Differences between revisions 2 and 7 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2012-12-20 03:52:24
Size: 22227
Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 7 as of 2013-02-03 10:00:24
Size: 55670
Editor: DavidMorgan
Comment: Corrections
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[#Asylum Seeker Support Group | Asylum Seeker Support Group]] <<BR>>
[[#Badminton | Badminton]] <<BR>>
[[#Book Club | Book Club]] <<BR>>
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[[#Careful Kitchen Crew | Careful Kitchen Crew]] <<BR>>
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[[#Club 2012 | Club 2012]] <<BR>>
[[#Communications Committee | Communications Committee]] <<BR>>
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[[#Fete Committee | Fete Committee]] <<BR>>
[[#Finance & Treasurer | Finance & Treasurer]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH Aqua | FISH Aqua]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH Gold | FISH Gold]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH Orange | FISH Orange]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH Yellow | FISH Yellow]] <<BR>>
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[[#Leisure Time | Leisure Time]] <<BR>>
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[[#MG Inclusive Community | MG Inclusive Community]] <<BR>>
[[#Ministry to Seniors | Ministry to Seniors]] <<BR>>
[[#Prayer Book & Chain | Prayer Book & Chain]] <<BR>>
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[[#The Hub | The Hub]] <<BR>>
[[#UCAF | UCAF]] <<BR>>
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||<|2:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Glenys & Leighton Collins, Pam & Lyn McDonald||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Glenys & Leighton Collins, Pam & Lyn McDonald ||
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||<|13:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || All meetings were “special” in different ways. They included:|| ||<|12:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || All meetings were “special” in different ways. They included:||
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||• Friendship shared at the Annual Christmas Dinner, at Mulgrave Country Club.||
||• Friendship shared at the Annual Christmas Dinner, at Mulgrave Country Club. ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Asylum Seeker Support Group)>>'''Asylum Seeker Support Group'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || RobinPope ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To provide assistance (material, financial or other as needed) which will assist the well-being of asylum seekers in our community. ||
||<|2:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Convenor: Robin Pope||
||Group rep on OEASSN: Heather Wilkins ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 7 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 6-7 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Informally during year; a formal annual gathering for review ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || In homes (meetings); wherever else as needed by individuals/groups ||
||<|5:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Through our association with the Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network of Hotham Mission ASP, we have been updated on the changing legislation regarding asylum seekers – most of it grim news. Robin has attended several advocacy sessions run by Hotham Mission ASP, which has itself undergone many changes with a tripling of staff and imminent relocation to larger premises. ||
||We were successful in obtaining a $3000 portion of the GWUC fete proceeds which will go towards paying the rent on a 2-bed unit for an asylum seeker family in Heathmont. (They are supported by the Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network.)||
||As a member of the OEASSN, GWUC members also participated in the Whitehorse Community Chest by dropping leaflets and doorknocking for collection. As a result of the OEASSN participation nearly $8000 was granted (also contributing to the rent).||
||In September the choir Free Spirit gave a fund-raising concert at Blackburn Uniting, raising another $1500 for rent. We are grateful for their generous gift of their talents.||
||We have continued to support the Dandenong Asylum Seeker Centre run by David Spitteler, by making regular donations of good, used clothing, bedlinen and foodstuffs. These donations are cleared by a roster of committee members. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Badminton)>>'''Badminton'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || IanMcMillan ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Promote health and feloowship through badminton with members of the congregation and the community. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Ian McMillan, Onn Chin, Lynne Boyer. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 27 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 8 Monday and 10 Thursday ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Mondays 8-10pm and Thursdays 8-10pm ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Church hall ||
||<|2:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Through the church website, community members have come along to play. ||
||Assisted with the Fete and the International Dinner. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || NIL||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Book Club)>>'''Book Club'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || DonReid & BevReid ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Choose books to read and amicably criticise. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Don Reid & Bev Reid. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 15 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 14 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || First Wednesday of each month at 8pm. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Members’ homes ||
||<|4:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || We welcomed two new members and have one regretable resignation. ||
||A small gorup, we did assist in the Book Fair with pleasing results.||
||An odd book about a hat "A Fez of the Heart" was one of many we enjoyed reading.||
||An (anonymous) list of books we selet can be provided to interested readers. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || Members are usually obtained by word of mouth. Assistance may be requested. Limited to 15 members by the numberof books provided.||
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||<|11:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • Beeac Broadcasts each month|| ||<|9:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • Beeac Broadcasts each month||
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||Expanding the ministry to seniors and home shut ins via the use of iPads.||
||Expanding the ministry to seniors and home shut ins via the use of iPads. ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Careful Kitchen Crew)>>'''Careful Kitchen Crew'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || KelliBenjamin ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To ensure GWUC's registration as a food premises is renewed annually by Monash City Council in order that GWUC can continue to undertake the many and varied food-related activities which are such a central part of our fellowship and service. ||
||<|10:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Supervisor: Yan Emms (Monash City Council liaison)||
||Coordinator: Kelli Benjamin ||
||Secretary: Nicole Boyer||
||Training: Kelli Benjamin ||
||Members: Margaret Fraser (Leisure Time)||
|| Deb Graham (Young Families)||
|| Lois Hosking (Seniors/Hub/UCAF)||
|| Nicole Boyer (Youth)||
|| Sarah Lorimer (Youth)||
|| Doug Newberry ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 10 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 6-8 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Quarterly on the third Monday of the month ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Room 1 or Room 2 & kitchen ||
||<|21:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || CKC liaises with Monash City Council Environmental Health Officers regarding kitchen use and undertakes food handling compliance. This includes quarterly meetings, kitchen rosters, review and upgrading of our Food Safety Program, maintenance of records, being present at formal inspections of our premisCKC liaises with Monash City Council Environmental Health Officers regarding kitchen use and undertakes food handling compliance. This includes quarterly meetings, kitchen rosters, review and upgrading of our Food Safety Program, maintenance of records, being present at formal inspections of our premises and seeking advice as needed. The committee is very active and co-operative, and seeks to monitor compliance and maintain the high standard recognised by Monash Council in recent inspections. ||
||Beginning of 2012 we bade farewell to Susan Stringer who was unable to continue with CKC due to a new full-time job opportunity. We thanked her for her contribution to the CKC over the years.||
||Throughout the year Lois Hosking with help from other members did a full stocktake and labelling of all crockery in the kitchen. Decisions were made regarding the appropriate or minimum amount required for general kitchen user groups and also the delegation of space in new overhead cupboards that have been put in place. Storage in Room 4 has been utilised for ‘excess’ kitchen items.||
||July saw the development by Kelli Benjamin of a “Food Safety’ pack/handouts for non-church kitchen users. This introduces and reinforces the food safety standards set by the CKC.||
||On 24th August 2012 Monash City Council conducted the annual food safety inspection of our premises. Once again the Church not only passed the inspection, but received another 5 star ‘Golden Plate Award’ for its exemplary compliance to the Food Safety Program. We scored 100/100. The CKC recognises the efforts of all kitchen users in helping us to achieve this award.||
||October saw the successful compliance to our FSP by all those involved in food handling at the annual fete. Though the fete was not visited by a council Food Safety Inspector, our own coordinators and contributors did a superb job of following all food safety guidelines. CKC representatives monitored and advised food handlers during the fete and completed food safety records for submission to Monash City Council after the event. All groups are reminded that:||
||1. when planning any church event involving the preparation or serving of food, someone must be responsible for compliance with food safety standards and the Kitchen Instructions (mounted on the kitchen wall). A single event checklist is provided to assist with this.||
||2. they should advise CKC of changes to their food-related activities so that we can review and adapt our Food Safety program and procedures as necessary.||
||3. when in doubt refer to our Food Safety Program (copy placed in the kitchen) or contact your CKC member.||
||4. we appreciate your efforts in maintaining good food safety standards. It is important to all of us.||
||GWUC’s food-related activities, both on and off-site, continue to expand and change. Our approved Food Safety Program must remain current and sufficient to demonstrate good practice. ||
||es and seeking advice as needed. ||
||At the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 we welcomed three new members (Doug, Nicole and Sarah) into the CKC. We also bade farewell to Bronwyn Lowe and Cynthia Chin and thank them for their contribution to CKC. In 2012, Kelli will takeover the role of Coordinator and Mike will represent Property Committee in CKC. ||
||In September 2011, Kelli Benjamin conducted informal food safety training for interested members of the congregation. This was well received and forms part of the commitment to ongoing training as part of the Food Safety Program’s goals.||
||October saw the successful compliance to our FSP by all those involved in food handling at the annual fete. Though the fete was not visited by a council Food Safety Inspector, our own coordinators and contributors did a superb job of following all food safety guidelines. CKC representatives monitored and advised food handlers during the fete and completed food safety records for submission to Monash City Council after the event. All groups are reminded that:||
||1. when planning any church event involving the preparation or serving of food, someone must be responsible for compliance with food safety standards and the Kitchen Instructions (mounted on the kitchen wall). A single event checklist is provided to assist with this.||
||2. they should advise CKC of changes to their food-related activities so that we can review and adapt our Food Safety program and procedures as necessary.||
||3. when in doubt refer to our Food Safety Program (copy placed in the kitchen) or contact your CKC member.||
||4. we appreciate your efforts in maintaining good food safety standards. It is important to all of us.||
||On 7th December 2011Monash City Council conducted the annual food safety inspection of our premises. The Church not only passed the inspection with a score of 99% but received a 5 star ‘Golden Plate Award’ for its exemplary compliance to the Food Safety Program.||
||GWUC’s food-related activities, both on and off-site, continue to expand and change. Our approved Food Safety Program must remain current and sufficient to demonstrate good practice. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || Church Council to assist CKC to reinforce the need for all groups who use the kitchen to nominate a representative who will be responsible for food safety planning for their own functions and who will liaise with the CKC.||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Club 2012)>>'''Club 2012'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || JoyGray ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To provide convivial company for people living alone ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Joy Gray leader. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 31 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 18-20 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || First Sunday of each month at 12:30. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Fellowship area and kitchen ||
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Every luncheon is a special time. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Communications Committee)>>'''Communications Committee'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || JohnSnare ||
||<|12:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || The Glen Waverley Uniting Church Council has established a Communications Committee with the following responsibilities:||
||1. to oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner; ||
||2. to introduce new methods of communication as appropriate; ||
||3. to facilitate the production of a church magazine (currently called NewView) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment); ||
||4. to ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present; ||
||5. to continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity; ||
||6. to maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC; ||
||7. to seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC; ||
||8. to liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage; ||
||9. to take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards); ||
||10. to publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and ||
||11. to encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || John Snare: Coordinators ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 8 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 6 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Monthly or bimonthly for two hours. Monday at 7:30. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Church Building - Room 2 ||
||<|6:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Replacement of the Car Park Notice.||
||Preparation of social media policy and guidelines, and trial implementation of Church Facebook site.||
||Style Guide and supporting materials prepared for GWUC publications.||
||Photo release form made available on the GWUC wiki (Communications Committee page).||
||Procedures for uploading materials to the GWUC website and for external printing made available on the GWUC wiki (Communications Committee page).||
||Draft guidelines prepared for the use of the church foyer video display (to be confirmed when all features are fully functional). ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || ||

