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Community Hub Missional Group Report October 2018


Leisure Time will celebrate 40 years of service to the community on 29th October, 2018. This will take the form of a brunch with a short “history” of Leisure Time and a visual display of guests both past and present together with photos of outings and activities.

The numbers each week continue to be encouraging 16 to 18. There was an outing to the Waverley Cinema in September to see the film “Crazy Rich Asians” - enjoyed by all. This was followed by a basket lunch at the theatre. Another outing will be held on 22nd October 10, 2018, a lunch at the Dandenong Club.

The format that Leisure Time will take in 2019 continues to be under discussion. More volunteers are needed and depending on the responses received from current volunteers in the next couple of weeks will decide just how things will proceed.

Coo-ee Report October 2018

This very small group continues to fill a need in our congregation. It has been pleasing to note that a couple of visitors from the community have also participated a couple of times.



The HUB continues to be a busy place with new people coming most weeks as well as many of our regular visitors. Some days there have been 20 – 25 people chatting away at The HUB. Our HUB visitors and their families really appreciate all that The HUB and our church do to help them. They are happy to help us any way they can.

Our Muffin Morning at The HUB was a great morning. Many people from the wider community attended, some for the first time and others who continue to come regularly now. Donations totalling $1,610 were given for research into Parkinson’s Disease.

Our Seniors’ Morning Tea at The HUB will be held on Thursday 25th October, 10am – 12noon. All donations from this morning will go to research into Motor Neurone Disease.

Laurel and I will be attending a meeting with Monash Council PALS representatives at the end of October. Among the items on the agenda are the events planned for January – April 2019 for the next PALS book.

Christmas activities with The HUB are almost here. Our Children’s Nativity Dress-Up Photos are on 19th, 20th and 21st November between 10am and 12noon. Our Christmas Morning Tea will be on Thursday 6th December, 10am – 12noon. This is also the last morning of The Hub for 2018. We will be giving GWUC children and children who attend groups at our church our special Christmas colouring-in book, and also parents and grandparents a Christmas card. Christmas cards will also be given to shops in the Kingsway.

The HUB Small Group met and planned dates for 2019.

Special thanks to The HUB volunteers who continue help and support our visitors so well that they feel very much at home in our church.

*** We would love some new HUB volunteers in 2019 or emergency volunteers for when people are sick or on holidays. If you would like to help at The Hub once a month, or even once a term, please contact Judith on 9803 8373.



All four playgroups are continuing successfully, although numbers are smaller than in previous years. (This is decline in numbers is apparently common to playgroups throughout Glen Waverley.) Mothers and grandmother continue to appreciate what we offer and feel very much at home in our Church community. New members are continuing to join us. The Tuesday group is planning a visit to Chesterfield Farm in November.

It has been decided to hold a combined Christmas party and breakup on the first Monday in December.

We are grateful to Geraldine , Judith and the Hub team for arranging to take the nativity dress up photos again this year.

The new Connections Chinese fathers' playgroup began recently and was very successful. Bev attended to help the Connections team settle in in rooms 2 and 3 and the playground. Thanks to Glynn a new collection of Chinese story books and games has been purchased for their use.



This group continues to flourish, welcoming people from the local community to our church. Their search for a suitable new table continues!



The committee is most appreciative of the support of Church groups such as UCAF and individual congregational members who make regular donations of food and household supplies for distribution to clients. There continues to be a constant demand for assistance from members of the local community who are in need.