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9uMo3p <a href="">grrxpruetsdq</a>, [url=]vnfklpvfdyxg[/url], [link=]bvjavrlbrmjp[/link], | #pragma section-numbers 2 = GLEN WAVERLEY UNITING CHURCH = = MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION = HELD MONDAY 22nd NOVEMBER, 2010 The Chairperson of the Congregation, Graeme Frecker, chaired the meeting. == WELCOME == The Chairman welcomed 62 members to the meeting. ~+APOLOGIES+~<<BR>> Keith Boundy, Denise Baker, Peter Baker, Alan Barnard, Brian Clarkson, John Snare, Marj Snare, Barbara Hurst, Debbie Davey, Mona Macklin, Alan Lemke, Jan Clarke, Brian Clarke, Judy Edmonds, Jan Clear, Belinda Clear. == DEVOTIONS == were given by Graeme Frecker on the theme ‘Who is my neighbour?’ == MINUTES == of the meeting held 5th July, 2010 were taken as a true record.<<BR>> Moved: Warren Bartlett, Seconded: Margaret Williams.<<BR>> ''Carried by consensus'' Minutes of the Special Meeting held 8th November, 2010 were taken as a true record, with the addition of Heather and Alan Robison to be listed as Apologies.<<BR>> Moved: Beverly !McGlead, Seconded: Barbara Thompson.<<BR>> ''Carried by consensus'' == MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES == === Letter of Acceptance received from Rev. Rosemary Carter. === The letter was read to the meeting. == ON THE WAY TOGETHER == === Community of Faith – report given by Rev. Greg Fry === * Community of Faith currently without a Convenor * Plans for 2011 underway – workshops planned * Study groups planned – Alpha, Lenten studies * Friday morning ‘Lectionary Group’ to continue * new Tuesday group with ‘The Hub’ === Inclusive Community – report given by Jeanne Koetsier and Alison Clarkson === * Focus of group to provide everyone with the opportunity to connect with others * Munch with a Bunch – aims to help those not in a group to become involved provides a meeting place for those who live alone * Conversation morning – with some young mums from Playgroup to help them learn English. === The Hub – report given by Judith Greenwood and Laurel Muir === * Friendships are developing – there are connections between the outside community and others who come to the building for various activities * Morning Tea held in conjunction with ‘The Body Shop’ to raise funds for Cancer research. [$980 raised] * Seniors Morning Tea held. Alan Cook entertained. * Would love to expand in 2011 – to have enough volunteers to be able to open every day. === Outreach – report given by Lyn McDonald === == REPORTS and RECOMMENDATIONS from CHURCH COUNCIL == === Chair of Council, John Hurst spoke to a comprehensive report [Powerpoint] === There was a wide ranging discussion on the new 9.30am service.<<BR>> Questions were asked and answered.<<BR>> John advised the meeting that there would be a formal review of the change, Church Council would report back to the Congregation in 2011.<<BR>> There will be combined service 5 times a year.<<BR>> ==== Use of Manse at 19 Southdown Avenue – Warren Greenwood reported. ==== * current tenants move out over December * refurbishment will happen before Rosemary Carter moves in * ducted heating needs changing * funds from Deferred Maintenance and those left over from sale of 5 Berkley Court will be used. === Projected Financial Outcome for 2010 – Roger Vass reported === Roger spoke to his report – Powerpoint === Congregation Budget for 2011 - Roger Vass reported === Roger spoke to his report – Powerpoint. Report attached Roger Vass moved:<<BR>> ''Recommendation from the Church Council''<<BR>> Council seeks the Approval of the Congregation to spend $441,600 on our wide range of missions and ministries using expected income of $446,300 derived from Congregation members gifts, other earnings and reserves.<<BR>> Seconded: John Hurst<<BR>> Questions were asked and answered.<<BR>> The motion was subsequently amended to request Church Council to reconsider our giving to Mission & Service, and continue discussion with Presbytery, with a view to increasing our giving.<<BR>> Moved: Warren Bartlett, Seconded: Geoff Willis ''Carried by consensus''<<BR>> The Chairman, Graeme Frecker thanked Roger Vass for all the work he does in maintaining our Finances.