## page was renamed from ChoirParty #acl All:read January 2013 Dear UV member, Welcome back. We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year, and that you are ready to fling yourself into 2013. We would like to thank you for all the extra work that you put in at the end of last year. We felt it was all worthwhile as it was an excellent Readings and Carols and we sang very well indeed. We have worked on the programme for the next few months. As far as we are aware, we are still singing on the first and third Sundays in the month at 11am. Have a look at the UV pages on the church wiki to see what we have planned so far. http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/UnitingVoices Practices will be starting at 8pm on 31st January and we will be singing on 17 February, which is the first Sunday in Lent and also Rosemary’s last service with GWUC. Please make sure you attend as many practices as possible so that we can make some headway in learning the music. Enjoy the remainder of your break, and we look forward to seeing you on the 31st. Best wishes<
> Barb and Elwyn PS It would be good to have a Welcome back party at the start of the Choral year. Because Sunday 17 Feb is now taken up with Rosemary's farewell, we thought we would have supper after the first choir practice (31 Jan). No plates necessary!