provocative Questions and Provocative Proposals.'' '' '' ''Proposed next steps: Develop a vision (with diverse group), Summarise our Life-giving themes (100 words, with diverse group), Report to church Council, Develop Group packs for response, Share with congregation - Theses at services (proposed start 19 October.'' '' '' ''Proposed process: Share in intentional meal groups (19-20 November), Collate and work through feedback, Assess level of Congregational ownership, Celebrate vision and proposal ownership at services (23 November), Resource and Initiation of Vision and proposals (team structure, budget etc).'' '' '' ''Examples of other communities’ visions were given.'' '' '' ''Our vision: Shared values – spiritually inspired worship, generously living God’s love, supportive liberating relationships, passionately expressing faith, risking innovation and diversity.'' '' '' ''We affirm the central truths of historic orthodox Christian faith.'' ''We have great confidence that God will restore all of creation under the authority of Christ.'' ''We believe that God wants to bring about a new humanity by redeeming every part of us.'' ''We value the image of God in all people, everywhere.'' ''We believe that Jesus is God in human form, Led by the Spirit of God we are passionate about relieving suffering and fighting injustice.'' ''We celebrate the divine in the daily, pursuing lives of hope, gratitude, and worship.'' '' '' '' '' ''Diverse ministries – community rhythms'' '' '' ''Worship, FISH groups, Occasional Care, Adult Group, Leisure Time, Supportive Care Link.'' '' '' ''Proposals from our ‘On the Way Together’ process:'' ''Take time to read and pray about proposals.'' ''Are you energised by what has come from our process?'' ''Where do you believe God is calling us to be involved?'' ''Have we missed something?'' ''Where do you believe God is calling you to be involved?'' '' '' ''Discussion took place, questions raised and concerns expressed. Important that the congregation perceive this vision in a clear and solid manner.'' '' '' ''Moved that the Design Team be given the responsibility to work out how this process is to be implemented and this matter to be presented to the Congregation Meeting on 29 September.'' ''Agreed by consensus.'' '' '' == Future shape of Ministry Team == ''After discussion: Proposed that Presbytery be asked that Rev Ineke Gyles be asked to continue as Supply Minister to the end of June 2009. Agreed by consensus. '' ''Added amendment: That this proposal be subject to satisfactory funding. Finance Committee to look at this proposal and come back to Church Council with their decision.'' ''This matter to be discussed by Executive and put on the Agenda for the next meeting.'' '' '' == Other business == ''Executive to look at having more Church Council meetings.'' '' '' ''David Morgan acknowledged Rev Lynette Dungan’s contribution to Church Council over the years, and presented her with thanks, flowers and gift voucher.'' '' '' ''Approval given for Rev Ineke Gyles to conduct a baptism in November by Church Council.'' '' '' == Next meeting == ''Wednesday 15 October 2008'' '' '' == Devotions == ''''' ''''' '''''Supper '''''''Jan Clear, Marjorie Bedford'' '' '' '' '' [[attachment:CCTabledSep2008.pdf|Tabled documents]]