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||<|19:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || As the not-so young but fresh Co-ordinator of the Congregation Outreach Group it is my pleasure to inform you that the group continues to oversee the many and varied outreach programmes of the church. Some of these programmes it has supported for a good length of time and it is heartening to continue to receive on your behalf the thanks, from various organisations, due to the members of GWUC.|| ||<|18:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || As the not-so young but fresh Co-ordinator of the Congregation Outreach Group it is my pleasure to inform you that the group continues to oversee the many and varied outreach programmes of the church. Some of these programmes it has supported for a good length of time and it is heartening to continue to receive on your behalf the thanks, from various organisations, due to the members of GWUC.||
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||These meetings are very informative and you may learn detailed information about GWUC Outreach Programmes if you join our rigorous Q and A sessions.||
||These meetings are very informative and you may learn detailed information about GWUC Outreach Programmes if you join our rigorous Q and A sessions. ||
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||<|2:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || A willingness to support the task and the aims of the group.||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || A willingness to support the task and the aims of the group.||
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||<|7:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || year) Lenten studies based on individual reflection and in small groups sessions|| ||<|7:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Lenten studies based on individual reflection and in small groups sessions||
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||Development vision for the GGG campaign." || ||Development vision for the GGG campaign ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Fete Committee)>>'''Fete Committee'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || YanEmms ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Organise the infrastructure and facilitate the GWUC community to hold our annual fete which generates income to support various worthy projects separate to GWUC°Øs own °∞missional°± programs ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || n.a. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 4 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 2-4 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Ad hoc from June to October. Group communication mainly through email. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Members house or GWUC ||
||<|5:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Fantastic attendance by our neighbours, wonderful weather during fete week and excellent results with $25,898.38 to support 7 projects.||
||Great fellowship and fun was apparent with many willing hands in response to our call for volunteers to set up and on fete day. More helpers at clean up post fete would be most appreciated.||
||Many Thanks to Faye Wagon for the artwork and printing of our fete posters, fete flyers and laminating the "thank- you" certificates. ||
||A great Thank you to Ian McMillan for organising the distribution of the fete flyers.||
||It was wonderful to be given the opportunity to address the various services leading up to the fete as the needs are so fluid and the true urgency encourages people to finally put their names down to help with the fete. ||
||<|2:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || It would be good if various requests for the fete, in the weekly bulletin, can be extended beyond 2 weeks since the fete occurs soon after the school holidays and will be missed by families away for the holidays.||
||Any assistance to encourage fete volunteers to put their names down on the appropriate lists, rather than just turning up would make job allocation so much more effective.||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Finance & Treasurer)>>'''Finance & Treasurer'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || PeterStewart ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || The Finance Committee is a permanent committee of the Church Council, charged with budgeting and managing our finances. It also has responsibility for oversight of church administration functions including the employment arrangements of staff. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Peter Stewart, convenor ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 5 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 4 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || 7:30pm on Mondays, once a month, 9 days before Church Council meetings on 3rd Wednesday. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Church, usually Room 1 or 2 as available ||
||<|3:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Two members resigned from the Committee prior to the start of the year: David Jackson and Blair Feenaghty. Graeme Frecker resigned in November. We thank them all for their valuable contribution over the years. Continuity was provided by Greg Fry and Warren Greenwood who remain on the Committee from previous years. Three new members joined the Committee in 2012: Peter Stewart, Matt Graham and Ashley Irvine.||
||An improvement to the Church's financial procedures this year was the introduction of on-line banking (EFT) with benefits to us and our payees. ||
||I acknowledge with thanks Matt's contribution to the development of a questionnaire to improve our employment procedures, Ashley's assistance to Heather with regard to MYOB procedures, and special thanks to Warren for preparing and presenting the 2013 budget to the Congregation meeting in November. Thanks also to Heather for doing the banking and cheque writing and associated MYOB data entry in addition to her many other duties, all achieved with a friendly smile, ever ready to help. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || During 2012 the Church's expenditure exceeded our income resulting in a decline in our cash reserves. Church Council needs to give careful consideration to this trend and make appropriate decisions to improve our financial situation.||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH Aqua)>>'''FISH Aqua'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || JudithGreenwood & WarrenGreenwood ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To provide pastoral care, friendship and fellowship to all who participate in the group ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Judith & Warren Greenwood ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 19 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 12-14 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || 8 times per year, usually Sunday evening meals. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Each others' homes. ||
||<|5:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Outstanding pastoral care. ||
||Great fellowship and friendship. ||
||Animated conversations on a wide variety of topics. ||
||And providing service at whole church meals, gatherings and events.||
||Support in many ways for each other. ||
||<|3:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || To build on the FISH communities||
||To support FISH communities||
||To recognise the work of the FISH community in Pastoral Care||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH Gold)>>'''FISH Gold'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || SueMorgan & DavidMorgan ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Sharing fellowship in each others' homes ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Convenors: Sue Morgan & Yan Emms ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 16 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 12 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Sunday lunch about 6 times per year ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Members' homes ||
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Organising the Book Sale in March. This raised money for the church funds, and enabled the group to work together on a task. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || None||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH Orange)>>'''FISH Orange'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || AnnetteWojak & MartinWojak ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || An environment in which to foster fellowship and support between group members, and to promote belonging and involvement in the wider community of the church. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Group Contact: Annette Wojak ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 30 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 15 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Sunday lunch or afternoon tea 4 or 5 times per year on dates determined by group members ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Members homes and local parks ||
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Relaxing and sharing with food in homes and the park, sharing in the growth of our children, and a particular highlight of sharing in the journey of members in mission work overseas. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || None.||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH Yellow)>>'''FISH Yellow'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || IanMcMillan ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Meet for fellowship and provide pastoral care to each other. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || IanMcMillan & Ann McMillan Coordinators ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 19 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 14 to 19 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Approcimately every 5-6 weeks. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Usually group members' homes. ||
||<|2:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Diana Coles nd Jenny Major joined our group.||
||Celebrated one milestone birthday. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || NIL||
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||<|14:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Music director: Deb Leigh || ||<|13:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Music director: Deb Leigh ||
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||Supper roster Max Thomson||
||Supper roster Max Thomson ||
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||<|3:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.||
||Singing at worship or other events in both GWUC and elsewhere twice a month, including GWUC worship on the second Sunday of each month (except January) alternating between 9:30am and 11:00am services.||
|| ||
||<|2:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.||
||Singing at worship or other events in both GWUC and elsewhere twice a month, including GWUC worship on the second Sunday of each month (except January) alternating between 9:30am and 11:00am services. ||
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||<|9:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || 1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley and beyond (Ashburton Uniting Church, Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church, Dingley-Heatherton Uniting Church).|| ||<|8:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || 1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley and beyond (Ashburton Uniting Church, Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church, Dingley-Heatherton Uniting Church).||
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||* Includes a donation from the Salford Park concert and half of the proceedings of a concert given jointly with John Atwell.||
||* Includes a donation from the Salford Park concert and half of the proceedings of a concert given jointly with John Atwell. ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Leisure Time)>>'''Leisure Time'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || MargaretFraser ||
||<|5:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || Leisure Time is a community outreach program of GWUC. It serves the aged and lonely members of the Glen Waverley community in an inclusive and caring way.||
||Leisure Time aims to:||
||o Enable those in its care to develop positive relationships with each other and their community;||
||o Deliver high quality services which promote human dignity;||
||o Liaise and cooperate with other community service agencies in developing accessible and relevant services. ||
||<|8:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Coordinator & Newsletter Ed.: Margaret Fraser||
||Secretary: Pam McDonald||
||Treasurer & Outings Coord: Cliff Baker||
||Other committee members:||
||Elwyn Pederson (Roster Sec.), Laurel Muir (Kitchen Coord.), Barbara Craig (Care Sec.), Jenny Robertson (Asst Treas.), Ross & Pat Vevers (Outings), Jeanette Coutts (Outings), Barbara Thompson (Outings), Alison Clarkson & Bev Richardson (Church Council reps.)||
||Non-committee office bearers:||
||Bobbie Rooks (transport coordinator)||
||Jane Adams (Police Check administrator) ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 25 guests on list during 2012, with aim of having 20 in attendance on any given Monday. 63 volunteers (mostly on monthly roster) ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || Attendance is 17-20 guests plus rostered volunteers (3-4 hosts, 3 kitchen helpers and 4-5 drivers) ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Every Monday, except public holidays and Christmas holidays, 10.30am-2pm ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Fellowship area, kitchen and Room 1. ||
||<|8:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • Continuing and growing positive relationships with and between guests. Many say it is the highlight of their week. Volunteers value the fellowship too.||
||• We have organised 5successful outings this year||
||• Opportunities for pastoral care with guests and their families and with some volunteers||
||• Success with two grant applications (Monash Community Grant to assist with outing costs, FAHSCIA Volunteer Grant to purchase equipment to assist volunteers)||
||• Promotion of Leisure Time widely in the local community, and with other aged support agencies, including participation at the Monash Seniors Expo in October and the Monash Interagency Network (local aged care agencies).||
||• Christmas break-up party is a special event on our calendar and for most guests, this is the only Christmas party they attend.||
||• Members of the committee who lead with enthusiasm and great commitment.||
||• The formation of the Community Hub Missional Group with a higher and more targeted support for the member groups including Leisure Time. ||
||<|6:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || • Encourage congregational members to assist as volunteers ||
||• Pray for continued wisdom in planning our programs, and for our guests.||
||• Support the volunteers and committee in their efforts for this weekly program||
||• In spite of an obvious community need, the age and medical status of our guests make maintaining optimum numbers on our guest list a constant challenge. We do rely on “word of mouth” and our positive reputation with local agencies to connect with seniors who would benefit from attending Leisure Time. ||
||NB. An annual report with more detail is prepared for the AGM in April and will be sent to Church Council following that meeting.||