<<BR>> The meeting responded with acclamation. == MINISTRY TEAM REPORT – no report given. == == ELDERS – Ross Mackinnon == Report attached == PRESBYTERY REPORT - given by John Hurst == John gave a brief report on Port Philip East Presbytery – * meet 6 times a year * 3 times a year meet in regional groups * Ross Mackinnon and Alison Clarkson are on a Task Group looking at the designated position of pastor * Presbytery on Wednesday will present Gavin Blakemore as ready for ordination. == OTHER BUSINESS == * Graeme Frecker spoke to the meeting of the work that Rev. Ineke Gyles had done within the congregation here at Glen Waverley and moved the following motion of appreciation: “that this meeting of the Congregation record its deep appreciation of the loving service given by Rev. Ineke Gyles to so many individuals and to the Congregation as a whole during her ministry among us”.<<BR>> The meeting responded with acclamation. The meeting closed with the saying of The Grace together. |
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CategoryElders | '''Glen Waverley Uniting Church - Budget 2011.'''<<BR>> '''PLANNED EXPENDITURE''' || '''Congregation overall''' || '''Congregation funded''' || '''Self funded''' || ||• Ministry of the Word || $152,800 || || ||• Supporting the wider work of the UCA ||$51,500 || || ||• Communicating with the Congregation || $500 || || ||• Support for Elders & other group activities || $300 || || ||• Catering ||$200 || || ||• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) || || $29,600 || ||<)>'''Subtotal''' ||$205,300 ||$29,600 || ||'''Specific Ministries''' || || || ||• Ministry to Youth and Young Adults || $76,900 || || ||• Ministry to Children and Young Families ||$18,200 || || ||• Ministry to Seniors ||$ 6,800 || || ||• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) || ||$22,400 || ||<)>'''Subtotal''' || $101,900 || $22,400 || ||'''Other Missions and ministries''' || || || ||• Working to further our OTWT goals (Mission teams) || $4,300 || || ||• Pastoral & welfare || $1,000 || || ||• Stewardship of Property || $75,000 || || ||• Administration and finances support || $54,000 || || ||• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) || ||$3,500 || ||<)>'''Subtotal''' || $134,300 || $3,500 || ||<)>'''Total''' || $441,500 || $55,500 || ||<)>'''Grand Total'''(estimate only) || $497,000 || '''Sources of funds to meet needs''' ||• Pledged giving by Generous Givers ||$334,000 || ||• Open Plate giving by Generous Givers ||$35,000 || ||• Rent and Interest ||$40,500 || ||• Fund raising events to support the budget ||$12,000 || ||• Use of asset replacement reserve ||$24,800 || ||<)> '''Total''' ||$446,300 || Recommendation from the Church Council<<BR>> Council seeks the Approval of the Congregation to spend $441,600 on our wide range of missions and ministries using expected income of $446,300 derived from Congregation members gifts, other earnings and reserves. The motion was subsequently amended to include”..and for Council to reconsider the M&S contribution from the proposed $51,500 to the amount requested by Presbytery; $55,000. R Vass Interim Treasurer, November 2010 |
The Chairperson of the Congregation, Graeme Frecker, chaired the meeting.
- The Chairman welcomed 62 members to the meeting.
- Keith Boundy, Denise Baker, Peter Baker, Alan Barnard, Brian Clarkson, John Snare, Marj Snare, Barbara Hurst, Debbie Davey, Mona Macklin, Alan Lemke, Jan Clarke, Brian Clarke, Judy Edmonds, Jan Clear, Belinda Clear.
- were given by Graeme Frecker on the theme ‘Who is my neighbour?’
of the meeting held 5th July, 2010 were taken as a true record.
Moved: Warren Bartlett, Seconded: Margaret Williams.
Carried by consensus
Minutes of the Special Meeting held 8th November, 2010 were taken as a true record, with the addition of Heather and Alan Robison to be listed as Apologies.
Moved: Beverly McGlead, Seconded: Barbara Thompson.
Carried by consensus
4.1. Letter of Acceptance received from Rev. Rosemary Carter.
- The letter was read to the meeting.
5.1. Community of Faith – report given by Rev. Greg Fry
- Community of Faith currently without a Convenor
- Plans for 2011 underway – workshops planned
- Study groups planned – Alpha, Lenten studies
- Friday morning ‘Lectionary Group’ to continue
- new Tuesday group with ‘The Hub’
5.2. Inclusive Community – report given by Jeanne Koetsier and Alison Clarkson
- Focus of group to provide everyone with the opportunity to connect with others
- Munch with a Bunch – aims to help those not in a group to become involved provides a meeting place for those who live alone
- Conversation morning – with some young mums from Playgroup to help them learn English.
