#acl CouncilGroup:read,write All:read Link to CouncilAgenda20230220 > CouncilMinutes20230220 > [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilMinutes20210428?highlight=%28traders%29|Joining Association]] == Council Correspondence 202302 Glen Waverley Traders Notice Board == * Alex to Secretary 11 Feb 2023 {{{ Wonderful news David. We appreciate your support. I will forward instructions regarding putting up the board to the installers. Thank you for your support. Kind regards, Alex Hume }}} * Secretary to Alex 10 Feb 2023 {{{ Hi Alex, I have put your proposal to Council, and received only positive responses. We do already have a board up for our book sale on March 5, but a second is possible. Can you please advise the agents to check with the Church office before erecting, and if the office is unattended, to fix the sign to the sleeper retaining walls, as there are plastic watering system pipes buried under the lawn. Thanks, David Morgan Church Council Secretary }}} * Alex to Secretary 9 Feb 2023 {{{ Hi David, Thanks for your response. The funding has only just been approved for Glen Waverley Carnivale - hence the reason there is no publicity as yet. The event is funded by a grant from the Suburban Rail Loop Community Fund and is being run by the Glen Waverley Traders Association. The event is essentially roving entertainers throughout the shopping and dining precinct on Friday and Saturday evenings throughout March between 5.30pm-8.30pm. Performers include stilt walkers, unicyclists, jugglers, hula hoopers, jugglers and face painters. The program is designed to add an additional reason to choose to shop and dine in the Glen Waverley precinct. I hope that makes sense. Kind regards, Alex Hume Marketing Co-ordinator Glen Waverley Traders Association }}} * Secretary to Alex 10 Feb 2023 {{{ Hi there. Can you give a little more information about the events? I cannot see them on your web site https://www.gwav3150.com.au/ The SRLA site does not give any details. Thanks, David Morgan Church Council Secretary. }}} * Alex to Church office 7 Feb 2023 {{{ Hi Julia, We corresponded last year regarding potentially using the front grounds of your church to display an auction board to advertise our Monash Moon Festival in Glen Waverley event. Our association has successfully received a grant from the Suburban Rail Loop Authority to run another series of events – Glen Waverley Carnivale on Friday Nights in the Glen Waverley Precinct throughout March. I wondered if on this occasion your church would allow us to place an auction board on your grounds facing Kingsway to advertise the event. The board would be in place from the end of February until 1st April 2023. If you could get back to me to let me know if this is ok I would be most grateful. Kind regards, Alex Hume }}}