Line 231: Line 487:
||<|16:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || New members: Max Rhodes, Frank Watson, Robert O'Brien, Keith Boundy|| ||<|14:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || New members: Max Rhodes, Frank Watson, Robert O'Brien, Keith Boundy||
Line 244: Line 500:
||Dec. - Break up. We forfeited the Kris Kringle event & instead each donated $5 towards Church funds.||
||Dec. - Break up. We forfeited the Kris Kringle event & instead each donated $5 towards Church funds. ||
Line 266: Line 520:
||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(MG Inclusive Community)>>'''MG Inclusive Community'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || JanClear ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To work with the Church Council’s Communications committee to review and improve communication within GWUC; to extend and improve welcoming procedures at all services and follow up; to develop and support small groups and activities within the congregation. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Jan Clear, Convenor ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 7+ (Sometimes members of the disbanded Pastoral Care committee attend our meetings.) ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 7+ ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Meetings are held about once a month. Times (during the day) and days are flexible. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Church building. ||
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Munch with a Bunch lunches at venues around Glen Waverley and morning teas at the Hub, Christmas Alight, morning teas after the 11am service, special Sunday lunches ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || Provide volunteers as needs arise.||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Ministry to Seniors)>>'''Ministry to Seniors'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || AlisonClarkson ||
||<|2:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To minister to senior members of GWUC in spiritual, pastoral, social and supportive ways, and to the wider community through links with retirement villages, hostels and nursing homes.||
||To support the aims of Inclusive Community ||
||<|2:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Coordinator:AlisonClarkson||
||Support group members:Jan Clear, Lois Hosking, Evan Laidlaw, Graham Lockhart, Elwyn Pederson, John Pooley. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || All senior members of GWUC congregation ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || Senior Services: 50-100. Seminars: 0-50, Devotions at aged care facilities and retirement villages: 6-30 ||
||<|3:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Senior services: Sundays at 2.30pm in March, June, August, November||
||Seminar: Saturday 9.30am – 3.30pm in May||
||Devotions external to GWUC: arious weekdays, monthly or 4-6 times per year. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Church, Fellowship area, kitchen, Room 1, Noreen Rodgers’ home, Retirement villages, hostels, nursing homes. ||
||<|6:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || ‘Life Matters’ Seminar on Saturday 19 May; Happy, healthy living strategies||
||Sessions on Keeping Healthy, Good Nutrition, Legal Issues, Community Services. 3 speakers from GWUC, 1 from outside.||
||Senior Services at 2.30pm on Sundays in March, June, August, November with Holy Communion; speakers from GWUC – Alison Clarkson, Rev Bill Morgan, Rev Brace Bateman, Rev Evan Laidlaw.||
||Afternoon tea after services a happy time of fellowship and sharing.||
||Display for Growing Generous Givers Sunday prepared by Jan Clear, acting ||
||Coordinator in my absence. ||
||<|3:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || Prayer support for Ministry to Seniors||
||Join roster for devotions at age care facilities||
||Attend Senior Services and Seminars||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Prayer Book & Chain)>>'''Prayer Book & Chain'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || BelindaClear ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To pray for people who want to be recorded in the prayer book and also prayed for by individuals. This may be because the person is in intensive care or facing a serious operation. ||
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Belinda Clear as chair of Elders ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || Everyone ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || No meetings ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || No meetings ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Contact by email or telephone. ||
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || The prayer chain had not been used for a number of years. When we talked about starting the prayer chain again, late in 2012, it was decided to have elders involved. The prayer chain has not been used yet but people recorded in the prayer book are prayed for at all services. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || ||

