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Revision 29 as of 2018-09-25 09:53:47
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Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 53 as of 2023-04-30 03:07:35
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Editor: JohnHurst
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== Reports to Presbytery ==
 * These are annual surveys of basic congregation data requested by Presbytery with names that have varied over the years.
 * Previous years did have on line surveys, but we were not able to get copies of the submissions.
 * [[ChurchProfile201304 |Church Profile for calling Rev. NeilPeters]]
 * [[attachment:HeartbeatOfTheChurch2014.pdf|Heartbeat of the church 2014]]
 * [[attachment:UCACommunitySurvey2016|UCA Community Survey 2016]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2017.pdf|Community Life Survey 2017]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2018.pdf|Community Life Survey 2018]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2019.pdf|Community Life Survey 2019]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2020.pdf|Community Life Survey 2020]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2021.pdf|Community Life Survey 2021]]
 * [[attachment:CommunityLifeSurvey2022.pdf|Community Life Survey 2022]]
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== Solar panels ==
See SolarPowerPerformance

== Census Data ==
 * Some census data for Glen Waverley has been transcribed at GlenWaverleyCensus.
 * [[attachment:CommunitySocialProfile2016-AUUA291301.pdf|Community Social Profile from 2016 census.]]
 * [[https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/community-profiles/2021/SAL21013/download/GCP_SAL21013.xlsx|Community profile from 2021 census.]]
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||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram for year of birth from the church rolls database as at November 2016. Note that only about 60% of individuals in the database have year of birth recorded. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:AgeProfileNov2016.jpg}}|| ||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram for year of birth from the church rolls database as at November 2022. Note that only about 60% of individuals in the database have year of birth recorded. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:BirthYear.png}}||
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== Relative age distributions of congregation, Council & Elders == ##== Relative age distributions of congregation, Council & Elders ==
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||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the cumulative histograms for year of birth of the congregation, the Church Council and the Elders as at Feb 2013, for those whose birth year is recorded in the rolls database. (19 of 23 Councillors, 30 of 35 elders) <<BR>><<BR>>A cumulative histogram shows the % of the group who were born before the birth year on the bottom axis. In particular, the point where the lines cross 50% gives the median birth year of the group. In this case, 50% of the congregation, including children, were born before 1944, 50% of Council were born before 1946, and 50% of Elders were born before 1944. Both the youngest and oldest are under-represented on Council and Elders, but the median ages are very close, with Council being slightly "younger" than the congregation.<<BR>><<BR>>If those born since 1995, under 18s, are removed, the median year of birth for the congregation drops to 1941. <<BR>><<BR>>The median age Glen Waverley in the 2011 census was 41, giving a median birth year of 1970 then. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:RelativeAgeProfiles.jpg}}||
||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;">Corresponding graph for the New Church Council Sep 2013, with a few guesses.||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:NewAgeProfiles.jpg}}||
##||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the cumulative histograms for year of birth of the congregation, the Church Council and the Elders as at Feb 2013, for those whose birth year is recorded in the rolls database. (19 of 23 Councillors, 30 of 35 elders) <<BR>><<BR>>A cumulative histogram shows the % of the group who were born before the birth year on the bottom axis. In particular, the point where the lines cross 50% gives the median birth year of the group. In this case, 50% of the congregation, including children, were born before 1944, 50% of Council were born before 1946, and 50% of Elders were born before 1944. Both the youngest and oldest are under-represented on Council and Elders, but the median ages are very close, with Council being slightly "younger" than the congregation.<<BR>><<BR>>If those born since 1995, under 18s, are removed, the median year of birth for the congregation drops to 1941. <<BR>><<BR>>The median age Glen Waverley in the 2011 census was 41, giving a median birth year of 1970 then. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:RelativeAgeProfiles.jpg}}||
##||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;">Corresponding graph for the New Church Council Sep 2013, with a few guesses.||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:NewAgeProfiles.jpg}}||
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||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the plot of the sum of planned giving and open plate for the last ten years. Other income, particularly rent and donations, is not shown. Donations to special projects are not included.<<BR>> We engaged Carolyn Kitto in 2009 to run the GrowingGenerousGivers program, which was followed by the 2010 increase.||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:GivingHistory.jpg}}|| ||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the plot of the sum of planned giving and open plate for the last few years. Other income, particularly rent and donations, is not shown. Donations to special projects are not included.<<BR>> We engaged Carolyn Kitto in 2009 to run the GrowingGenerousGivers program, which was followed by the 2010 increase.<<BR>>See also AppealResults for 2022 appeal.||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:GivingHistoryInc2021.png}}||
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||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram of postcodes for families in the church rolls database. Note the dominance of 3150. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:PostCodes.jpg}}|| ||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram of postcodes for families in the church rolls database in January 2019. Note the dominance of 3150. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:PostCodes.jpg}}||
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||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram of the number of giving units (families or individuals) by method in July 2015. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:GivingMethods.jpg}}|| ||<tablewidth="100%" style="border:none;text-align:left;"> This is the histogram of the number of giving units (families or individuals) by method in November 2022. ||<style="border:none;text-align:left;">{{attachment:GivingMethods.png}}||
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== Census Data ==
Some census data for Glen Waverley has been transcribed at GlenWaverleyCensus.

A collection of statistical data about the congregation

Reports to Presbytery

Attendance history

See WorshipAttendances

Solar panels

See SolarPowerPerformance

Census Data

Age profile

This is the histogram for year of birth from the church rolls database as at November 2022. Note that only about 60% of individuals in the database have year of birth recorded.


Giving profile

This is the histogram for the number of planned givers and the value of their giving, split by age of the givers, as at December 2013. It only includes those with a fixed amount of planned giving, and so under reports total income. "NoDoB" (<1%) indicates that no date of birth is recorded in the church rolls database for that giving unit, and we were unable to make a realistic estimate. About 25% of the birth dates are estimates.

Application of standard Australian actuarial data, assuming that the un-recorded dates of birth are distributed similarly to the recorded ones, leads to a most probably prediction of 15% of income to be lost by death in the next five years and 30% in ten years.


Giving history

This is the plot of the sum of planned giving and open plate for the last few years. Other income, particularly rent and donations, is not shown. Donations to special projects are not included.
We engaged Carolyn Kitto in 2009 to run the GrowingGenerousGivers program, which was followed by the 2010 increase.
See also AppealResults for 2022 appeal.



This is the histogram of postcodes for families in the church rolls database in January 2019. Note the dominance of 3150.


Giving Methods

This is the histogram of the number of giving units (families or individuals) by method in November 2022.



CongregationData (last edited 2024-07-13 10:51:10 by DavidMorgan)