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=== From GWUC Property 19 June ===  === From GWUC Property 19 June ===
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=== Further correspondence ===
 * [[attachment:AnnualPropertyReviewGuidance.pdf|Further letter from Presbytery Property]]
 * [[attachment:PropertyCommittee/Annual Review of Church Property - Form.docx|Annual report form.]]

Link to PropertyCommittee > CouncilAgenda20230626 > CouncilMinutes20230626

Council Correspondence 202306 Synod Property

From Presbytery 15 June

From GWUC Property 19 June

Hello Anne and other Presbytery and Synod property members.

The following is in response to Gavin Faichney letter of 15th June 2023 attached to Anne Kim email, and responds to his specific points:-

1. State of Repair: The Glen Waverley Uniting Church complex (4 - 12 Bogong Ave Glen Waverley) including the 3 manses at 15, 17 & 19 Southdown ave are in an excellent state of repair. There are no major works outstanding and minor repairs of the manses identified when vacated late 2022 and early 2023 are in progress.  Two of the manses are being prepared for new placements, one of which (Rev Ian Ferguson) has been confirmed for late 2023.  There are no significant tasks pending or awaiting funding.  15/17 Southdown manses were inspected by Presbytery in December 2022 and January 2023 respectively.
There is no asbestos anywhere in the complex (including the manses) EXCEPT in the eaves of the 19 Southdown manse which, following an external consultant report 2018 - that was sent to Presbytery and Synod, the eaves were then paint “sealed” with an approved paint finish and have had warning labels attached as per regulations.  The consultant then subsequently reviewed and signed off the works as safe. Unless major works are required on this manse there are no further issues. 

The congregation maintains a “Deferred Maintenance” reserve in the accounts that is used for major repairs and maintenance, and is expended by approval of the Treasurer.

2. Insurance Cover: The property was reviewed by the Synod appointed assessors in March/April 2022 and new “replacement value” assessments reflected in the 2023/2024 Insurance. Although for our main worship complex these were lowered, overall they seem reasonable. Likewise manse building and contents coverage appears adequate.

3.  Public Liability Insurance: This appears adequate for our needs. It is managed for hirers on an as needs basis as some choose to use their own coverage (i.e. Probus has an Australian wide coverage) while other short term hirers take up the UCA offer, pay and the funds are then forwarded to Synod.  We have no concern in this matter as no claims have been raised in the last 5 years.

4. Financial position - (Ken, please feel free to amend my responses).
Debt owing:-

Income generated (rentals):-
Property and manse rentals generate approx $86,000p.a which is sufficient to cover all property and manse repairs and maintenance. The rentals are significantly below market rates to ensure maximum opportunities. Long term rental space is fully used. Funds from this rental are set aside annually into our “Deferred Maintenance Reserve”.

Cost of energy and utility:-
GWUC generate in excess of our electrical needs via the installed 30kwh solar array.  In conjunction with the water harvest system that supplies all of our toilet water needs of the complex and 2 of the 3 manses. We have a carbon neutral footprint. There is no stress on the financial position of the congregation for or from these items.

GWUC provide an annual AESMR return to Monash Council in the format they have requested.  As our buildings were constructed in 1991 our return reflects the legislated requirement. Supporting this return are our 3 monthly testing certifications - held locally for inspection - in accordance with Building Regulations, which are and have been inspected b y Monash Council as and when they see fit. 
I have attached the last MCC annual report.  Please note that Monash Council wish these reports and certification in December each year however Synod Property has asked for July which causes us unnecessary and duplication of task.

These reports are sent to Monash Council under my signature as approved by Synod in 2014. We do not need an external consultant to review the testing regime as Monash Council has indicated that we are compliant with the current regulations and a comparison with the Building Act and our testing forms shows we are compliant.

I will leave a response by Church Council on how they manage and the Property Committee Reporting on the monthly and Annual Property Review to the secretary of Church Council.

Warren Greenwood
Property Chairperson
Glen Waverley Uniting Church.

Reply from Ian Cayzer 19 June

Hi Warren,

Well done! You are the first to respond. I wish that others might be as comprehensive as yours.

Best wishes,


Further correspondence

CouncilCorrespondence202306SynodProperty (last edited 2023-06-26 01:42:13 by DavidMorgan)