Communications Committee

Our mission

Glen Waverley Uniting Church is a faithful, Christ-centred community that meets God and shares that unconditional love: [email protected]

Our Vision

Connectedness: Fostering relationships, Small Groups, Pastoral care, Gatherings and events, Intergenerational connections

Faith: Providing specified study groups, Diverse worship services & styles & times, Conferences, seminars & guest speakers, A culture of asking questions, exploring & sharing faith

Kingsway: Intentional listening to & learning from other multicultural or ethnic specific church communities, Building relationships by pastoral care and prayer support to Kingsway businesses, Participating in Kingsway events

Profile: Partnering with schools, councils and clubs, talking to community and global organisations to identify needs, Empowering the disempowered, Advocacy of community and global topics.

Living the Vision

  1. Being Mindful - The Communications Committee prefaces its agendas and minutes with the four summary vision statements as a reminder that the deliberations of the Committee should be done in the context of this vision.

  2. Looking Forward - The Communications Committee uses the four vision areas as a guide for discussion and decisions.

  3. Reflecting - The Communications Committee uses the four vision areas to check whether or not anything has been missed in its consideration of its various agenda items.

Draft Agenda

4 July 2016, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Room ?

1. Sharing Time

Volunteer needed

2. Attendance and Apologies



3. Confirmation of the agenda

4. Matters arising from the report of the last meeting

A report of the previous meeting is at CommunicationsReport20160509

5. The GWUC Web Site

Status of new web page for the church vision?

6. Information for established newcomers

Updateon FAQs

7. Church Postcard

8. Process for Real Estate Agent Sponsorship Boards

Update from Alanee

9. Next meeting

10. Other Business

11. Closure

No later than 9:30pm