PPE standing Committee positions

Cover Letter


Presbytery Standing Committee is now calling for nominations from Presbytery members to serve on the Standing Committee for 2014. The nomination form is attached.

Please circulate this among your congregations and to potential congregation reps to Presbytery.

Apologies this request is running late, and that nomination forms need to be returned to the Presbytery Secretary by 25th November. There is not much time.

Please note that we have a number of congregations dont currently have congregation representatives to Presbytery. Ask your Church Council to ensure you have good representation for the important work of Presbytery.



-- Rev John Mann

PPE Standing Committee Position Description for 2014 Elections

Standing Committee exercises oversight Presbytery processes, so that all aspects of the life of Presbytery work smoothly and are well resourced in a timely manner. Standing Committee members ask great questions about the most effective ways to be at mission, and provide a great place for the PM Team to reflect on the overall life of the Presbytery. While needing to address regulatory requirements for a presbytery, the most important aspect is in spending time and effort on the vision, direction and well-being of the Presbytery and how it serves the congregations, agencies and schools in their missional efforts.

Standing Committee creatively gives direction for meetings of Presbytery in Council and in Regions that are engaging, participative and empowering for members of Presbytery. Standing Committee is comprised of the three PMs, four elected office bearers (Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, & Treasurer) and six elected Representatives.

Nomination form
