Communications Committee

1. Agenda

Monday, 23 July 2012, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Room 2

1.1. 1. Attendance and Apologies

Attendance: John Snare, Jan Clear, Jit Tan, Greg Fry, Lesley Armstrong

Apologies: JohnHurst , Aaron Blakemore

1.2. 2. Confirmation of the agenda

The agenda was confirmed.

1.3. 3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Covered under other agenda items.

1.4. 4. External notice board update

The proposal prepared after the last meeting is with Warren Greenwood to follow-up through the Property Committee.

Existing sign position and a two-sided sign would be our preference.

Update since the meeting: A design and quote has been received and approved by the Communications Committee, and is with the Property Committee for follow-up.

1.5. 5. Foyer Video display –

Not yet fully operational, but when it is all wired up a small group representing different committees will meet to discuss display use and content. John Snare will represent Communications Committee.

1.6. 6. Report from Aaron

Between now and the end of September, priority for Aaron is to:

1. Prepare an initial design for the new car park outside sign and possibly follow up concerning details as the quotation process proceeds. The initial part of this work will be done within a week. The rest will depend on the quotation process and can't be predicted yet. Interim Status - Draft is complete and has been sent

2. Finish work on the brochure/wallet and inserts. This involves finialising the stand alone brochures for the Hub and Leisure time with some graphics to replace the existing clip art. It also involves sending me an email outlining the lessons learnt from the initial printing of the wallet and recommendations about how we should deal with printing the next batch. Interim Status - Church inserts are now in Heathers hands, discussions ongoing with Judith and Margaret re their separate flyers.

3. Develop a style guide that will assist others apply the design concept you have developed to new materials. This includes making sure that Heather has access to the necessary templates and related materials. Interim Status - This will be done during September.

4. Document the printing process for signs such as the door sign inserts so that it is easy for Heather to update them and order new versions when necessary. Interim Status - This will be done during September.

5. Develop Christmas alight materials. Interim Status - Done to a reasonable degree, just waiting to hear from the organisers that I have done everything needed.

6. Advise the Communications Committee on ongoing work necessary to maintain/administer/mediate the Glen Waverley Uniting Church Facebook site. Also advise whether he envisages continuing in that role past the end of September, or whether I need to look for someone to take over. (As we discussed at the June Communications Committee meeting, it is desirable to find a deputy to assist in any case.) Interim Status - Pending.

7. Prepare outstanding materials for the ministerial team. There is something to be done for Alison, but could you add details and also any other work that you have been asked to do for the others. Interim Status - Pending.

8. Update the web site design. As we discussed, this could be a huge task on its own. I propose that this task be scoped and done as a background task to fit in with the available time and the other tasks in this list. Interim Status - This has been placed on hold, possibly until the new year.

10. Small jobs for Heather. Interim Status - Update bulletin footer - done. Set up new with compliments slip - needs to done. Aaron will finish up at the end of September 2012 on paid work.

11. Other items

1.7. 7. Next meeting - to be confirmed, probably September 24th, 7:30pm Room 2

Discuss Christmas newsletter, and Christmas ‘real estate agent’ board. Note: This meeting was originally planned for Monday 27th August 7.30pm Room 2,, but has had to be postponed.

1.8. 8. Other Business

Growing Generous

Greg drew our attention to the forthcoming Growing Generous Givers programme. It may be valuable to discuss communications needs with the people organising the ‘growing generous givers campaign’ as options of what people could give to the church life in addition to money.

Needs include:

Frontier Services Event

It was agreed that a ‘real-estate agent’ board in front of the church is not appropriate for the Frontier Services event. However, there is an interesting story to tell, especially about the mural, and it is important to publicise this as widely as possible. John Snare to talk to Heather about communicating information about the Frontier Services event.

Community of Faith Graffiti board.

Faith Group has put a whiteboard on their notice board for the church community to share information/questions that concern them.

1.9. 9. Closure

Meeting close no later than 8:40pm