#acl All:read MINUTES OF CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday 19 March 2008 at 7.45 pm ''''' ''''' ''''' ''''' '''''Present:''''''' Rev Lynette Dungan, Alison Dingwall, Amy Whittaker, Max Whittaker, David Jackson, '' ''Brian Clarkson, Rev Greg Fry, David Morgan, Marjorie Bedford, Roger Vass, David Boucher, Helen Boucher,'' ''Yan Emms, Jan Clear, Warren Greenwood, Lynne Boyer, Kerryn Leister, Graeme Frecker (Chair), '' ''Wendy Wyatt (Minute Secretary).'' '' '' '''''Apologies: '''''''Beverly McGlead, Doug Newberry, Murray Lowe, Carolyn Blakemore.'' '' '' ''Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.'' '' '' '''''Devotions: '''''''Graham Lockhart spoke on what God says about the church. God is paramount, the church belongs to Christ, the Sabbath is every day. He then read Isaiah 58, followed by a time of silence.'' '' '' '''''Joys and concerns:''''' ''Joy Gray’s daughter is in hospital.'' ''Dorothy Patrick has had the opportunity to minister to a lady in need at a church in Dandenong.'' ''Congratulations to Graham Lockhart and Dorothy Patrick on their engagement.'' ''Alanee, Di Greenwood, Bronwyn Lowe and Neil Skilton are driving up to Queensland for NCYC meeting.'' ''Marjorie & Ted Bedford have had an enlightening time with their Chinese student.'' ''Jan Clear advised that 37 people from our church had a lovely and relaxing time in Marysville, also a moving service at the Anglican Church on the Sunday.'' ''Yan Emm’s daughter is graduating – very exciting.'' ''Brian Clarkson had a Youth Meeting on Sunday. Two groups (18+ and 21+) are meeting with 15 people attending each of these groups. '' ''John Boucher going into hospital after Easter. Others are in hospital over Easter. Prayer needed for these. Greg Fry advised the Elders Meeting met last Wednesday. He invited councillors and families to a dawn service on Easter Saturday morning (7.30 am) at Stony Point, Hastings with breakfast afterwards. All welcome to attend. '' ''David Morgan reported work on Habitat House went well with a bunch of kids helping out.'' '' '' '''''Minutes of previous meeting (23/2/08)''''' ''''' ''''' ''Accepted with the following amendments:'' ''Under Apologies: Murray Lowe an apology.'' ''Under Ministry Team Reports: ‘Brentwood’ should be Glen Waverley.'' ''Under Elders Report: should read ‘every second month’.'' ''Under Finance Report: ‘Moved Max Whittaker’ – should read ‘balance our budget’, not ‘page’.'' ''Under same section – ‘at variance with the congregation session’ should read ‘at variance with the congregation decision’.'' '' '' '''''Appointment of Office-Bearers for 2008:''''' ''Rev Greg Fry took the Chair for the election of Office Bearers.'' '' '' __''Chair Person''__'':'' ''Graeme Frecker nominated by Graham Lockhart.'' ''As there were no further nominations Graeme Frecker was unanimously elected as Chair for 2008.'' '' '' __''Secretary:''__ ''David Morgan nominated by Max Whittaker.'' ''As there were no further nominations David Morgan was unanimously elected as Secretary for 2008.'' '' '' __''Assistant Secretary:''__ ''Lynne Boyer nominated by Amy Whittaker.'' ''As there were no further nominations Lynne Boyer was unanimously elected as Assistant Secretary for 2008.'' '' '' '''''Correspondence:''''' ''Graeme Frecker advised that three letters commenting on the deficit funding appeal had been received and had been passed to the Deficit Funding Group. '' '' '' '''''Reports:''''' __''Ministry Team:''__ ''Greg Fry advised that Caitlin Tegan Thackaberry would be baptised on 6 April 2008 at the 11.00 am service. ‘’. Church Council gave approval for this baptism to proceed on that date.'' '' '' ''Alison Dingwall (Seniors): reported many home and hospital visits, phone contacts and afternoon tea groups. She is planning a meeting of the Support Group. She has conducted devotions at aged care facilities as per roster and took the 11.00 am service on 9 March. Need for new committee members and a coordinator for Leisure Time. An information presentation re Leisure Time will be given at the 9.00 and 11.00 am services on Sunday 30 March. There will be a Seniors’ Service on Sunday 20 April at 2.30 pm, leader Alison Dingwall, speaker Pamela Longmuir. An Information Evening to be held on Saturday 3 May ‘Life for Living’ - happy, healthy living strategies. Speakers Chris Bradt, ‘Keeping Healthy’, Gary Philpott, ‘Legal Matters’, Lorraine Argall ‘’Eating Well’, and Bob Argall ‘Everyday Finances’.'' ''Dates for Combined Services 2008: 11 May, 22 June, 7 September, and 23 November – all at 10.00 am and the only service for the day. Christmas Services will be 24 December at 7.00 and 11.00 pm) and 25 December at 8.30 and 10.00 am.'' '' '' ''Lynette Dungan: Advised meeting Ministry Team is working with Warren Bartlett who will work the team in a supervisory capacity and in a voluntary capacity. Very thankful to him for providing this time. Ministry team meetings are now on a Monday at 12.30 pm. for congregation information. Greg having a week’s holiday next week – Tuesday