#acl All:read == Church Car Park Policy == Glen Waverley Uniting Church has a small car park. At peak times the demand for places far exceeds supply. Some users have a real need to park close to the building, such as mobility problems, goods to load or unload, or young children who are at risk crossing the road. Out of consideration for these users, all others are strongly encouraged to park in the multi-storey car park across Bogong Avenue, especially at times of peak demand. This applies to church members and hirers alike. Some of the reasons behind this are: * The church council and the congregation have affirmed a vision that includes intentional engagement with the wider community. Hire groups are part of that vision. Making our church car park available to hirers is consistent and a necessary part of the above. * As a Christian Congregation we affirm values of welcome, hospitality, acceptance, generosity and grace. To give preference other than on the basis of need cuts across our values. * There has been no practical or workable process or suggestion on how to actually manage any other method of allocating preference. Who is a preferred user? Who polices the preference? * Our current hiring lease agreement includes a specific condition that there is no reserved or other parking included in the hire agreement. * Church groups (and this includes funerals) do have the opportunity to request space to be held on a specific day. This includes caterers and funeral company attendants. There are no permanent reservations for anyone except our employees who have been provided a reserved parking space as a condition of their employment. Members of the GWUC community, and the Hirers, who use our facilities, are requested to be respectful of everyone wishing to access the car park, and the range of needs for nearby parking. Draft by DavidMorgan May 2018 using words from NeilPeters.