Differences between revisions 13 and 37 (spanning 24 versions)
Revision 13 as of 2010-05-16 07:39:01
Size: 807
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: add explanatory policy note about rosters
Revision 37 as of 2011-02-15 04:35:30
Size: 1934
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: move background material to Motivation page, and add quick guide
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#acl All:read Known:read,write #acl Known:read,write All:read
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== Guide to Use ==
The Guide to the Use of the church rosters is on a separate page at ChurchRostersHowTo.

For those just wishing to swap roster duties, here is the relevant section from that page:
<<Include(ChurchRostersHowTo,,from="There are three",to="appropriate place.")>>

== Introduction ==
In the rosters listed below, the appended names are the roster convenors.
Line 4: Line 13:
 * [[Elders/RosterAprJun2010]]
 * [[Elders/RosterJanMar2010]]
 * [[Elders/RosterCurrent | Elders Roster]] (DavidJackson)

/* note to editors - the current roster has been changed to always be on the page Elders/RosterCurrent. This is to avoid having to change the Elders Prayers Reminder program each time the roster changes. Before a new roster is prepared, the old roster should be copied to a page named with the months and years (shown above for JulSep2010), and then the current roster can be updated with new roster information. The links above should be appropriately adjusted. */
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 * RosterWorshipMusic
 * RosterBibleReading
 * RosterPreaching
 * RosterWorshipMusic (RobertFleming)
 * RosterLectionary
 * RosterBibleReading (EileenScott)
 * RosterKidsActivityTime
 * RosterSoundRoom
 * RosterDoorSteward (JohnMuir)
 * RosterMorningTea (RewaFeenaghty)
Line 19: Line 35:
== KAT ==
 * KidsChurchRoster
== Others ==
 * RosterLeisureTime
 * RosterCommunityHub
 * RosterFlowers
 * RosterAgedCare


Church Rosters

Guide to Use

The Guide to the Use of the church rosters is on a separate page at ChurchRostersHowTo.

For those just wishing to swap roster duties, here is the relevant section from that page:


In the rosters listed below, the appended names are the roster convenors.



The new format for worship rosters will partition the various aspects into separate, individual rosters. Hence there will be one roster page for Bible Readings, one for organ/band/choir, one for preaching, one for lectionary, etc.. This is done so that only one roster needs to be changed as things evolve. It is intended that composite rosters will be eventually formed from composite auto-generation, that is, new comprehensive rosters will be made automatically from the individual ones.




ChurchRosters (last edited 2024-02-28 10:04:13 by DavidMorgan)