Line 275: Line 576:
||<|11:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • 4 Adequately attended “Spring Cleans”. Property & Manses in good condition.|| ||<|10:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • 4 Adequately attended “Spring Cleans”. Property & Manses in good condition.||
Line 284: Line 585:
||• (Negative highlight) Insurance Claim for serious injury of Congregational member who fell in the hall.||
||• (Negative highlight) Insurance Claim for serious injury of Congregational member who fell in the hall. ||
Line 290: Line 590:
||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(The Hub)>>'''The Hub'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || JudithGreenwood ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To connect with people in the community who come in to the church, and also people in our congregation, by being welcoming and offering hospitality ||
||<|3:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Judith Greenwood – Co-ordinator||
||Committee – Laurel Muir, Judy Fry, Lois Hosking. ||
||Rosemary Carter, Greg Fry. ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || 51 volunteers ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 25-30 ||
||<|1:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || As and when required ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Foyer and fellowship area (The Hub) ||
||<|12:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • SPECIAL MORNING TEAS AT THE HUB – These morning teas have been well attended, great atmosphere as people chat, and there is an increase in the number of people from the community attending regularly.||
||• Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea raised $500 for The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.||
||• Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea raised $726.85 for Cancer Council.||
||• Muffin Morning in August.||
||• Seniors’ Morning Tea in October.||
||• Christmas Morning Tea in December. ||
||• CONTINUING OUR RELATIONSHIP with the STAFF AT THE BODY SHOP at THE GLEN and their participation in some of our special morning teas.||
||• CONTINUED SUPPORT from MUDDINGS KINGSWAY BAKERY with special morning teas.||
||• Many people coming to The Hub to PRACTISE SPEAKING ENGLISH through conversation. These people are also LOOKING FOR COMPANY, FRIENDSHIP and A COMMUNITY TO BELONG TO. ||
||• People coming to The Hub FEELING A PART OF OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY. ||
||<|2:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || Continued support, prayer and participation.||
||Encourage others to volunteer to help for 2 hours a month.||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(UCAF)>>'''UCAF'''+~ ||
||<:>~-Contact-~ || DianaColes ||
||<|1:>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To enable members to share in Christ’s mission, meeting together for Fellowship, Service and Worship. ||
||<|6:> ~-Office bearers-~ || President:- Diana Coles||
||Past President:- Jacqui King||
||Vice President:- Barbara Thompson||
||Secretary:- Margaret Duncan ||
||Treasurer:- Norma Saxton||
||Committee:- Geraldine Fleming and Bernice Bennett ||
||<:> ~-Membership numbers-~ || Total About 63 ||
||<:> ~-Attendance-~ || 35 ||
||<|2:> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || 1st Tuesday of the month at 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 Noon for General Meeting.||
||Administration Meeting held in Vestry every 4th Tuesday from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon. ||
||<|1:> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Room 1, Fellowship Area and Kitchen for General Meeting. The Vestry for Admin. Meeting, and Sanctuary for AGM in December ||
||<|4:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Annual Luncheon help in May. Speaker was Mary Ward from the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.||
||The Cake Stall at the Church Fete||
||Rev. Barbara Higgins was our speaker in October and her topic was Women’s voices from ancient times. Barbara acted out the character of Hagar from the Old Testament.||
||Hagar was chosen because UCAF had made a donation to Hagar which is an organisation who works to restore the lives of women and children who have survived trafficking and severe human rights abuse. ||
||<|1:> ~-Any needs with which Church Council can assist-~ || No.||

Annual report for 2012

Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received.
Enquiries to DavidMorgan, Council Secretary

Adult Group
Asylum Seeker Support Group
Book Club
Broadcast Ministry
Careful Kitchen Crew
Church Council
Club 2012
Communications Committee
Community Outreach Group
Database team
Faith Development Missional Group
Fete Committee
Finance & Treasurer
FISH Orange
FISH Yellow
Free Spirit
Leisure Time
Meditation Group (SG)
Men's Fellowship
Messages in Song (Adult Band)
MG Inclusive Community
Ministry to Seniors
Prayer Book & Chain
The Hub


Adult Group


LynMcDonald & PamMcDonald

Purpose, Aims or Mission

Friendship & Fellowship

Office bearers

Glenys & Leighton Collins, Pam & Lyn McDonald

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Friday of the month except January, 8pm

Locations used by Group

GWUC room 1 and outside venues

Highlights of the year

All meetings were “special” in different ways. They included:

• Friendship and Fellowship shared at evening BBQ at Jells Park,

• Sunset Cruise to Williamtown and back,

• Yea day visit to Habitat for Humanity’s “Yea Heights Estate”, the town and Cheviot Tunnel,

• An evening of TV Games with the Youth & Young Adults,

• Celebration of Frontier Services by Alison Barr who shared on “location”,

• Sharing members individual ideas,

• Sport with Stuart Cormack,

• Hymns and the new Organ with Rev Dr Warren Bartlett and Jeff Willis,

• Listening to startling and hair raising stories of Missionary Aviation Fellowship,

• The shocking truth from Lorel Thomas of the “Australian Network to ban land mines and cluster munitions”,

• Friendship shared at the Annual Christmas Dinner, at Mulgrave Country Club.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Awareness that Group exists to share Friendship and Fellowship ‘outside’ of Sundays.


Asylum Seeker Support Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide assistance (material, financial or other as needed) which will assist the well-being of asylum seekers in our community.

Office bearers

Convenor: Robin Pope

Group rep on OEASSN: Heather Wilkins

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Informally during year; a formal annual gathering for review

Locations used by Group

In homes (meetings); wherever else as needed by individuals/groups

Highlights of the year

Through our association with the Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network of Hotham Mission ASP, we have been updated on the changing legislation regarding asylum seekers – most of it grim news. Robin has attended several advocacy sessions run by Hotham Mission ASP, which has itself undergone many changes with a tripling of staff and imminent relocation to larger premises.

We were successful in obtaining a $3000 portion of the GWUC fete proceeds which will go towards paying the rent on a 2-bed unit for an asylum seeker family in Heathmont. (They are supported by the Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network.)

As a member of the OEASSN, GWUC members also participated in the Whitehorse Community Chest by dropping leaflets and doorknocking for collection. As a result of the OEASSN participation nearly $8000 was granted (also contributing to the rent).

In September the choir Free Spirit gave a fund-raising concert at Blackburn Uniting, raising another $1500 for rent. We are grateful for their generous gift of their talents.

We have continued to support the Dandenong Asylum Seeker Centre run by David Spitteler, by making regular donations of good, used clothing, bedlinen and foodstuffs. These donations are cleared by a roster of committee members.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist





Purpose, Aims or Mission

Promote health and feloowship through badminton with members of the congregation and the community.

Office bearers

Ian McMillan, Onn Chin, Lynne Boyer.

