Link to CouncilAgenda20201210 > CouncilMinutes20201210

Thank you letter to Bev Richardson

Dear Bev,
At church council on Wednesday Neil shared about you leaving for Sydney and some of the ways you have enriched the life of the congregation and community in Glen Waverley.   As Neil mentioned in this morning’s live stream worship, the church council wishes to acknowledge and thank you on behalf of everyone you have touched by your faithful witness over the years. 
I have come to know you as a dedicated leader of playgroups who leaves no stone unturned to help playgroup families and who leads a remarkable team by example.  You have led with the warmth and caring and organisational skills that epitomise the playgroup outreach in the church.  I recall your supportive and sharing attitude when we set up the (Chinese) Dads’ Playgroup. As well as your many friendships we have also heard that you were a faithful elder for more than 30 years and a youth leader earlier on.
There are some people whose many behind the scenes contributions are not known until after they leave.  I believe that you are such a person.
On behalf of the local community at Glen Waverley Uniting Church and the wider community we thank you for your dedication and service.  We wish you every blessing in moving closer to family and know that you will be up to this challenge too.
We pray that Jesus the Christ, Lord of all that is good be with you in this journey.
Glyn Howells
Church Council
Glen Waverley Uniting Church