The Church In Celebration

JohnHurst @NOW@ Last Sunday was a wonderful celebration of Ineke's ministry, both at Glen Waverley and elsewhere. Many people spoke passionately about how Ineke had made an impression on their lives, and I thought that Ineke gave one of her all-time best sermons. See the photos (over 100!) that I took during the service at

JohnHurst 2010-11-16 00:17:20 JitTan sent me this collage of the recent induction ceremony for the Pastoral Team. It was a joyous occasion to celebrate, and several people have commented to me how much they felt uplifted by the willingness and commitment shown by the members of the Pastoral Team!


JohnHurst 2010-07-25 23:00:48 I was moved to start this page following three very uplifting services on Sunday 25 Jul 2010. It was the occasion of Outreach Sunday, where all 5 services were planned, prepared and participated by the OutreachMissionalGroup. I had the privilege to attend all three morning services, and I thought all three were very powerful in terms of the message they brought about our congregation's engagement with mission. Our church is a large organization, so large that we have trouble in communicating everything that is happening (just ask the Communications Committee!) So it was good to hear of the variety of mission activities that we undertake:

All of these people spoke passionately about the mission in which they were involved, and I thought that it was a tremendous celebration of the mission work of this church!

Please feel free to add your own accounts of uplifting experiences of the church in celebration!
