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== Annual report for 2011 ==
Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received.

[[#Broadcast Ministry | Broadcast Ministry]] <<BR>>
[[#Church Council | Church Council]] <<BR>>
[[#Database team | Database team]] <<BR>>
[[#GWUC Playgroups | GWUC Playgroups]] <<BR>>
|| ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Broadcast Ministry)>>'''Broadcast Ministry'''+~ ||
|| ~-Contact-~ || ||
||<|1>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To provide a broadcast of selected worship services to selected locations and record and create DVD for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. ||
||<|1> ~-Office bearers-~ || None ||
|| ~-Membership numbers-~ || 6 ||
|| ~-Attendance-~ || ||
||<|1> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Ad hoc as required ||
||<|1> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Homes ||
||<|6> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • Beeac Broadcasts each month||
||• The preparation of DVD’s for Beeac and Boort||
||• The continued interest in DVD’s from GWUC services and special events.||
||• The youth beginning to use the facilities for recording evening worship.||
||• Negative note: The theft of the Laptop, screen and one of 3 cameras in November – UVA Insurances have paid full replacement value less $500 excess. This will be used, in conjunction with remaining amounts of Synod project funds to upgrade the facilities for future growth.||
||• We are looking to expand the service recordings in 2012 to 11.00am worship and with the upgrade of the GWUC computer facilities and web site, provide Blog options so people can select from a number of recent services instead of just the last. ||
||<|1> ~-Any needs that Church Council can assist-~ || None at this stage.||

|| ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Church Council)>>'''Church Council'''+~ ||
|| ~-Contact-~ || John Hurst ||
||<|1>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world.(from UCA Constitution) ||
||<|4> ~-Office bearers-~ || Chair: John Hurst||
||Deputy Chair: Dean Mann||
||Secretary: David Morgan||
||Deputy Secretary: Lynne Boyer ||
|| ~-Membership numbers-~ || 26 ||
|| ~-Attendance-~ || 16 ||
||<|1> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Third Wednesday of each month. ||
||<|1> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Room 1. ||
||<|10> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || For more comprehensive list, see the wiki page CouncilAnnualReport2011. Group names in parentheses refer to other group annual reports||
||Council – some membership changes: Beverly McGlead stood down as Deputy Chair, replaced by Dean Mann||
||Growing Generous Givers: mini campaign held during October (Finance)||
||Ministry Team: Ineke Gyles retired (Jan), Rosemary Carter arrived (Feb); Debbie Davey stood down as Children and Families, suppy by Belinda Clear (Ministry)||
||Worship: experiment with new creative worship at 9:30 has proved worthwhile and is to be continued (Faith Development)||
||Communications: continue with a number of new innovations (Communications)||
||Property: leasing to Box Hill Chinese Christian Church commenced (Property)||
||On The Way Together: under review||
||Office: Wendy Wyatt completed her contract, replaced by Heather Hon under a new position description.||
||Database: audit has been completed. Operational, and now used to support a variety of church information management functions. We have 887 confirmed members on the roll. (Database) ||
||<|1> ~-Any needs that Church Council can assist-~ || ||

|| ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Database team)>>'''Database team'''+~ ||
|| ~-Contact-~ || ||
||<|1>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To establish, maintain and manage the database that records the rolls to meet the requirements of GWUC ||
||<|1> ~-Office bearers-~ || None ||
|| ~-Membership numbers-~ || 8 ||
|| ~-Attendance-~ || As required ||
||<|1> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Ad hoc as required. ||
||<|1> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Ad hoc as required. ||
||<|6> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || • Establishment of a database protocol and associated rules and processes (ongoing)||
||• Complete update of the entire database, including information correction and contact with as many GWUC families as possible.||
||• Improved communication opportunities||
||• Improved data accuracy||
||• Automated email processes||
||More to be done – but a great start. ||
||<|3> ~-Any needs that Church Council can assist-~ || • A willingness to support the task and the aims of the group||
||• A commitment to communicating with our congregation better||
||• Support and funding to maintain the system in a professional manner.||

|| ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(GWUC Playgroups)>>'''GWUC Playgroups'''+~ ||
|| ~-Contact-~ || Kaye Mackinnon ||
||<|1>~-Purpose, Aims or Mission-~ || To participate in the Outreach Mission of the Church by facilitating playgroups which aim to provide a welcoming, supportive, happy and safe community for mothers (or other carers) and their young children. ||
||<|5> ~-Office bearers-~ || Support team:||
||Helen Boucher, Kimberly Easton, Pam Graham, Joy Jackson, Kaye Mackinnon(coordinator), Bev Richardson||
||Gael O’Brien, Nancy Burns 2, Judith Mance, Joy Wahner, Angel Shea||
||(all the above are GWUC members) . ||
|| ~-Membership numbers-~ || Total families: 47 Total children: 64 ||
|| ~-Attendance-~ || Children: 14 – 18 Mothers/carers: 10 – 12 Total participants each day: 24 - 30 ||
||<|2> ~-Meeting times & days-~ || Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday||
||10 am – 12 noon ||
||<|1> ~-Locations used by Group-~ || Rooms 2 & 3 and playground. ||
||<|12> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || o We have full (in fact over) enrolment in all three groups, and a substantial waiting list||
||o In each group we have established a shared morning tea time, age appropriate art and craft activities and nursery rhyme singing time in every session||
||o Close cooperation with The Hub has been very beneficial||
||o Continued encouragement and practical support from the Outreach Missional Group and the Property Committee has been appreciated||
||o There has been ever increasing cultural diversity of playgroup membership. We now have about 10 South Korean families as we as families from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, China, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia||
||o There has been interest from playgroup mothers in the activities of GWUC, particularly 4.30 Family Worship||
||o Support and visits from the Ministry Team have been appreciated||
||o Grace is sung before morning tea at each session||
||o Birthdays have been celebrated with food from diverse cultures!||
||o Christmas parties with visits from 3 GWUC gentlemen as Santas were a great success||
||o Many mothers are very recently arrived in Australia without extended family or friends and have no support or company except their husbands.||
||o Enrolments come by word of mouth, through The Hub and the majority, via the GWUC website. A number of families enquire for places before even arriving in Australia! ||
||<|3> ~-Any needs that Church Council can assist-~ || • A comment: with about 60 - 70 of us using room 3 each week, despite our care, Room 3 is suffering wear and tear and looking very shabby.||
||• Playgroups appreciate being acknowledged as an intentional and significant part of GWUC’s mission to the wider Glen Waverley Community.||
||• Note: Playgroups continue to be financially self supporting.||

AnnualReport2011 (last edited 2013-12-09 06:11:29 by DavidMorgan)