#acl All:read Minutes of Church Council 21 May 2008 at 7.45 pm ''''' ''''' '''''Present: '''''''Warren Greenwood, Roger Vass, Max Whittaker, Gael O’Brien, Yan Emms, Alison Dingwall, Beverly McGlead, Marjorie Bedford, Jan Clear, Doug Newberry, David Jackson, Judy Lowe, Murray Lowe, Lynne Boyer, Ian McMillan, Rev Lynette Dungan, Rev Greg Fry, Vida Foo, Brian Clarkson, Rev Beth Hancock, Graeme Frecker (Chair), Wendy Wyatt (Minute Secretary), Rev Steve Terrell (Presbytery).'' '' '' '''''Apologies: '''''''Jenny Vass, Amy Whittaker, Helen Boucher, David Boucher, Kerryn Leister, David Morgan, Graham Lockhart, Carolyn Blakemore.'' '' '' ''A welcome was extended to members, Elders and Steve Terrell.'' '' '' '''''Devotions:''''''' Murray Lowe talked about, and showed a video on shaping the future direction of ministry at GWUC. Three types of approaches to the issue of vision: 1. Congregational theory, '' ''2. Pastoral theory, and 3. Connectional theory.'' '' '' '''''Joys and Concerns:''''''' Beverly McGlead off to Singapore. Amy Whittaker is going well and improving every day. Lockhart wedding was a happy occasion. Buildings progressing well. Carolyn Blakemore has had her operation and will be off duty for 2 weeks. John Tuininga’s mother has died. John Yates’ son Matthew has been made Middle School Captain at Wesley, making 3 generations to hold that title. Ecumenical Service well attended and everyone had a good time. Volunteer Service went well.'' '' '' '''''Minutes of previous meeting (April 17, 2008)''''' ''Confirmed.'' '' '' == Matters arising from those Minutes == ''Nil.'' '' '' '''''Correspondence:''''' ''Noted: Lynette Dungan’s letter re leave'' '' Rob Brown’s information – to go on Notice Board'' '' '' '''''Special Items of Business:''''' __''Supply Ministry''__'': Graeme Frecker reminded members of correspondence between Presbytery and Church Council on this matter. Suggestion that Rev Ineke Gyles be asked to fill 0.2 supply position at GWUC from 21 July until the end of December, and to fill in for Alison Dingwall with the Seniors (0.125) whilst Alison is on leave (August – October), has been put to Presbytery and they have agreed to this. Ineke has agreed to the offer. Ministry Team to sort out details of days to be worked.'' '' '' ''Unanimously agreed to by Council.'' '' '' “On the Way Together” – Rev Steve Terrell ''Steve spoke to members about the launch and journey that GWUC will be embarking on, as from Sunday 25 May, to develop a compelling vision for GWUC that is embraced with passion, lived with enthusiasm and expressed through a diverse range of strategies. Discussion took place on what will happen on Sunday 25 May and the practical details involved and how the Church Council and Elders can be involved and encourage the congregation to be involved.'' '' '' Congregation Meeting ''To be held on Monday 26 May. Murray Lowe advised CC that he will not be standing for the position of Congregation Chairman. Encouraged meeting to think about who might be suitable as the new Chairman. Graeme Frecker thanked Murray for his great contribution.'' '' '' __'' ''__ Budget 2008 (tabled) ''Roger Vass (Treasurer) explained the 2008 Budget figures. Church Council endorsed the balanced 2008 Budget for presentation to Congregation Meeting on 26 May.'' ''Graeme Frecker thanked Roger and expressed Council’s gratitude to Roger for taking up the Interim Treasurer position.'' '' '' '''''Reports:''''' Ministry Team ''Two baptisms on 15 June at the 11.00 am service.'' ''A lot of work being done behind the scenes. Preaching plan has been done and going out in June. Number of things en train. Isaiah Festival planning is being done.'' '' '' Elders ''Worship meeting on Thursday 22 May at 7.30 pm.'' '' '' Pastoral Committee ''Last meeting was cancelled.'' '' '' Finance Report – see budget report '' '' Youth Committee – tabled Seniors Report – tabled __'' ''__ __''Children & Families Report – tabled''__ __'' ''__ __''Property Committee - tabled''__ ''Need to improve security in children’s area.'' ''New fencing may be needed.'' ''Working with ladders policy to be implemented.'' ''Food Safety Certification course to be held on Saturday 21 June, 8.45 am to 5.00 pm. Important that some members of groups at GWUC take part. Cost is $68 with Property Committee subsidising $33. Margaret Fraser will be taking this course. Kitchen Committee need 15 people to be available for training. '' '' '' ''Appreciation expressed to Property Committee in getting new projector up and how great it is to have the new Notice Boards.'' '' '' == Correspondence for information: == ''Letter from Leisure Time: Request endorsed by Church Council. Leisure Time will be advised accordingly.'' '' '' '''''Other Business:''''' ''Movie vouchers: Unfortunately did not work. Thanks to Yan Emms for her efforts.'' ''Lynne Boyer advised 30 completed ‘Working With Children’ forms have been sent to Synod. Another 30 are incomplete.'' ''Brian Clarkson reported he went to Presbytery meeting and noted it was well-run and a changed ethos. Was impressed with a Summers Camp for Primary School children through to Year 9. Looks at our broadcast service as an ecumenical outreach.'' ''Discussion took place on the Network Map and determination of Ministry Team 2009. Aware of urgency.'' ''Roger Vass thought it might be useful to get someone from BOMAR to talk with Church Council and Elders regarding the Uniting Church.'' '' '' '''''Next Meeting:''''' ''Wednesday 18 June at 7.45 pm in Room 1.'' ''Devotions: Beverly McGlead'' ''Supper: Amy Whittaker & Doug Newberry''