5.3. The Hub – report given by Judith Greenwood and Laurel Muir
- Friendships are developing – there are connections between the outside community and others who come to the building for various activities
- Morning Tea held in conjunction with ‘The Body Shop’ to raise funds for Cancer research. [$980 raised]
- Seniors Morning Tea held. Alan Cook entertained.
- Would love to expand in 2011 – to have enough volunteers to be able to open every day.
5.4. Outreach – report given by Lyn McDonald
6.1. Chair of Council, John Hurst spoke to a comprehensive report [Powerpoint]
There was a wide ranging discussion on the new 9.30am service.
Questions were asked and answered.
John advised the meeting that there would be a formal review of the change, Church Council would report back to the Congregation in 2011.
There will be combined service 5 times a year.
6.1.1. Use of Manse at 19 Southdown Avenue – Warren Greenwood reported.
- current tenants move out over December
- refurbishment will happen before Rosemary Carter moves in
- ducted heating needs changing
- funds from Deferred Maintenance and those left over from sale of 5 Berkley Court will be used.
6.2. Projected Financial Outcome for 2010 – Roger Vass reported
- Roger spoke to his report – Powerpoint
6.3. Congregation Budget for 2011 - Roger Vass reported
- Roger spoke to his report – Powerpoint. Report attached
Roger Vass moved:
Recommendation from the Church Council
Council seeks the Approval of the Congregation to spend $441,600 on our wide range of missions and ministries using expected income of $446,300 derived from Congregation members gifts, other earnings and reserves.
Seconded: John Hurst
Questions were asked and answered.
The motion was subsequently amended to request Church Council to reconsider our giving to Mission & Service, and continue discussion with Presbytery, with a view to increasing our giving.
Moved: Warren Bartlett, Seconded: Geoff WillisCarried by consensus
The Chairman, Graeme Frecker thanked Roger Vass for all the work he does in maintaining our Finances.
The meeting responded with acclamation.
7. MINISTRY TEAM REPORT – no report given.
8. ELDERS – Ross Mackinnon
- Report attached
9. PRESBYTERY REPORT - given by John Hurst
John gave a brief report on Port Philip East Presbytery –
- meet 6 times a year
- 3 times a year meet in regional groups
- Ross Mackinnon and Alison Clarkson are on a Task Group looking at the designated position of pastor
- Presbytery on Wednesday will present Gavin Blakemore as ready for ordination.
- Graeme Frecker spoke to the meeting of the work that Rev. Ineke Gyles had done within the congregation here at Glen Waverley and moved the following motion of appreciation:
“that this meeting of the Congregation record its deep appreciation of the loving service given by Rev. Ineke Gyles to so many individuals and to the Congregation as a whole during her ministry among us”.
The meeting responded with acclamation. The meeting closed with the saying of The Grace together.
Glen Waverley Uniting Church - Budget 2011.
Congregation overall |
Congregation funded |
Self funded |
• Ministry of the Word |
$152,800 |
• Supporting the wider work of the UCA |
$51,500 |
• Communicating with the Congregation |
$500 |
• Support for Elders & other group activities |
$300 |
• Catering |
$200 |
• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) |
$29,600 |
Subtotal |
$205,300 |
$29,600 |
Specific Ministries |
• Ministry to Youth and Young Adults |
$76,900 |
• Ministry to Children and Young Families |
$18,200 |
• Ministry to Seniors |
$ 6,800 |
• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) |
$22,400 |
Subtotal |
$101,900 |
$22,400 |
Other Missions and ministries |
• Working to further our OTWT goals (Mission teams) |
$4,300 |
• Pastoral & welfare |
$1,000 |
• Stewardship of Property |
$75,000 |
• Administration and finances support |
$54,000 |
• Other self funded programs and activities (estimate only) |
$3,500 |
Subtotal |
$134,300 |
$3,500 |
Total |
$441,500 |
$55,500 |
Grand Total(estimate only) |
$497,000 |
Sources of funds to meet needs
• Pledged giving by Generous Givers |
$334,000 |
• Open Plate giving by Generous Givers |
$35,000 |
• Rent and Interest |
$40,500 |
• Fund raising events to support the budget |
$12,000 |
• Use of asset replacement reserve |
$24,800 |
Total |
$446,300 |
Recommendation from the Church Council
- Council seeks the Approval of the Congregation to spend $441,600 on our wide range of missions and ministries using expected income of $446,300 derived from Congregation members gifts, other earnings and reserves.
The motion was subsequently amended to include”..and for Council to reconsider the M&S contribution from the proposed $51,500 to the amount requested by Presbytery; $55,000. R Vass Interim Treasurer, November 2010