#acl All:read Link to > CouncilAgenda20200625 > CouncilMinutes20200625 == Letter from the Fete committee regarding 2020 fete. == Dear Church Council Members, In light of the covid-19 virus situation and the related Government and Synod directions, the ChurchFete Committee would like to advise Church Council of the committee’s current thinking regarding the 2020 church fete and seek Church Council advice on the way forward. If the Government’s current standards for social distancing still apply in October then it is the view of the committee that it would be impossible to hold our traditional church fete in a manner that would meet social distancing standards. The risk to the health of our own congregation members (mostly older folk) and the general public of community transmission of the virus would simply be unacceptable. However, if the virus were to be virtually eradicated in the next couple of months and the government removed all social distancing requirements then it might be possible to hold the fete. This would also depend on the advice Synod provides on church gatherings and events post-covid. With Church Council permission the Fete Committee proposes to start making preliminary bookings and other arrangements (without incurring any costs) in the hope that we can still hold the fete in October. We have determined that, from our point of view, the latest date for a final decision on the fete would be in August, when arrangements for publicity need to be locked in. After experiencing such a long period when we have been unable to meet together a post-lockdown fete could be very significant community building event for our congregation. Hence we would like to keep the possibility of holding a fete in October alive. In relation to selection of Congregational Outreach Projects, the committee is comfortable that this could be done in parallel with fete preparations or even be finalised after the fete. Is the Church Council comfortable with the Fete Committee proceeding with initial arrangements for the 2020 church fete on this basis? Yours faithfully, SueMorgan, PeterAnderson, MurrayLowe ChurchFete Committee