Membership numbers



8 Monday and 10 Thursday

Meeting times & days

Mondays 8-10pm and Thursdays 8-10pm

Locations used by Group

Church hall

Highlights of the year

Through the church website, community members have come along to play.

Assisted with the Fete and the International Dinner.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Book Club


DonReid & BevReid

Purpose, Aims or Mission

Choose books to read and amicably criticise.

Office bearers

Don Reid & Bev Reid.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Wednesday of each month at 8pm.

Locations used by Group

Members’ homes

Highlights of the year

We welcomed two new members and have one regretable resignation.

A small gorup, we did assist in the Book Fair with pleasing results.

An odd book about a hat "A Fez of the Heart" was one of many we enjoyed reading.

An (anonymous) list of books we selet can be provided to interested readers.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Members are usually obtained by word of mouth. Assistance may be requested. Limited to 15 members by the numberof books provided.


Broadcast Ministry



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide a broadcast of selected worship services to selected locations and record and create DVD for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. To create and support an in home and hospital ministry.

Office bearers


Membership numbers



Meeting times & days

Ad hoc as required. Usually email and Skype

Locations used by Group

Homes & worship centre

Highlights of the year

• Beeac Broadcasts each month

• Beeac community coming to GWUC for the fete

• GWUC Community going to Beeac for the Two way broadcast

• The preparation of DVD’s for Beeac, Rokewood and Boort

• The continued interest in DVD’s from GWUC services, weddings, funerals and other special events.

• 6 detailed enquiries from other parishes looking to create a similar ministry

• Synod funding has expired. We still have $5,000 in Deferred Maintenance to replace data Projector.

We will expand the service recordings in 2013 to 11.00am worship and with the upgrade of the GWUC computer facilities and web site, provide Blog options so people can select from a number of recent services instead of just the last.

Expanding the ministry to seniors and home shut ins via the use of iPads.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Recognition that in all worship it maybe recorded, broadcast and/or podcast on web. An understanding of what this means to worship preparation.


Recognition that we have many friends in Beeac, Rokewood and Boort watching pour services

Expanding the ministry in 2013 to more services.


Careful Kitchen Crew



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To ensure GWUC's registration as a food premises is renewed annually by Monash City Council in order that GWUC can continue to undertake the many and varied food-related activities which are such a central part of our fellowship and service.

Office bearers

Supervisor: Yan Emms (Monash City Council liaison)

Coordinator: Kelli Benjamin

Secretary: Nicole Boyer

Training: Kelli Benjamin

Members: Margaret Fraser (Leisure Time)

Deb Graham (Young Families)

Lois Hosking (Seniors/Hub/UCAF)

Nicole Boyer (Youth)

Sarah Lorimer (Youth)

Doug Newberry

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Quarterly on the third Monday of the month

Locations used by Group

Room 1 or Room 2 & kitchen

Highlights of the year

CKC liaises with Monash City Council Environmental Health Officers regarding kitchen use and undertakes food handling compliance. This includes quarterly meetings, kitchen rosters, review and upgrading of our Food Safety Program, maintenance of records, being present at formal inspections of our premisCKC liaises with Monash City Council Environmental Health Officers regarding kitchen use and undertakes food handling compliance. This includes quarterly meetings, kitchen rosters, review and upgrading of our Food Safety Program, maintenance of records, being present at formal inspections of our premises and seeking advice as needed. The committee is very active and co-operative, and seeks to monitor compliance and maintain the high standard recognised by Monash Council in recent inspections.

Beginning of 2012 we bade farewell to Susan Stringer who was unable to continue with CKC due to a new full-time job opportunity. We thanked her for her contribution to the CKC over the years.

Throughout the year Lois Hosking with help from other members did a full stocktake and labelling of all crockery in the kitchen. Decisions were made regarding the appropriate or minimum amount required for general kitchen user groups and also the delegation of space in new overhead cupboards that have been put in place. Storage in Room 4 has been utilised for ‘excess’ kitchen items.

July saw the development by Kelli Benjamin of a “Food Safety’ pack/handouts for non-church kitchen users. This introduces and reinforces the food safety standards set by the CKC.

On 24th August 2012 Monash City Council conducted the annual food safety inspection of our premises. Once again the Church not only passed the inspection, but received another 5 star ‘Golden Plate Award’ for its exemplary compliance to the Food Safety Program. We scored 100/100. The CKC recognises the efforts of all kitchen users in helping us to achieve this award.

October saw the successful compliance to our FSP by all those involved in food handling at the annual fete. Though the fete was not visited by a council Food Safety Inspector, our own coordinators and contributors did a superb job of following all food safety guidelines. CKC representatives monitored and advised food handlers during the fete and completed food safety records for submission to Monash City Council after the event. All groups are reminded that:

1. when planning any church event involving the preparation or serving of food, someone must be responsible for compliance with food safety standards and the Kitchen Instructions (mounted on the kitchen wall). A single event checklist is provided to assist with this.

2. they should advise CKC of changes to their food-related activities so that we can review and adapt our Food Safety program and procedures as necessary.

3. when in doubt refer to our Food Safety Program (copy placed in the kitchen) or contact your CKC member.

4. we appreciate your efforts in maintaining good food safety standards. It is important to all of us.

GWUC’s food-related activities, both on and off-site, continue to expand and change. Our approved Food Safety Program must remain current and sufficient to demonstrate good practice.

es and seeking advice as needed.

At the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 we welcomed three new members (Doug, Nicole and Sarah) into the CKC. We also bade farewell to Bronwyn Lowe and Cynthia Chin and thank them for their contribution to CKC. In 2012, Kelli will takeover the role of Coordinator and Mike will represent Property Committee in CKC.

In September 2011, Kelli Benjamin conducted informal food safety training for interested members of the congregation. This was well received and forms part of the commitment to ongoing training as part of the Food Safety Program’s goals.

October saw the successful compliance to our FSP by all those involved in food handling at the annual fete. Though the fete was not visited by a council Food Safety Inspector, our own coordinators and contributors did a superb job of following all food safety guidelines. CKC representatives monitored and advised food handlers during the fete and completed food safety records for submission to Monash City Council after the event. All groups are reminded that:

1. when planning any church event involving the preparation or serving of food, someone must be responsible for compliance with food safety standards and the Kitchen Instructions (mounted on the kitchen wall). A single event checklist is provided to assist with this.

2. they should advise CKC of changes to their food-related activities so that we can review and adapt our Food Safety program and procedures as necessary.

3. when in doubt refer to our Food Safety Program (copy placed in the kitchen) or contact your CKC member.

4. we appreciate your efforts in maintaining good food safety standards. It is important to all of us.

On 7th December 2011Monash City Council conducted the annual food safety inspection of our premises. The Church not only passed the inspection with a score of 99% but received a 5 star ‘Golden Plate Award’ for its exemplary compliance to the Food Safety Program.

GWUC’s food-related activities, both on and off-site, continue to expand and change. Our approved Food Safety Program must remain current and sufficient to demonstrate good practice.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Church Council to assist CKC to reinforce the need for all groups who use the kitchen to nominate a representative who will be responsible for food safety planning for their own functions and who will liaise with the CKC.


Church Council



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world.(from UCA Constitution)

Office bearers

Chair: John Hurst

Deputy Chair: Dean Mann

Secretary: David Morgan

Deputy Secretary: Lynne Boyer

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Third Wednesday of each month.

Locations used by Group

Room 1.

Highlights of the year

For more comprehensive list, see the wiki page CouncilAnnualReport2012. Group names in parentheses refer to other group annual reports

Council – some membership changes: Warren Greenwood and Evan Laillaw resigned.

Growing Generous Givers: mini campaign held during October (Finance)

Ministry Team: Belinda Clear appointed to Childrens & Families ministry (Ministry)

Property: A new organ has been purchased and installed. The floor in room 3 has been replaced.

Communications: New sign for Kingsway has been installed. (Communications)

Office: Heather Hon has settled into the job, with Belnda Clear providing fill in.

