## page was renamed from HubReport201411 #acl GeraldineFleming:read,write All:read Link to > CommunityHub > CouncilAgenda20141125 == COMMUNITY HUB MISSION GROUP November 2014 == === COOEE === We look forward to our time at Cooee each week and are pleased that one of our members, who has been absent for a while, has returned. We continue to support, share and enjoy each other’s company each Friday, having lunch together and playing Scrabble. New people are always welcome to join us. === THE HUB === * People of all ages from GWUC or from the community are welcome to drop in at The Hub. If you are passing by, stop for a while and say “hello” to our volunteers and visitors. We would love to see you. * Over the past few months The Hub has been a busy place. The people who come to practise their English in general conversation are most appreciative of the way that The Hub Volunteers spend time talking with them. Some are regular visitors coming once or twice each week. Many now feel at home at GWUC, not only making their own cup of tea, but also offering to make one for The Hub Volunteers! * We now have some small Gospel of John books available to give visitors, and some of them have been received with great enthusiasm. They are in English and Chinese. * Our Special Morning Teas continue to attract people from the community. The Christmas Morning Tea at The Hub is on Thursday 11th December, 10am – 12noon. * Children are invited to come to The Hub with their parents or grandparents, on Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd December between 10am and 12noon, and have their photographs taken dressed in nativity costumes. * The last day of The Hub for 2014 is Thursday 11th December * Our annual Muffin Morning at The Hub was held in August and we received donations of $358.10 which we donated to Share. The Seniors’ Morning Tea held in October saw many people from the community coming for the first time, and others coming back again. It was great to see the mix of GWUC and Community people. * Once again we will be giving the children in Playgroup, Mini Maestros, and our own GWUC children a Christmas Colouring-In Book and a Christmas card for the families. * We will also be giving Christmas Cards to the shopkeepers in the Kingsway, The Body Shop at the Glen and the G.W. Library. * We are aware that The Hub has become a place that is very focused on people wanting to practise their English through normal conversation (not classes.) We have noticed that people from GWUC and the local community who used to stop at The Hub for a chat or a cuppa are no longer doing this. The CHMG is looking at this issue and any suggestions from Church Council are welcome. * Due to the growth of The Hub and the work involved in all aspects of The Hub, we are forming The Hub Small Group, which will be like a committee for The Hub. Our first meeting will be on 6th November in which we will plan The Hub activities for 2015. * Hub Events planned for 2015 * Starting date Tuesday 10th February. * Thursday 26th March – Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea with all donations going to The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. * Thursday 28th May –Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea with all donations going to the Cancer Council. * Wednesday 15th July –The Hub Birthday Party, 6 years old. * Sunday 9th August – The Hub Volunteers Lunch and Meeting. * Thursday 29th October – Seniors’ Morning Tea . * Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th November - Children’s Nativity Photos * Thursday 10th December - Christmas Morning Tea and finishing date for The Hub - JudithGreenwood - Co-ordinator === LEISURE TIME === * Leisure Time, which meets every Monday morning, brings together people who are lonely, so that they may interact with others and make friends. * We have welcomed several new guests in the past months – Elsie, Eva, Helga, Marie, Georgina and Robyn. All of these ladies are enjoying their time with us and have settled in well. * Sadly, three Leisure Time guests, Joan Carver, Peter Thorpe and Thelma !McEachern, passed away recently. Our sympathies are with their families. * We were delighted to receive a Monash Council Community grant of $2550 for the 2014-15 financial year. It will greatly assist our outings program, and help with Christmas party expenses. Thanks to Cliff Baker who wrote the submission. * Our outings program remains a highlight, with excellent attendance. In June the guests were taken to Lynbrook Hotel for lunch, in August to Pinewood Theatre, including a basket lunch, and in September to Mornington Racecourse for lunch. These outings were thoroughly enjoyed by all. * Once again our outings committee has worked hard to provide a varied and interesting list of accessible places to visit. They would welcome new ideas which should be passed on to Cliff Baker or Pam McDonald. * Our Christmas Breakup is on December 8 and we hope to see you all there. PamMcDonald (for MargaretFraser – Co-ordinator) === PLAYGROUP === * All four playgroups are progressing very happily. Numbers are large, but thanks to our capable and dedicated leaders, all is going well. The waiting list is growing steadily. * Two recent initiatives have proved very popular. Firstly, many members of the congregation, as well as playgroup members, enjoyed watching a dozen eggs hatch into delightful fluffy chickens. Secondly, the Tuesday group’s visit to Chesterfield Children’s Farm was very successful; our little ones loved meeting the animals and running around in the open space. * It was great to see so many of our Playgroup families enjoying the recent Church fete, and supporting our Church community where many of them feel very much at home. KayeMackinnon - Co-ordinator