From: WarrenGreenwood
Sent: Wednesday, 15 April 2015 11:01 AM
To: JudyLowe
Cc: Mr JohnSnare
Subject: Financial and Attendance reporting
Hi Judy,
I would like to propose the following to Church Council - Finance Committee had no objections.
In the past, a few members of the congregation have objected to this type of information as they feel that talking about money at anytime is “tacky”. I do not. As I travel around many churches in Victoria and other states, I have found that we are one of very few who do not record collection and attendance numbers in our bulletins and notices.
Even the Chinese church that rents our property finds it to be a positive and informative thing to do.
Given the survey on worship, the limited Stewardship program success and the vision and mission of this congregation I would like to propose that on a MONTHLY basis (to begin with) we record the total banked offering received (do not care if weekly, monthly, direct or cash) and the totals of the various services. Initially it would be in the Monthly bulletin. The record would look (in a table) similar to this.



Total Attendance


160; 320; 420; 38; 86; 110

1134 - Average 283p.w.

This represent $; 9:15am; 11 am; 2:30pm, 4:30pm; 7pm Total for month/average.

I believe this data should be weekly, but to soften concerns lets first try monthly. If there has been a 10:00am service in that month it should also be shown as well.
I recommend the above be trialled for no less than 6 months and we gauge any concerns. If none, or very little, I would propose it goes weekly.
Thank you