#acl All:read MINUTES OF CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday 20 February 2008 at 7.45 pm ''''' ''''' '''''Present:''''''' Jan Clear, Doug Newberry, David Boucher, Helen Boucher, David Morgan, David Jackson, Marjorie Bedford, Beverly McGlead, Graham Lockhart, Alison Dingwall, Brian Clarkson, Murray Lowe, Kerryn Leister, Lynne Boyer, Warren Greenwood, Greg Fry, Yan Emms, Carolyn Blakemore, Max Whittaker, Graeme Frecker (Chair), Wendy Wyatt (Minute Secretary)'' '' '' '''''Apologies: '''''''Amy Whittaker'' '' '' ''Chairman Graeme welcomed all to the meeting.'' '' '' '''''Devotions:''''''' Helen Boucher related a story (parable) emphasising that we should trust and obey. Followed by prayer.'' '' '' '''''Joys and Concerns:''''' ''Max Whittaker is well. Ted Bedford has had a procedure done today. Dorothy Patrick has had the veins in both legs done today. Jan Clear happy with success of Pancake Day ($200). Great to see Rod at the evening service on Sunday. Brian Clarke is going well. Margaret Allen is in hospital – appendix operation. These people to be remembered in our prayers.'' '' '' '''''Minutes of previous meeting:''''' ''Amendments: Under Greg’s Ministry Team Report re ‘Ministers and lay preachers are members by right’ – this is not correct - wording should reflect Regulation 3:4:15.'' ''Under Apologies: Lynne Boyer’s name omitted. Other?'' '' '' ''Minutes of previous meeting confirmed.'' '' '' == Appointment of Office-Bearers: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer == ''Complaints that some members did not have time to contemplate this Agenda item. Meeting advised that Roger Vass had agreed to be co-opted to Council to the position of Treasurer for the coming year. After discussion it was agreed unanimously that Roger Vass be co-opted to the position of Treasurer for next twelve months and that the election of a Chairperson and Secretary be deferred until the March meeting of Church Council.'' '' '' ''Lynne Boyer proposed that Warren Greenwood be co-opted as a member of Church Council for next twelve months.'' ''Seconded Murray Lowe and agreed unanimously by members.'' '' '' ''In response to a question, Chair advised that''' '''Finance Committee has enough members on it.'' '' '' == Correspondence == ''Request from Leisure Time Committee to have a Council representative on their committee (previously Geraldine Fleming). Alison Dingwall advised Leisure Time keen to continue despite not having a co-ordinator at present. Alison is on the Leisure Time Committee as representative of Church Council.'' '' '' ''Suggested that Leisure Time volunteers be asked if they would like to be elected on to Church Council as representatives of Leisure Time on Church Council. Alison Dingwall to follow this up.'' '' '' ''Re request from Children & Families to have a Council representative on their committee (previously Walter Skilton). Chair asked for any member of Council willing to pick up this position and Lynne Boyer advised she was happy to do that. '' '' '' == Ministry Team Report == ''Alison Dingwall (Seniors)'' ''Greg Fry is part of the leadership for the new Presbytery. He is on retreat 27-29 February. '' ''Alison away 21-25 February. '' ''Lynette at a Conference this week. '' ''Levi Michael Tomeo to be baptised at the 11.00 am service on 9 March. Baptism of Levi Michael Tomeo approved by Council.'' ''There have been 2 funerals – Alma Johnson & Gavin Cassidy. '' ''Easter postcards are being printed (800) to be distributed through 4 areas locally. Ian McMillan will organise. '' ''Easter event will be held after the Easter Sunday service – need 6 more Stations of the Cross. There will be Intergenerational activities. '' ''In process of negotiating to have a supervisor for the Ministry Team. Alison has been meeting with Stephen from St Barnabas’ re Seniors Ministry. Seniors Service 20 April at 2.30 pm. '' ''‘Way of the Cross’ at Central Reserve on 21 March. '' ''Ascension Sunday – 4 May – visitors from other congregations – candles. Alison will contact them. Volunteer Service – 15 May at 10.00 am at GWUC.'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''Two people from GWUC to be involved in ‘Way of the Cross’.'' '' '' ''Warren Greenwood advised Notice Boards at front of the church to be updated. Ministry Team to advise Warren what information to be put on this Board.'' '' '' ''Carolyn Blakemore reported 4.30 pm service going really well. Real sense of community which flows on to the evening service.'' '' '' ''Alanee reported interns have been paid. Their learning has been fantastic. '' ''High School breakfast is now every fortnight instead of weekly which is disappointing. '' ''Working on getting a Chaplain into GWSC (Mark Philpott). '' ''She has been in contact with Youth Services next door. '' ''Tabled information regarding NCYC. '' ''Ex Uthies integrating well into the Youth Group.'' '' '' ''Brian Clarkson expressed disappointment that only 2 people are involved in ‘Way of the Cross’. Encouraged greater participation by members of the congregation at this event. Also suggested that we attend different types and times of worship on a Sunday to gain a broader idea and understanding of what GWUC offers in worship.'' '' '' '''''Elders Report:''''''' (Beth’s letter) tabled.'' ''Elders will be meeting every other month on 2^nd^ Wednesday with two members of Synod’s Mission Participation Resource Unit and John Emmett. Every other month will be a normal business meeting. Election of Elders to be held