Database: Uses of the database have expanded. (Database team)

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Club 2012



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide convivial company for people living alone

Office bearers

Joy Gray leader.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Sunday of each month at 12:30.

Locations used by Group

Fellowship area and kitchen

Highlights of the year

Every luncheon is a special time.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Communications Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The Glen Waverley Uniting Church Council has established a Communications Committee with the following responsibilities:

1. to oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;

2. to introduce new methods of communication as appropriate;

3. to facilitate the production of a church magazine (currently called NewView) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment);

4. to ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present;

5. to continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity;

6. to maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC;

7. to seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC;

8. to liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage;

9. to take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards);

10. to publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and

11. to encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC.

Office bearers

John Snare: Coordinators

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Monthly or bimonthly for two hours. Monday at 7:30.

Locations used by Group

Church Building - Room 2

Highlights of the year

Replacement of the Car Park Notice.

Preparation of social media policy and guidelines, and trial implementation of Church Facebook site.

Style Guide and supporting materials prepared for GWUC publications.

Photo release form made available on the GWUC wiki (Communications Committee page).

Procedures for uploading materials to the GWUC website and for external printing made available on the GWUC wiki (Communications Committee page).

Draft guidelines prepared for the use of the church foyer video display (to be confirmed when all features are fully functional).

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Community Outreach Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To support, encourage, and help facilitate outreach projects.

Office bearers

AndrewHosking, Co-ordinator

FayeMcDougall, Secretary

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

1st Thursday of Month (except January, 8:00pm

Locations used by Group

Homes of group members

Highlights of the year

As the not-so young but fresh Co-ordinator of the Congregation Outreach Group it is my pleasure to inform you that the group continues to oversee the many and varied outreach programmes of the church. Some of these programmes it has supported for a good length of time and it is heartening to continue to receive on your behalf the thanks, from various organisations, due to the members of GWUC.

A considerable amount of the groups time is spent on COP preparations (much of these preparations occurring under the capable past leadership of Lyn Mc Donald for the 2013 year)and it is my pleasure to confirm that the:

• COP Selection Panel has been appointed including KatieHunter who will continue and be joined by Andrew Wheatland and Alan Barnard in this role. They conferred recently to plan the opening date of Sunday 3rd March and closing date Monday 8th April’ for applications. All information is available on the Wiki or available at the office.

• A brief update on our outreach projects should include:

East Timor where Megan Lowe and AmePocklington are planning another trip for early February 2013 and they will be held in our prayers and we wish them safe travels.

Habitat For Humanity

On Saturday 24 November the Habitat For Humanity construction programme was successfully held at the new Yea village and 5 members of the congregation took part.

The Administration Manager for Habitat For Humanity Victoria- Mr Brian Finch –has informed us, via meetings with Lyn and myself, that the funds that the Group applied for from the church 2012 Fete, were ultimately not required for the purpose of purchasing a tool-trailer .

Because an external organization gifted Habitat with 2 such trailers Brian requested permission for the 2012 funds to be apportioned to Habitat For Humanity – instead for the new purpose of purchasing an Australian built ride on mower that can be used for maintaining the properties at the Yea village until they can each be assigned to families on the construction programmes. We stated on behalf of yourselves, the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, that we believed that this second purpose for the funds was closely aligned to the initial proposal and there for was a satisfactory alternative use for these funds.

The next work day for Habitat for Humanity will be held on the 15th December and the details will be available from the noticeboard or by email from me closer to the event.

Have you noticed our DVD’s regarding COP projects being displayed between services on the brilliant new Sony screen. These are designed to draw your attention to the notice boards to find out further information.

A Christmas Bowl video has been received in DVD format and will be made available. It can be borrowed if any of you feel that you would like to use this in your group meetings.

Hotham Mission Soiree is being held 30th November and you are all warmly invited to attend. Details are on the noticeboard and if you require transport feel free to see me after the meeting.

• David Morgan has organized notification on the Wiki now, that GWUC office has become a collection point for Music Instruments for the Refugees programme and these will assist Asylum seekers. Please see the Wiki for further details and the video links.

Distribution of this years tremendous tally of Fete funds occurred at the Combined Service on Sunday 2nd December at 10am. We managed to meet representatives from each recipient Organisation at the service and were visited by three external representatives.

Our Meetings:

Our meetings are always held on the first Thursday of the month, usually at the home of a group member, and you should all feel welcome to attend with us whenever you wish as we often receive visits from members informing us of their chosen forms of outreach.

These meetings are very informative and you may learn detailed information about GWUC Outreach Programmes if you join our rigorous Q and A sessions.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Prayer and continued communication to assist our productivity.


Database team



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To establish, maintain and manage the database that records the rolls to meet the requirements of GWUC

Office bearers


Membership numbers



As required

Meeting times & days

Ad hoc as required.

Locations used by Group

Ad hoc as required.

Highlights of the year

Continued maintenance of the data.

Use of the database to generate address lists for GGG.

Improvement of extraction processes.

Generation of the Photoboard, wiki personal home pages and "Group" pages from the database.

Improved generation of mailing lists.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

A willingness to support the task and the aims of the group.


Faith Development Missional Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To further develop and enhance the faith development opportunities for the

congregation and to empower people to follow their passions in the area of faith development

Office bearers

Jit Tan

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Eight tmes this year on Wednesdays

Locations used by Group

Members' homes.

Highlights of the year

Lenten studies based on individual reflection and in small groups sessions

Collaboration with South Camberwell Uniting Church in starting weekly on

Tuesday at 8pm a Chinese language bible study group.

Planning day in June called “The Day” with church wide participation.

WOMP board for church members to post their faith questions or statements

Discussion and engagement with the challenges of articulating the Faith

Development vision for the GGG campaign

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Council will need to approve for 2013 the following,

5th Sunday combined services will only be for Easter, Anniversary Sunday and First Sunday of Advent. The other 5th Sunday services will be held during the usual service times of 8am, 9.15am and 11.00am when Elders volunteer to conduct these services.


Fete Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Organise the infrastructure and facilitate the GWUC community to hold our annual fete which generates income to support various worthy projects separate to GWUC°Øs own °∞missional°± programs

Office bearers


Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Ad hoc from June to October. Group communication mainly through email.

Locations used by Group

Members house or GWUC

Highlights of the year

Fantastic attendance by our neighbours, wonderful weather during fete week and excellent results with $25,898.38 to support 7 projects.

Great fellowship and fun was apparent with many willing hands in response to our call for volunteers to set up and on fete day. More helpers at clean up post fete would be most appreciated.

Many Thanks to Faye Wagon for the artwork and printing of our fete posters, fete flyers and laminating the "thank- you" certificates.

A great Thank you to Ian McMillan for organising the distribution of the fete flyers.

It was wonderful to be given the opportunity to address the various services leading up to the fete as the needs are so fluid and the true urgency encourages people to finally put their names down to help with the fete.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

It would be good if various requests for the fete, in the weekly bulletin, can be extended beyond 2 weeks since the fete occurs soon after the school holidays and will be missed by families away for the holidays.

Any assistance to encourage fete volunteers to put their names down on the appropriate lists, rather than just turning up would make job allocation so much more effective.


Finance & Treasurer



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The Finance Committee is a permanent committee of the Church Council, charged with budgeting and managing our finances. It also has responsibility for oversight of church administration functions including the employment arrangements of staff.

Office bearers

Peter Stewart, convenor

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

7:30pm on Mondays, once a month, 9 days before Church Council meetings on 3rd Wednesday.

Locations used by Group

Church, usually Room 1 or 2 as available

Highlights of the year

Two members resigned from the Committee prior to the start of the year: David Jackson and Blair Feenaghty. Graeme Frecker resigned in November. We thank them all for their valuable contribution over the years. Continuity was provided by Greg Fry and Warren Greenwood who remain on the Committee from previous years. Three new members joined the Committee in 2012: Peter Stewart, Matt Graham and Ashley Irvine.

An improvement to the Church's financial procedures this year was the introduction of on-line banking (EFT) with benefits to us and our payees.

