#acl OutreachAdminGroup:read,write,admin,delete JudyLowe:read,write,admin,delete All:read #pragma section-numbers 2 Back to CommunityOutreach == COP Assessment Criteria 2015 == The following criteria help the COP Selection Panel draw up a short list of Projects to recommend to the Congregation. 1. That we donate the funds that we raise as a response to Christ’s commission to His Church. Our aim is to follow the example of Jesus in providing practical assistance to needy people in our world. 2. That we support Projects that are within the spirit of the UCA mission. 3. That we ensure that any Project is: • openly accountable to the public; • viable; • managed by trustworthy people; and • meets appropriate legal requirements. 4. That our preference is to support ministries in which we as a Congregation have some personal contact through our members who are engaged in them. In this way we can be kept involved and informed about their work. 5. That each submission comprises a completed COP Application Form and any supporting information.