#acl WarrenGreenwood:read,write All:read Link to PropertyCommittee > CouncilAgenda20230417 > CouncilMinutes20230417 == Council Correspondence 202304 Property Chair == WarrenGreenwood wrote on March 31: {{{ To Church Council After more than 25 years on the GWUC Property Committee, and 15 as Chairperson/Convener, I believe it is the right time for me to step aside as Chairperson. I am more than willing to continue on the property committee as a member, with responsibility for specific tasks to be agreed with a new chairperson, but the role of chairperson needs new blood, new ideas, new understandings and new energy. I have just lost the energy to co-ordinate all the overall activities. I am willing to continue in a “caretaker” mode until either October 2023 (or end earlier if someone steps up) and I am also more than willing to assist any new chairperson to prepare 2024 budgets and to gain an overview understanding of all their responsibilities. I was given similar fantastic support and guidance to do this by my predecessor, Ross Lennon, and will try and do likewise. Because the Property Chairperson gains certain Synod/Presbytery/Church Council authorities, my successor is a Church Council matter. In that 15 years, with the various committee members, we have achieved many big steps for GWUC that I am privileged to have been apart of, but knowing when to allow new ideas to emerge is important to me. Thank you for the opportunity to serve GWUC in this way for so many years. Your in Christ Warren Greenwood }}}