#acl All:read Link to > CouncilMinutes20150428 > [[https://www.kidshopeaus.org.au/|Kid's hope Australia]] === Kids Hope Aus === Over the last 5 years, 8 dedicated members of our congregation have mentored 12 students from Highvale Primary School. These students were identified by the Principal as children in need of a positive adult role model and friend. Whether the students were from a single parent home, had sick parents, had difficulties with temper control or simply were having problems making friends at school we have formed valuable friendships and have had a positive impact on these children’s lives. The program is highly valued by the Principal and staff of Highvale PS who warmly welcome us each week. Kids Hope Aus. is a one on one mentoring program where one adult mentor from our congregation meets with a child from Highvale Primary School for one hour a week during school term. Each mentor has a prayer partner who regularly prays for the mentor and child. Unfortunately, due to life’s circumstances we have been reduced to 2 mentors this year with hopefully another mentor recommencing later in 2015 when she returns from holidays. My hope is that the program will continue with the Church Council’s blessing and that the congregation continues to fund the annual affiliation fee of $550 per year. Within the coming year I plan to promote Kids Hope within our congregation with the aim of recruiting new mentors and a new co-ordinator. This would allow me to step down from the role and just be a mentor in 2016. Carolyn Blakemore (Kids Hope Aus. GWUC co-ordinator)