I acknowledge with thanks Matt's contribution to the development of a questionnaire to improve our employment procedures, Ashley's assistance to Heather with regard to MYOB procedures, and special thanks to Warren for preparing and presenting the 2013 budget to the Congregation meeting in November. Thanks also to Heather for doing the banking and cheque writing and associated MYOB data entry in addition to her many other duties, all achieved with a friendly smile, ever ready to help.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

During 2012 the Church's expenditure exceeded our income resulting in a decline in our cash reserves. Church Council needs to give careful consideration to this trend and make appropriate decisions to improve our financial situation.




JudithGreenwood & WarrenGreenwood

Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide pastoral care, friendship and fellowship to all who participate in the group

Office bearers

Judith & Warren Greenwood

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

8 times per year, usually Sunday evening meals.

Locations used by Group

Each others' homes.

Highlights of the year

Outstanding pastoral care.

Great fellowship and friendship.

Animated conversations on a wide variety of topics.

And providing service at whole church meals, gatherings and events.

Support in many ways for each other.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

To build on the FISH communities

To support FISH communities

To recognise the work of the FISH community in Pastoral Care




SueMorgan & DavidMorgan

Purpose, Aims or Mission

Sharing fellowship in each others' homes

Office bearers

Convenors: Sue Morgan & Yan Emms

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Sunday lunch about 6 times per year

Locations used by Group

Members' homes

Highlights of the year

Organising the Book Sale in March. This raised money for the church funds, and enabled the group to work together on a task.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



FISH Orange


AnnetteWojak & MartinWojak

Purpose, Aims or Mission

An environment in which to foster fellowship and support between group members, and to promote belonging and involvement in the wider community of the church.

Office bearers

Group Contact: Annette Wojak

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Sunday lunch or afternoon tea 4 or 5 times per year on dates determined by group members

Locations used by Group

Members homes and local parks

Highlights of the year

Relaxing and sharing with food in homes and the park, sharing in the growth of our children, and a particular highlight of sharing in the journey of members in mission work overseas.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



FISH Yellow



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Meet for fellowship and provide pastoral care to each other.

Office bearers

IanMcMillan & Ann McMillan Coordinators

Membership numbers



14 to 19

Meeting times & days

Approcimately every 5-6 weeks.

Locations used by Group

Usually group members' homes.

Highlights of the year

Diana Coles nd Jenny Major joined our group.

Celebrated one milestone birthday.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Free Spirit



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord!

Free Spirit is a group of people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of other congregations from time to time. Often in life it is the single star performer that attracts attention. Free Spirit shows that this is not always the case and that what a group can do working together is much better than just the sum of the parts (in our case only possible with the talent, dedication and love of music of Deb Leigh, our Musical Director).

Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $1 per week and this is used to buy music.

Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with GWUC guidelines.

Office bearers

Music director: Deb Leigh

Music selection and purchase: Deb Leigh

Liaison with ministerial team: Deb Leigh

Librarians: Jo Boldiston

Music borrowing: Lise Hales

Calendar/schedule: Jenny Abraham

Roll & performance record Robin Pope

Scarves and ties: Marj Snare

Prayer and care: Marj Snare

Treasurer: John Snare

Historian John Snare

Friends of Free Spirit Register John Snare

Supper roster Max Thomson

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.

Singing at worship or other events in both GWUC and elsewhere twice a month, including GWUC worship on the second Sunday of each month (except January) alternating between 9:30am and 11:00am services.

Locations used by Group

Practice is usually in the home of Russell Lang, and usually in the Church the week before an occasion when Free Spirit sings.

Highlights of the year

1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley and beyond (Ashburton Uniting Church, Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church, Dingley-Heatherton Uniting Church).

2. Participation in Anzac Day remembrance at Cumberland View retirement village in April.

3. Participation in the Ecumenical Choral Service hosted by the Holy Redeemer Church (East Oakleigh) in June

4. Participation in the combined choir for the GWUC anniversary in June.

5. Fundraising concerts in August and September for Habitat for Humanity and the Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project. (Approximately $2900 raised*.)

6. Presentation of concert in October at Salford Park retirement village.

7. Singing at the weddings of Tim Laub and Philippa Hillman in October and Debbie Davey and Tim Brewster in December

* Includes a donation from the Salford Park concert and half of the proceedings of a concert given jointly with John Atwell.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist





Purpose, Aims or Mission

A group for men (to enjoy simple weekly fellowship over coffee in an unstructured atmosphere, as and when they are able. Keener members also do a collective walk before coffee.

Office bearers

Membership Secretary: David Morgan

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Mondays at 10am.

Locations used by Group

Madeline’s Restaurant, Jells Park

Highlights of the year

Lots of sharing of humour, knowledge & wisdom.

Training the waitress to take the orders sequentially around the table.

Recuitment for other activities.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Leisure Time



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Leisure Time is a community outreach program of GWUC. It serves the aged and lonely members of the Glen Waverley community in an inclusive and caring way.

Leisure Time aims to:

o Enable those in its care to develop positive relationships with each other and their community;

o Deliver high quality services which promote human dignity;

o Liaise and cooperate with other community service agencies in developing accessible and relevant services.

Office bearers

Coordinator & Newsletter Ed.: Margaret Fraser

Secretary: Pam McDonald

Treasurer & Outings Coord: Cliff Baker

Other committee members:

Elwyn Pederson (Roster Sec.), Laurel Muir (Kitchen Coord.), Barbara Craig (Care Sec.), Jenny Robertson (Asst Treas.), Ross & Pat Vevers (Outings), Jeanette Coutts (Outings), Barbara Thompson (Outings), Alison Clarkson & Bev Richardson (Church Council reps.)

Non-committee office bearers:

Bobbie Rooks (transport coordinator)

Jane Adams (Police Check administrator)

Membership numbers

25 guests on list during 2012, with aim of having 20 in attendance on any given Monday. 63 volunteers (mostly on monthly roster)


Attendance is 17-20 guests plus rostered volunteers (3-4 hosts, 3 kitchen helpers and 4-5 drivers)

Meeting times & days

Every Monday, except public holidays and Christmas holidays, 10.30am-2pm

Locations used by Group

Fellowship area, kitchen and Room 1.

Highlights of the year

• Continuing and growing positive relationships with and between guests. Many say it is the highlight of their week. Volunteers value the fellowship too.

• We have organised 5successful outings this year

• Opportunities for pastoral care with guests and their families and with some volunteers

• Success with two grant applications (Monash Community Grant to assist with outing costs, FAHSCIA Volunteer Grant to purchase equipment to assist volunteers)

• Promotion of Leisure Time widely in the local community, and with other aged support agencies, including participation at the Monash Seniors Expo in October and the Monash Interagency Network (local aged care agencies).

• Christmas break-up party is a special event on our calendar and for most guests, this is the only Christmas party they attend.

• Members of the committee who lead with enthusiasm and great commitment.

• The formation of the Community Hub Missional Group with a higher and more targeted support for the member groups including Leisure Time.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• Encourage congregational members to assist as volunteers

• Pray for continued wisdom in planning our programs, and for our guests.

• Support the volunteers and committee in their efforts for this weekly program

• In spite of an obvious community need, the age and medical status of our guests make maintaining optimum numbers on our guest list a constant challenge. We do rely on “word of mouth” and our positive reputation with local agencies to connect with seniors who would benefit from attending Leisure Time.

NB. An annual report with more detail is prepared for the AGM in April and will be sent to Church Council following that meeting.


Meditation Group (SG)



Purpose, Aims or Mission

In a time of silence, to open one's whole being to the divine.

Office bearers

Bobbie Rooks

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Monday evening weekly

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

Sadly, through loss and illness our number has been depleted. We are in a process of growig our number. People of any religious denomination, or none, are most welcome

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Men's Fellowship



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To foster Christian Fellowship

Office bearers

Chairman & Treasurer: Malcolm Chamberlain

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

2pm, First Tuesday of the month.