through to following Sunday.'' '' '' __''Youth Committee Report''__'': Tabled'' ''Discussion took place on ‘Welcome Pack’ and insurance for the Dodgeball competition. Alanee is seeking to establish links with the Youth & Family Services Group next door. Explanation why Kombi Krew is now running every second week at Glen Waverley Secondary College – tuckshop at the school!'' '' '' __''Children & Families Report''__'': Tabled'' ''A lot of effort put into the Easter Festival and hope that all will support this. Thanks to Carolyn, Alanee and all their helpers for all their work. Car park closed Easter Sunday from 7.30 am.'' '' '' ''Council agreed that all reports be received.'' ''''' ''''' '''''Strategies for 2008:''''' ''Greg Fry reported Ministry Team, Graeme Frecker, Murray Lowe and Roger Vass have met with Steve Terrell, Presbytery Minister on more than one occasion. Aim is to brainstorm how whole congregation can be involved in seeing where we want to be in 12 month’s time and how we can do it. Pinning down thoughts and getting these into the minds and hearts of the congregation. Develop a community heartbeat. Recognise some of the blockages of the past and work towards a common goal. Steve Terrell said Presbytery sees this work as important, even if it takes up to 12 months. Ministry Team to talk about possibility of Steve preaching at the Anniversary Service on 22 June.'' '' '' ''Council needs to acknowledge that Steve Terrell has come to assist us and the group has reported to the Council on these discussions. Next step is to be another meeting with Steve, and then a group meeting look at a common goal for the whole congregation. Next meeting 3 April is to define meeting process for 17 April when groups will be asked to attend. Suggested that the next Council Meeting (16 April) be now held on 17 April to enable all to be present at this meeting with other church groups, with Steve Terrell. Church Council Reports to be emailed prior to this meeting and if any urgent business needs to be discussed, the Church Council meeting to be held at 7.30 pm prior to the meeting with Steve.'' '' '' '''''Elders Report:''''' ''A meeting has been held with John Emmett and Beth Hancock – 23 present. Good discussion. Elders encouraged to recognise that their role is important.'' '' '' '''''Finance Report:''''' ''DFG – on behalf of Beverly McGlead, Graham Lockhart advised that approximately $40,000 has been raised with 160 + people donating. A letter of appreciation will be sent to those who have contributed. Suggested members of the congregation should still be given an opportunity to contribute, and emphasise the fact that this is a ‘one-off’ appeal. Council should be pleased with the work that Beverly McGlead and her group have done. Committee has fulfilled its responsibility. Committee should report to Council via email to members of Council. Council needs to know the essence of the outcome. Church Council should then disband DFG and a letter of appreciation be sent to the Committee. Advised that the Finance Committee has taken up the issue of interest-free loans. Suggested information pamphlets re finance information about loans, wills etc, be compiled and put on the office counter. Finance Committee to take up this matter. Effectively this is closure of the DFG by Council and thanks to the Committee for this achievement.'' '' '' ''Roger Vass suggested an expression of thanks be sent to Graham Peters who has been watching over the accounts, even though he resigned in 2006. Thanks to Helen Boucher who has continued to look after the accounts.'' '' '' ''Roger tabled draft budget for 2008 and a projected budget for 2009 (as below)'' '' '' ''''' ''''' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''Discussion took place. Strong message that several areas need to be pruned in order that the budget balances in 2009. Council agreed in principle to support the proposed budget for 2008. Thanks to Roger for all of the work he has done. Important that congregation be made aware of the financial situation in its true light. Issue of targeted giving to be discussed at a further meeting.'' '' '' '''''Property Committee: '''''''Tabled'' '' '' '''''Items of Business:''''' ''Congregation Meeting: Suggested May 2008. Graeme Frecker to consult with Murray Lowe.'' ''Projection Screen alteration: Report tabled. Suggested donated electric screen not practical. Alteration will take place in sections. Hopefully completed by end of April.'' ''Financial support for NCYC: After discussion – Council agreed Church support 3 places @ $1707 and Youth Committee be encouraged to raise $1,000. Ways of fund raising to be decided by Youth Committee. Noted that 4 May is NCYC Sunday.'' '' '' '''''Other Business:''''' ''Jan Clear advised Dianne Fletcher and family have transferred from Ringwood. Newcomers’ Garden Picnic on 30 March.'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '''''Next meeting: '''''''Thursday 17 April.'' '' Devotions: Rod Dungan'' '' Supper: Lynne Boyer, David Morgan'' '' ''