Hello Judy,
Following a number of communications last year to Church Council, Neil Peters and I met at the request of the Council and discussed the details of the process and outcomes of managing our Gift book.

We have reviewed a number of gifts, donations and sums of money received by the congregation since 2010, when the last Gift Book entry was recorded.

We believe the Gift Book is an important part of the life of GWUC in recognising the generosity of many people.
There is, in our view, a key difference between a Gift Book gift/bequest, and miscellaneous donations.
The value of the gift or donation is not the driver of the need for a Gift Book record.
It is the nature and reason for the gift that should be the determinant.

Many donations following family events are a generous action but are clearly a substitute for the normal rentals that we charge users. Although these can be substantial (many thousands of dollars), they are a wonderful expressions of generosity by those families, that are their way of saying thank you to GWUC for the use of facilities and volunteers.
Whereas gifts that should be recorded for posterity are generally those related to bequests or very specific items.

A number of substantial donations have been for “Welfare”.
We do not propose to record those in the Gift Book as many members donate these amounts (often regularly) with an expectation of anonymity.

We therefore recommend that the following types of gifts, since 2010, be included in the Book of Gifts. These are examples, not the full list.

Organ Fund:- This was a specific fund raising event over a number of years where members have been challenged to raise in excess of $23,000 to cover the cost of our current organ. We propose to create a specific page in the gift book, that can be maintained until the fund is ended, where we will record a name of the gift and/or the “organ stop" that was donated. As some members have made multiple donations, we are not proposing to record the individual amounts or the dates.

Hearing Loop:- There was a specific amount to cover the new hearing loop ($4,000)

Chapel Sound System:- There was a specific amount to cover the new system ($3,500)

Ovens:- There was a specific amount to cover the new ovens and kitchen changes ($4,000)

Broadcast:- There was a specific amount towards the Broadcast ministry ($1,000)
There are a number of this nature we would propose to include.

Where there has been a gift from an Estate/Bequest, that is not earmarked for the Endowment Fund or is clearly not an alternative to a rental substitute, we would propose to include those items.

We believe that between the ministry team, office management and Property, a process of inclusion can be adequately managed. When a name or gift is to be added, we would report it to Church Council, and the congregation, as well as a Gift Book entry.

It its humbling to know that over the past 7 years, we have received gifts and donations (excluding welfare) in excess of $40,000 towards activities, ministries and facilities of this congregation.
These amounts are to be celebrated and appreciated.

Yours in Christ on behalf of Rev Neil Peters and myself.
Warren Greenwood