Organised by the Mount Waverley Cluster Adult Growth and Development Group

How Should the Uniting Church Respond to Climate Change?

Climate change is a serious threat to global wellbeing.
Should the Uniting Church play a more significant role in responding to climate change and, if so, what form should this take?
Should the Synod call a ‘climate emergency’?
What guidance can be derived from scripture?

You are invited to take part in an online (Zoom)discussion that will include real-time polling on these and other important issues.

Saturday, August 29th 10:00am to 12:30pm


Login from 9:30am on the day:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89571379634<<BR>> Meeting ID: 895 7137 9634

By phone: Dial 7018 2005. When prompted enter the above Meeting ID followed by #. For participant ID press # again.

Enquiries to John McKie: 0400 688 471||