#acl All:read Link to CommunityOutreach > OnTheWayTogether == Community Outreach Umbrella Vision 2009 == As a result of the On the Way Together process, “Community Outreach” was identified as an emerging proposition that Glen Waverley Uniting Church envisioned would become a vital part of its mission as God’s church in the world. In our vision statement it was acknowledged that “as a people with many privileges we have responded to God’s call expressed in our life giving theme to offer support to those with less and in need.” We believe that outreach is an expression of God’s love for His world through our intentional actions in our local community. Through building connections and relationships with those who do not normally engage with the church, we hope to offer the world “love with no strings attached.” In the translation of our faith into visible actions we will be careful not to follow our own agendas; rather we will follow God’s Spirit as He moves and leads us into the community. In this way, our attitudes will be that of selflessness and humility. Throughout the journey of outreach and through prayer and discernment, we hope to align ourselves more closely to God’s vision for Glen Waverley. Through the Community Outreach initiative we offer ourselves as God’s hands as He transforms our local community and gently fosters the growth of Kingdom culture, values and principles in all aspects of the wider community. We recognise and must continue to remind ourselves that we do not act on our own behalf, but that we are God’s instruments for His mission that He is already engaged in. As a follow on from the decisions and dreams that came out of the On the Way Together discernment journey, several passionate members from the congregation have come together to establish the Glen Waverley “Outreach Ministry Group.” The goal of this committee is to be a coordinating, guiding body that assists in the growth of the “Community Outreach” concept, and to ensure that the call to outreach and mission becomes a reality. The first responsibility of the group will be to provide support and resources for existing outreach ministries that are currently active so that they may continue to expand, such as: * Support programs for overseas students that provide language skills and tutoring services for people who are new to this land. * The Kombi Krew Ministry activities, such as the Breakfast Ministry, Random Acts of Kindness, free barbeques and Habitat for Humanity. The second responsibility of the group will be to allow opportunities for new outreach ministries to come to fruition. Outreach ministry is about responding to the needs of a dynamic society that is on a path of constant and rapid change. To truly meet the world where it is at in its current context, we need to be adaptable and flexible to the callings of the Spirit. Some of the callings to serve our community which the Outreach Ministry Group has identified as potential future projects include: * Investigating the viability of offering 19 Southdown Avenue as student accommodation. * Creating a job description for “Gossip Collector” and appointing a suitable candidate to fill this role. By increasing and strengthening the grassroots connections between GWUC and the Monash Council, the Gossip Collector will build and sustain a local network of relationships that will give GWUC a greater capacity to participate in local events and contribute to the life and culture of Glen Waverley’s community life. * Calling together a group of “Kingsway shopping strip regulars,” who will commit to regularly visiting the shops located along Kingsway, offering prayers for the employers and employees and demonstrating God’s love through the building of friendships with these people. * Supporting the Kid’s Hope program, an initiative that reaches out to local children who are disadvantaged or isolated. * Provide opportunities for members of the congregation and wider community to complete training in outreach and ministry areas, to equip and empower the people of God to go out and carry God’s presence beyond the walls of the church. Through prayer and discernment, the Outreach Ministry Group will ensure that they hold true to the Life Giving Themes, giving special attention to the ideal of “Generously living God’s love - Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” As we follow God’s call to ministry in our community of Glen Waverley, it is important that we understand the demographic structure of the people we serve, so that we may be applying ourselves to the areas that are most needed. Outreach Group 1/7/09