#acl FeteCommitteeGroup:read,write,admin All:read Link to > LeafletDelivery > > [[FeteGroup|Fete committee members]] > FeteHistory > [[FeteCommitteeGroup|Current fete committee]] == GWUC Church Fete == A short video made in 2020 celebrates past fetes is in [[attachment:fete.mov]]. Each year we hold a [[ChurchFete2018|grand fete]] to raise money to support our [[CommunityOutreach|Congregational Outreach Project]] for causes outside the congregation. For details see [[ChurchFete2013|2013]], [[ChurchFete2014|2014]], [[ChurchFete2015|2015]], [[ChurchFete2016|2016]], [[ChurchFete2017|2017]], [[ChurchFete2018|2018]], [[ChurchFete2019|2019.]] 2020, 2021 and 2022 fetes were cancelled. Photos from the 2015 Fete are [[ChurchFetePhotos|here]]. Publicity experience is detailed at PublicityFeteBookSale Fete Committee task list [[FeteCommitteeTasks2020|2020]], [[FeteCommitteeTasks2022|2022]], [[FeteCommitteeTasks2023|2023]] [[FeteCommitteeTasks2024|2024]]