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Revision 10 as of 2017-03-07 07:49:07
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Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: Work in progress
Revision 15 as of 2017-05-29 04:19:13
Size: 6948
Editor: JohnSnare
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 1. Please use common sense when using the church car park, and at busy times be prepared elsewhere if possible to leave space for people who really need it.  1. Please use common sense when using the church car park, and at busy times be prepared to park elsewhere if possible to leave space for people who really need it.
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Warren informed the meeting that we have advised to install CCTV cameras to increase security and reduce the likelihood of loss. The key points are: Warren informed the meeting that we have been advised to install CCTV cameras to increase security and reduce the likelihood of loss. The key points are:
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'This meeting of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church appoints CliffBaker, JaneAdams, BenKreiger as the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel, to operate in accordance with the procedures described at CopOverallProcedure and using the assessment criteria at CopAssessmentCriteria.' 'This meeting of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church appoints CliffBaker, JaneAdams, BenKrieger as the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel, to operate in accordance with the procedures described at CopOverallProcedure and using the assessment criteria at CopAssessmentCriteria.'
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Chris Drummond addressed the meeting with her concerns about how Lyn !MacDonald had been treated last year. Not withstanding the explanations of the complaint handling process at a special meeting of the congregation last year, and other information provided last year, Chris informed the meeting that she could no longer remain a member of this church or the Uniting Church because she cannot support the processes of the Uniting Church for dealing with complaints. Chris Drummond addressed the meeting with her concerns about how Lyn !McDonald had been treated last year. Not withstanding the explanations of the complaint handling process at a special meeting of the congregation last year, and other information provided last year, Chris informed the meeting that she cannot support the processes of the Uniting Church for dealing with complaints.
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The chair observed that dealing with complaints is a matter that must be dealt with by Church Council. He reminded the congregation of the special meeting of the congregation last year where representatives of Presbytery and Synod described the complaints handling process and observed that he was satisfied that the process had been correcly followed by Church Council in this case. The chair observed that dealing with complaints is a matter that must be dealt with by Church Council. He reminded the congregation of the special meeting of the congregation last year where representatives of Presbytery and Synod described the complaints handling process and observed that he was satisfied that the process had been correctly followed by Church Council in this case. Information about the events referred to is at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/StatementToCongregation28Aug2016
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Susan Stringer raised her concern that as a Congregation we had not had an opportunity to properly thank Lyn and Pam !MacDonald for their contributions in the past. The chair responded that the matter of how to best acknowledge the contributions of the many people who pass though our congregation, as well as those who are still here, is challenging. He suggested that for the time being, perhaps the best way to handle this is by people privately making a point of thanking and encouraging the people they see making contributions of the life of our congregation. Susan Stringer raised her concern that as a Congregation we had not had an opportunity to properly thank Lyn and Pam !McDonald for their contributions in the past. The chair responded that the matter of how to best acknowledge the contributions of the many people who pass though our congregation, as well as those who are still here, is challenging. He suggested that for the time being, perhaps the best way to handle this is by people privately making a point of thanking and encouraging the people they see making contributions of the life of our congregation.




Held in the Worship Centre at 11:30am on Sunday 5 Mar 2017 - following the 10:00am Combined Worship service. Lunch was served by the Inclusive Community group after the meeting.

1. Welcome and Apologies

Apologies: GraemePratt, HelenStewart, PeterStewart, NucelLariba

2. Prayer

NeilPeters Opened the meeting in prayer.

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 13 Dec 2016

The minutes of the December meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20161213.

The minutes were confirmed without any changes.

4. Matters arising from the previous Minutes


5. Correspondence


6. Reports and Recommendations

6.1 Report of 2016 Election of Church Councillors

For information, the meeting was advised by the chair of the following.

  1. At special meetings of the congregation associated with worship on 18 Dec 2016, DavidFraser and ElwynPederson were elected as Church Councillors. A report is at CongMeetingReport20161218.