in the latter part of the year. (Normally Church Council elections are in the latter part of the year and Elders election in the early part). Calling for Elders later in the year.'' '' '' ''A vote of thanks to Carolyn Blakemore for the great job she is doing with the 4.30 worship service . Agreed unanimously.'' '' '' '''''Strategies for Mission:''''' ''Executive have met and discussed some positive steps and things we might need to address. Greg spoke to the meeting and discussion took place on the ‘Vision for Ministry’ and David Morgan’s Issues Paper. Need to clarify goals and have a forward plan. Adult faith formation – Isaiah Festival programme in July. Adult area does not have a separate group. Greg looking to implement this – some people have been identified and he has material. Hoping to have a meeting with this group before next Church Council meeting. Looking at ways to encourage people in their faith formation. Plans for Small Study Groups after Easter. Looking at material and application forms coming out shortly. Strong feeling that adult group area feels abandoned (40’s to 50’s). Trying to develop a culture of change and think of practical things where there are shortcomings. How can we set up a process to deal with issues?'' '' '' ''Moved David Morgan: That the Executive discuss how to address these issues and report to the Council at the next meeting.'' '' '' ''Graeme Frecker advised the meeting that he has spoken with the Secretary of the Presbytery re letter sent on behalf of Council about the need to talk with the Presbytery about matters of ministry and finance arising from congregation meeting 21 November 2007 and this matter has been passed on to two ministers of the Presbytery, Mark Lawrence and Steve Terrell. Pastoral Committee of the Presbytery will meet next Tuesday (26 February). Outcome between Presbytery and ourselves about supplies in ministry will be forthcoming. This matter to be put on Agenda for next meeting.'' '' '' '''''Finance Report:''''' ''Letter sent to all groups of the church re the Budget.'' __''Deficit Funding Group''__'': Beverly McGlead reported approximately 30 envelopes have been returned. Letter expressing concerns about the call for funds from the congregation was read to the meeting. There have been concerns from congregation members about church finances. Suggested congregation be made aware of who their Church Council members are and who their Elders are. Reduction of Synod allocation suggested, also that at any congregation meeting, no proposition should be brought to the congregation without being costed. Some felt there was no plan to ensure that such a shortfall does not happen again. Meeting reminded of congregation resolution:'' ''‘That this meeting ask the Church Council to: '' 1. Prepare a balanced budget for 2008; 2. Discuss with the Port Phillip East Presbytery that GWUC contribute substantially less than $120 000 to Mission & Service in 2008; 3. In consultation with the Congregation and the Presbytery recommend a ministry team appropriate to the mission of the church; 4. Investigate ways to increase annual income. ''We are awaiting a discussion with Presbytery.'' ''System of accepting bequests not clear.'' '' '' ''Moved Max Whittaker: That as a Church Council we recommend that the local ministry demands continue to be funded to the extent they are and if we have a shortfall we cannot cover that our funding to Mission and Service be reduced so that we can balance our budget. Graeme Frecker said that he could not accept the motion because it is at variance with the congregation decision. Pleased at level of discussion and a realisation of what the present financial situation is. Beverly thanked for chairing the DFG committee. Balanced budget must be brought to the congregation. Beverly and Graeme to reply to letter received from a member of the congregation.'' '' '' __''Annual Statement of Accounts''__'': Do not have an Auditor. Have not had anyone volunteer. Contact with another congregation re an Auditor? '' '' '' '''''Items of Business:''''' __''Kid’s Hope Australia''__'' – Carolyn explained to the meeting the background and financial obligations of the Vision project, which would involve her and 10 ‘mentors’, and Greg.'' ''Proposed that we sign this off for Carolyn, that we pay the registration cost of $275, that we seek to help to find 10 mentors, and that the ongoing fee be met by donation.'' ''Agreed.'' ''Warren Greenwood asked that his objection to this proposal be noted.'' '' '' __''Fete Committee''__'': Cliff Baker has surplus goods from Reject Shop and needs suggestions on how these might be disposed of. Suggested Easter event might be a good venue. Murray Lowe will discuss this matter with Cliff Baker. Fete Committee to decide.'' '' '' '''''Any other business:''''' ''Presbytery Report to be put on Agenda for next meeting.'' ''Noted that Council can co-opt 2 people for 2 years {312(a)}.'' ''Building project: Graeme explained to the meeting the progress of the building project and the problems which have been experienced. Kings have accepted responsibility but have assured that these will not hamper the progress of the construction.'' '' '' ''Warren Greenwood to take NCYC pamphlet for perusal and will have a proposition for funding for NCYC for the next meeting.'' '' '' ''Meeting closed with group benediction.'' '''''Next meeting:''''' ''Wednesday 19 March 2008 at 7.45 pm in Room 1.'' ''Devotions: Graham Lockhart'' ''Supper: Kerryn Leister, Beverly McGlead''