Locations used by Group

Room 1

Highlights of the year

New members: Max Rhodes, Frank Watson, Robert O'Brien, Keith Boundy

Deaths during the year: Peter Barr, Lou Joseph.

Donation of $200 from profits and onations to the Organ Fund.

Feb. - Bill Morgan - Reflections on Ministry

Mar. - Wanda Egerton -Vision Australia

Apr. - No meeting due to jenny Philpott's funeral

May. - David Fraser - When overseas travel goes bad.

Jun. - Graeme Frecker - Who do you think you are?

Jul. - Clem Dickenson - Clem's Ministry

Aug. - Peter Newton-Ryder - Cheshire Foundation

Sep. - Don & Helen Bartlett - Malawi: the warm heart of Africa

Oct. Warren Bartlett - His ministry life

Nov. - No meeting due to Cup Day

Dec. - Break up. We forfeited the Kris Kringle event & instead each donated $5 towards Church funds.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Messages in Song (Adult Band)



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide contemporary, musical input to the 9.30 (9.15 in 2012) worship service

Office bearers

Dean Mann - coordinator with Michael Stringer

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Practice: (7.30 – 8.30) 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.

Worship: 9.15 each Sunday

Locations used by Group

Practice: Room 3

Worship: Chapel

Highlights of the year

• Dean Mann’s leadership

• Contributions by talented musicians and singers each and every Sunday

• Peter Martine on drums

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Sound check by volunteer sound mixer before service.


MG Inclusive Community



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To work with the Church Council’s Communications committee to review and improve communication within GWUC; to extend and improve welcoming procedures at all services and follow up; to develop and support small groups and activities within the congregation.

Office bearers

Jan Clear, Convenor

Membership numbers

7+ (Sometimes members of the disbanded Pastoral Care committee attend our meetings.)



Meeting times & days

Meetings are held about once a month. Times (during the day) and days are flexible.

Locations used by Group

Church building.

Highlights of the year

Munch with a Bunch lunches at venues around Glen Waverley and morning teas at the Hub, Christmas Alight, morning teas after the 11am service, special Sunday lunches

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Provide volunteers as needs arise.


Ministry to Seniors



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To minister to senior members of GWUC in spiritual, pastoral, social and supportive ways, and to the wider community through links with retirement villages, hostels and nursing homes.

To support the aims of Inclusive Community

Office bearers


Support group members:Jan Clear, Lois Hosking, Evan Laidlaw, Graham Lockhart, Elwyn Pederson, John Pooley.

Membership numbers

All senior members of GWUC congregation


Senior Services: 50-100. Seminars: 0-50, Devotions at aged care facilities and retirement villages: 6-30

Meeting times & days

Senior services: Sundays at 2.30pm in March, June, August, November

Seminar: Saturday 9.30am – 3.30pm in May

Devotions external to GWUC: arious weekdays, monthly or 4-6 times per year.

Locations used by Group

Church, Fellowship area, kitchen, Room 1, Noreen Rodgers’ home, Retirement villages, hostels, nursing homes.

Highlights of the year

‘Life Matters’ Seminar on Saturday 19 May; Happy, healthy living strategies

Sessions on Keeping Healthy, Good Nutrition, Legal Issues, Community Services. 3 speakers from GWUC, 1 from outside.

Senior Services at 2.30pm on Sundays in March, June, August, November with Holy Communion; speakers from GWUC – Alison Clarkson, Rev Bill Morgan, Rev Brace Bateman, Rev Evan Laidlaw.

Afternoon tea after services a happy time of fellowship and sharing.

Display for Growing Generous Givers Sunday prepared by Jan Clear, acting

Coordinator in my absence.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Prayer support for Ministry to Seniors

Join roster for devotions at age care facilities

Attend Senior Services and Seminars


Prayer Book & Chain



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To pray for people who want to be recorded in the prayer book and also prayed for by individuals. This may be because the person is in intensive care or facing a serious operation.

Office bearers

Belinda Clear as chair of Elders

Membership numbers



No meetings

Meeting times & days

No meetings

Locations used by Group

Contact by email or telephone.

Highlights of the year

The prayer chain had not been used for a number of years. When we talked about starting the prayer chain again, late in 2012, it was decided to have elders involved. The prayer chain has not been used yet but people recorded in the prayer book are prayed for at all services.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist





Purpose, Aims or Mission

To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.

To generate income from the property in a manner that is consistent with the UCA and GWUC philosophies.

Office bearers

Chairperson: Warren Greenwood

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

1st Monday of every month – 7.45pm

Locations used by Group

Where-ever allocated

Highlights of the year

• 4 Adequately attended “Spring Cleans”. Property & Manses in good condition.

• Completed replacement of Room 3 and Hallway vinyl.

• Installation of new external signage due for completion December 2012.

• Chinese Church is our Key Renter, paying $12,000+ annually, lost major tenant of $5,000+ (Zumba) due to reduced interest in the product.

• Careful Kitchen Crew passing all Monash Council Food Safety inspections and being awarded highest level of compliance.

• Expenditure In line with Budget.

• (Negative highlight) Increased Insurance and services charges (10%)

• (Negative highlight) Retirement of Tim Laub

• (Negative highlight) Insurance Claim for stolen Broadcast cameras and Computer

• (Negative highlight) Insurance Claim for serious injury of Congregational member who fell in the hall.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• Continued and ongoing support.

• More Cleaning Volunteers – we may be forced to pay for cleaning.


The Hub



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To connect with people in the community who come in to the church, and also people in our congregation, by being welcoming and offering hospitality

Office bearers

Judith Greenwood – Co-ordinator

Committee – Laurel Muir, Judy Fry, Lois Hosking.

Rosemary Carter, Greg Fry.

Membership numbers

51 volunteers



Meeting times & days

As and when required

Locations used by Group

Foyer and fellowship area (The Hub)

Highlights of the year

• SPECIAL MORNING TEAS AT THE HUB – These morning teas have been well attended, great atmosphere as people chat, and there is an increase in the number of people from the community attending regularly.

• Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea raised $500 for The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

• Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea raised $726.85 for Cancer Council.

• Muffin Morning in August.

• Seniors’ Morning Tea in October.

• Christmas Morning Tea in December.


• CONTINUING OUR RELATIONSHIP with the STAFF AT THE BODY SHOP at THE GLEN and their participation in some of our special morning teas.

• CONTINUED SUPPORT from MUDDINGS KINGSWAY BAKERY with special morning teas.

• Many people coming to The Hub to PRACTISE SPEAKING ENGLISH through conversation. These people are also LOOKING FOR COMPANY, FRIENDSHIP and A COMMUNITY TO BELONG TO.



Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Continued support, prayer and participation.

Encourage others to volunteer to help for 2 hours a month.





Purpose, Aims or Mission

To enable members to share in Christ’s mission, meeting together for Fellowship, Service and Worship.

Office bearers

President:- Diana Coles

Past President:- Jacqui King

Vice President:- Barbara Thompson

Secretary:- Margaret Duncan

Treasurer:- Norma Saxton

Committee:- Geraldine Fleming and Bernice Bennett

Membership numbers

Total About 63



Meeting times & days

1st Tuesday of the month at 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 Noon for General Meeting.

Administration Meeting held in Vestry every 4th Tuesday from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon.

Locations used by Group

Room 1, Fellowship Area and Kitchen for General Meeting. The Vestry for Admin. Meeting, and Sanctuary for AGM in December

Highlights of the year

Annual Luncheon help in May. Speaker was Mary Ward from the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.

The Cake Stall at the Church Fete

Rev. Barbara Higgins was our speaker in October and her topic was Women’s voices from ancient times. Barbara acted out the character of Hagar from the Old Testament.

Hagar was chosen because UCAF had made a donation to Hagar which is an organisation who works to restore the lives of women and children who have survived trafficking and severe human rights abuse.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


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AnnualReport2012 (last edited 2013-12-09 05:55:32 by DavidMorgan)