  2. Since these elections, AaronBlakemore has resigned from Church Council.

6.2. Church Council Report

David Morgan presented the linked presentation for the information of the congregation. ChurchCouncilReportMarch2017.pdf

It highlights the work of the various church committees and staffing arrangements for 2017 in the context of the vision of the congregation.

6.3. Report from the ministry team

Neil Peters presented the linked presentation for the information of the congregation. CongMeetingTeamPresentationMarch17.pdf

This report contains a lot information about the exciting ways the ministry team is working with our congregation to realise its vision.

6.4. Finance Report

Warren Greenwood presented the financial report for 2016. It contains a lot of good news. There was a budget surplus in 2016. FinanceReportMarch2017.pdf

It was noted that:

  • There are substantial reserves.
  • Property rentals have increased and now cover all property expenses.
  • The solar electricity system has significantly reduced our energy bills and the savings are well on the way to paying back the cost (to date savings half been about half the initial cost).
  • The endowment fund is growing and people are asked to consider bequests.
  • A detailed finance report is available from the Finance Committee for those interested.


'That the accounts of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church be accepted as presented'

Approved by concensus

6.5 Property Report

Warren Greenwood presented a report on behalf of the Property Committee. He advised that our insurance claim excess has now increased from $1,000 to $2,500 per claim.

Warren made two requests.

  1. Please use common sense when using the church car park, and at busy times be prepared to park elsewhere if possible to leave space for people who really need it.
  2. Please clean up after you use the facilities. Not only is this courteous to people coming after you, but dirty floors can cause accidents. Warren gave an example of significant injury being caused by a sticky spot left by spilt food or drink.

Warren informed the meeting that we have been advised to install CCTV cameras to increase security and reduce the likelihood of loss. The key points are:

  • Security cameras will be be installed covering minister's entry, playgroup and hall entrances 24/7.
  • Security cameras will cover the foyer entrances at night time.
  • Provision will be made for the office manager to remotely lock and open the office door at quiet times.
  • Emergency alarms will be provided for welfare workers.

Finally, Warren reported that the Property Committee is working on replacing the church telephone system with one that is compatible with the NBN when it arrives.

6.6. Congregational Outreach Projects in 2017

Appointment of 2017 Congregational Outreach Projects selection committee.


'This meeting of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church appoints CliffBaker, JaneAdams, BenKrieger as the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel, to operate in accordance with the procedures described at CopOverallProcedure and using the assessment criteria at CopAssessmentCriteria.'

Note that both the overall procedure and assessment criteria have been modified in accordance with the related resolution of the December 2016 meeting of the Congregation.

Approved by concensus.

The meeting was advised that applications for Congregational Outreach projects are expected to open on Monday March 13 with further information in the church bulletins.

6.7 How do we aspire to treat each other?

Follow up from the outcome of the December meeting of the Congregation.

The chair reported that ChurchCouncil have been thinking about how best to progress this, but to date there is nothing substantial to report.

7. Other Business

Chris Drummond addressed the meeting with her concerns about how Lyn McDonald had been treated last year. Not withstanding the explanations of the complaint handling process at a special meeting of the congregation last year, and other information provided last year, Chris informed the meeting that she cannot support the processes of the Uniting Church for dealing with complaints.

The chair observed that dealing with complaints is a matter that must be dealt with by Church Council. He reminded the congregation of the special meeting of the congregation last year where representatives of Presbytery and Synod described the complaints handling process and observed that he was satisfied that the process had been correctly followed by Church Council in this case. Information about the events referred to is at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/StatementToCongregation28Aug2016

David Morgan corrected some of the information in Chris’s statement observing that details are best discussed in private.

Susan Stringer raised her concern that as a Congregation we had not had an opportunity to properly thank Lyn and Pam McDonald for their contributions in the past. The chair responded that the matter of how to best acknowledge the contributions of the many people who pass though our congregation, as well as those who are still here, is challenging. He suggested that for the time being, perhaps the best way to handle this is by people privately making a point of thanking and encouraging the people they see making contributions of the life of our congregation.

8. Benediction

The chair closed the meeting in prayer.

CongMeetingMinutes20170305 (last edited 2017-05-29 04:19:13 by JohnSnare)